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when will people learn?


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Dumbass kids. 1 posts pics of pellet guns & says he's ready for school. Cops arrest him. I can understand why in this day & age the cops would want to question him...could be viewed as a threat. The other kid posted a generic pic of a gun he found online and said he loves revolvers. He was also picked up by police...that one makes no sense to me...other than the fact that he goes to the same school as the first kid. Seriously, though, you'd think people would've figured out by now that the cops find (or are tipped off to) "evidence of wrongdoing" that gets posted on the internet and then they assume the worst and react the only way they know how...which usually involves a complimentary fitting with chrome bracelets. Sometimes it seems as though they use the same level of common sense during their "investigation" as the "perpetrator" used in posting the incriminating picture or video online...which if you think about it is actually quite fitting. Sucks for the taxpayers who end up paying the bill for all of the stupidity...


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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That's one of our problems. Our 7 year old goes shooting with us and the chief of police in our town. So try to explain to a 7 year old that its wrong to talk about his 22 cricket with his friend at school. Here son its your Constitutional wright to have a weapon and freedom of speech but if you do either your marked for the rest of you life.

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A kid walked onto CCSU a couple days after Halloween wearing his "halloween costume" and they had everybody and their brother there well once they realized what happened they told him dont come back for a couple days so what do you thinking the kid does the next day....comes back and get arrested again...he thought he could do it because his father was a professor there. The last week some Asian guy walk around a Shop rite parking lot next to UNH. Just walking around with a gun in his hand so someone called and the state police got him after 4 hours and found i think 2 more pistols in his car and a AR15 then 2,000 rounds of ammo at his house. Seems like there are idiots every week doing something stupid. Maybe it was happening before and the media didn't report it like thy do now but.


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In FFA we held "shotgun shoots" at the high school after FFA meetings.

I remember driving my dad's pickup to school with a 30-30 mounted in the rear window. Several of us did this during deer season so we could hunt after school. Times have changed.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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That's one of our problems. Our 7 year old goes shooting with us and the chief of police in our town. So try to explain to a 7 year old that its wrong to talk about his 22 cricket with his friend at school. Here son its your Constitutional wright to have a weapon and freedom of speech but if you do either your marked for the rest of you life.

We have people in power who dislike anything that they consider a threat to their power base. . . be it guns, God or just the ability to think and do for you self. Parents who want the government and schools to raise their children and a nice Senator named Pelosi who thinks children and adults should be under government and U.N. control from cradle to grave.

We have an other nice lady in the Senate named Feinstein who wants to ban guns "that look scary" and a Government that brands combat veterans as potential "home grown terrorists" because of as Schumwhore and Ried put it "They admit to being are threats when they ask for help from the V.A."

1st question I was asked by the V.A. when I went to apply for Agent Orange testing was do you currently own any weapons. Over 150,000 vets that answered yes have lost their right to own weapons and are on the Terrorist Watch List.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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So a guy was carrying a gun in a shop rite parking lot, whats against the law about that? and why did they even search his vehicle or home, who cares what he had, he wasn't breaking any laws was he? just walking around with a gun is not a crime, at least not in most states. I carry a gun almost constantly, I have a valid carry permit so I carry loaded and most times concealed to keep annoying liberal asswipes from making my life any more annoying by asking me why I carry a gun. I ask this,"do you have a spare tire in your car? they say "well yes but its not a gun" I say" are you planning to have a flat tire today" they say "no but if I do I have a spare" I say " Im not planning on being robbed or assaulted but I have a weapon to defend myself and my property if I am" I get awefully annoyed by all this anti gun crap, why is it such a bad thing? the towns and states with the highest gun ownership per capita and open carry laws have the lowest crime rate! huh, I wonder why that is? I just don't think they even comprehend the fact that I someone is willing to commit a capitol offense such as murder a lesser offense carrying a weapon illegally wont bother them in the least. I actually boycott any place of business that has no guns allowed posted, I will not support their business and if they cant see the stupidity in telling those that would do harm to others that they don't have anyone inside to defend themselves, fuck em.

I second that. My wife and both carry. I like the flat scenario.

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Another genius...

A Miami man accused of fatally shooting his wife and posting a photo of her corpse on Facebook has been charged with first-degree murder.


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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They found the kid on a state collage campus with two hand guns then search his car and found several loaded clips and a AR15 assault rifle then went to fairfeild conn. where they found his bed room door with pad lock on it .The parents didnt no why it was lock an then found literature about other shooting in the U.S.A. and 2000rounds of ammo ma by it was a blessing .


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The white house thru the EPA don't like oil or coal and now have closed the last lead smother in the USA.Any thing to break the American way of living.

