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O'Reilly callin out Sharpton


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LOL, we all see the true story. Now, give it until tomorrow then we'll see that the liberal media (I.E. Every news channel other than Fox) makes O'Reilly out to be the bad person, while they're all too narrow minded to realize that Sharpton hates white people. Then all these other sheep will follow and miss the big picture. In the end, when the mean, mean white guy bashes the ever-so-innocent REVEREND (LOL) Sharpton, he is, in the end, deemed a racist. Welcome to America.

On a side note, I probably shouldn't have read this. I'm too drunk for politics...

cats ko I do suma my best drunk when I'm work


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The way they use the race card in politics really chafes me. It's hard to believe these people of power are so low that they have to pull the race card out because they have no valid points to throw at their opposers. I don't disagree with Obama, Sharpton or Jackson because they are black, that's honestly the last reason. I don't give a shit if they were green. I just don't like their views. If you have to label me, and millions of other people as "racists" for the sole fact that you don't see eye to eye on your views, then I see you as straight out pathetic. If they still feel the need to play the victim card because of the situation that their ancestors were in (slavery; which I totally believe was wrong) they need to realize; A.) The white people didn't capture them. Other blacks captured them and sold them to whites. B.) If they think it's so bad here, I really don't think many people would care if they went back to whatever African village they came from. If Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson wished to go back, I'd buy their plane tickets. Guess that makes me a racist.

End Rant.

Being in the process of getting your CDL's is like sitting on death row...

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Happened years ago in Newburgh, NY. Young black girl said she was kidnapped and thrown into a plastic bag of feces.

Turns out the lying little shit just skipped school. Our boy, Rev. Al made his debut at a protest and in his blow hard style DEFAMED A GOOD COP. Mans life was ruined. He eventually killed himself.

Would love to go to a rally where Big Al is speaking and hold up a sign saying tawana Brawley.

Be interesting to see how long before his "security" takes the sign away

That's my Readers Digest version

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Happened years ago in Newburgh, NY. Young black girl said she was kidnapped and thrown into a plastic bag of feces.

Turns out the lying little shit just skipped school. Our boy, Rev. Al made his debut at a protest and in his blow hard style DEFAMED A GOOD COP. Mans life was ruined. He eventually killed himself.

Would love to go to a rally where Big Al is speaking and hold up a sign saying tawana Brawley.

Be interesting to see how long before his "security" takes the sign away

That's my Readers Digest version

I believe it. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess the cop was white?

Take the sign away? Psssh.... you'll get shot and get designated a "racist" on the Communist News Network.

That's the funny thing. As soon as you oppose them, you're a racist and a horrible person. They fail to realize all the wrong they have done. Granted we ALL make mistakes, and will continue to make mistakes, a lot of people own up to their wrong-doings. I know I do. But Sharpton carries himself above being able to do wrong. If you would go hold that sign, he and a lot of his followers, would know that you practically have him "dead to rights," so to speak. Therefore, they have to do whatever they can to take the negative attention away from them and onto you. All he has to say is something about you being in the wrong, then all of his sheep will follow him into believing that YOU are the wrong one. It's pathetic to see how narrow minded the general public is. When it comes to politics, we're our own worst enemy. People fail to sit back and think about what's really happening. They just sit around and believe whatever they are told, or follow the views of their favorite celebrity. That shit scares me.

Being in the process of getting your CDL's is like sitting on death row...

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