Natural gas is now on the hit list by the White House, the EPA and media as worse than oil and coal. Maybe they should all look around them and find one item that doesn't use a fossil fuel in it's manufacture, transport or chemical make up.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Never shot a gun in my life until I went into the Marine Corps in 1977. Had not shot one since I got out in 1981. I now have a TN concealed carry permit and a semi-automatic hand gun, will have a 12 gauge shotgun and a hunting rifle by spring. This arrogant incompetent jerk and his equally inept administration can't get put out of office fast enough. Not a hunter, but agree with all manner of hunting and am now a member of the NRA. If you don't exercise and fight for your rights these elitist a-holes will take them from you!

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A shop Rite parking lot is a college campus? neat campus.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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Check this crime list out, use the small arrows at the top of each column to rank in descending order and look at the cities, use, Murder, rape, robbery and burglary, the violent crime statistics are complete b.s. they use the individual departments definitions of violent crime and not a unified set of criteria so one cities violent crime may not be in another, also some departments report violent crimes separately from rape, murder and assaul and others include them so that list is just way off. However the numbers of murders, robberies and burglaries should be pretty solid since they are reported individually tot he fbi and other agencies.


it shouldn't surprise anyone to see Washington show up in the top 20 or so on several of those lists, amazingly Chicago, a gun free city in a gun free state seems to pop up an awful lot.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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So a guy was carrying a gun in a shop rite parking lot, whats against the law about that? and why did they even search his vehicle or home, who cares what he had, he wasn't breaking any laws was he? just walking around with a gun is not a crime, at least not in most states. I carry a gun almost constantly, I have a valid carry permit so I carry loaded and most times concealed to keep annoying liberal asswipes from making my life any more annoying by asking me why I carry a gun. I ask this,"do you have a spare tire in your car? they say "well yes but its not a gun" I say" are you planning to have a flat tire today" they say "no but if I do I have a spare" I say " Im not planning on being robbed or assaulted but I have a weapon to defend myself and my property if I am" I get awefully annoyed by all this anti gun crap, why is it such a bad thing? the towns and states with the highest gun ownership per capita and open carry laws have the lowest crime rate! huh, I wonder why that is? I just don't think they even comprehend the fact that I someone is willing to commit a capitol offense such as murder a lesser offense carrying a weapon illegally wont bother them in the least. I actually boycott any place of business that has no guns allowed posted, I will not support their business and if they cant see the stupidity in telling those that would do harm to others that they don't have anyone inside to defend themselves, fuck em.

CSX allows you to carry at work?

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heres the article for the 1 stupid kid and the other just had an over reaction:http://www.wtnh.com/news/fairfield-cty/disturbing-images-on-middle-schoolers-instagram-account-causes-investigation

some more digging into the shoprite case reveals he got out of his car with a rifle and started to walk towards the UNH campus, once police confronted him they found newspaper clipping of mass killings which led them to search his vehicle and his house where they found more. He wasn't doing anything illegal because in Ct your able to walk around with a rifle. He ended up being charged with illegal transport of an assault weapon, illegal possession of a weapon in a motor vehicle, and breach of peace. http://www.wtnh.com/news/new-haven-cty/looking-for-answers-after-unh-alert


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this should be pretty clear,

Chicago IL- no handgun ownership or carry =18.5 murders per 100,000

Washington D.C.-no handgun carry or ownership =13.9 per 100,000

Oakland CA- must prove a need to carry =31.8 per 100,000

Stockton CA- must prove a need to carry =23.7 per 100,000

Houston TX- permit to carry = 10 per 100,000

Nashville TN- permit to carry = 10 per 100,000

las Vegas NV- open carry = 5 per 100,000

seems for big cities its a pretty good chunk safer to cbe allowed to legally carry a gun to me, and I didn't even get into the population of said cities

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"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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I rent machinery and run a carwash. Friday after a long day I pull into the car wash and theres a black Lincoln with a Nigerian and another in the back seat and some fat mouthy 25 yr old white boy in the front seat and they are proceeding the beat the shit out of my coinbox because they were too fuckin stupid and got a worthless Canadian quarter stuck in it. I pull up and tell them to knock it off, go to open the box and the fucker gets in my face, tells me not to touch him, he will have me arrested,that I have no clue who im messin with. then fat fuck white boy gets out and in my face, meanwhile there is someone else in the backseat I cant see. I am a hotheaded redneck but I know when to kiss as and tuck tale and run when im outnumbered especially since they might have been up to no good. got me thinkin about going to get my pistol permit and one to carry. gone are the days of stickin up for yourself and business, never know what some worthless fucker has hidden under their coat and up to no good. probably should have called the troopers right away but by the time they got done harassing someone for some bs ticket I probably would have been dead on the floor

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They don't need to look here, they already know who the carry permit holders are.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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