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I will try and condense this as much as possible! We have an 2008 GU713 with the MP7 engine. It started off by not completing a regen. Took it to the local Mack Dealer and they replaced the DPF filter, Catalyst, 7th Injector and various sensors ($7500). Truck completed regen cycle at the dealership put it back to work and it regened about 3 times and then failed again. Took it back to the shop and they cleaned the DPF filter changed the sensors that were melted from the excessive heat during regen and and claimed the heat and soot buildup was being caused by bad injectors and cups. Replaced them and they said the turbo wasn't providing enough oxygen to keep the system clean so they replaced the turbo. Had the EGR cooler cleaned and more senders and sensors ($14,400). Truck ran 1500 miles and the same crap again! the truck will start blowing white smoke when driving trying to do a passive regen. We will park and hit the regen switch and it will smoke a while then clear up. About 15 mins into the regen the CEL light will come for a couple of minutes and then go out and regen will finish. But it is not completing it properly because it tries to do it again in another 30-40 miles until it derates and shuts down. The code it throws is 128 47 1 which is faulty 7th injector but they claim it is working. The picture is during a regen before they changed the injectors something is not right! I have spent $20K on this thing in the last 5 weeks and it still will not run. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Take it to a different Mack dealer, those guys are guessing. So many questions.

Why was the DPF replaced in the first place? Cracked? Melted? Upselling?

Its going to come down to the first failure and a tech that knows whats going on. All the parts that were replaced or "cleaned" after the first failure were complete guesses.

Without a techtool (computer) it will be hard to figure out. With a techtool it shouldnt be hard to figure out.

Maybe the 7th injector was plugged or bad originally. Maybe the new 7th injector is flowing way to much fuel into the system which could have caused the melted sensors. 7th injectors can be flow tested. How could they tell you the 7th injector is fine but its throwing an active code? New parts come bad out of the box.

Whats the regen temp?

Whats the flow on the 7th injector?

If I was working on this, I would forgot everything they said and start from the beginning. Flow test the 7th injector.

There were some bad "out of the box " 7th injectors out there, The dealer should have caught it as there was a notice about checking the date code/serial number on one befor you install it. A sticking EGR valve will cause the DPF to fill up to fast and well as the EGR Diff sensor being bad and telling the EGR to stay open to much. We are also seeing DPF diff sensors giving false reading and telling the ECM that the DPF is full.

Thanks for your replies. I know this is a difficult one. They have put 3 7th injectors in the last 5 weeks and still have the same issue. When it starts blowing white and blue smoke when it is trying to do a passive regen that has to be caused by the Seventh injector doesn't it?

I agree with you Challenger they are just guessing at my expense. All of the Mack dealers around me are owned by the same people so that is not an option. The first filter was changed because it was melted. They replaced it and a new 7th injector. Truck ran about 3000 miles regened 8-10 times and then failed. Filter was melted again they replaced it and the 7th injector again. This time it only ran 1500-2000 miles when it quit regening. That is when they cleaned everything and blamed it on the engine injectors and turbo. This time it lasted 1000 miles and I am getting the 128 47 1 code after it tries to regen. We are running this truck 14-16 hours a days in the oilfield and it spends 55-60% of the time idling running the pto. Right now it is parked until we can figure something out. Can't keep spending big bucks on people guessing at what is wrong with it. I am located in Midland, Tx is anybody knows someone that can fix it.

Edited by Speedy393

If the code is MID-128 PSID-47 FMI-1, that a failed regen with temp to low ( the way im reading the book). I wonder if one of the DPF temp sensors is bad and telling the ECM that the temp inside the DPF is too low. Then the ECM is telling the 7th injector to open/flow more fuel to the point its melting the filter. I had a truck that kept showing low regen temps and the regen would stop due to low temp reading. We put a new 7th injector and cat in and it still show low temp during regen. we finally replaced the after cat temp sensor and this solved the problem. To much fuel or too much oxygen there.

  On 12/22/2013 at 2:42 PM, felicello122 said:

stop payment on the checks and get a lawyer to get some of your money back, that is alot to spend for the same problems!

I would not do that, Talk to the General Manager and/or company owners and see if you all can come to a agreement that everyone is happy with. Once you start talking lawyers then it turns into a whole other ball game. The Mack dealer in Midland/Odessa is owned by the same people that I work for in Lubbock, Tx. Contact the owners or their upper management, I bet they will do what they can to resolve this problem.

Turkster I had the work done in Abilene and we are trying to resolve the issue. I had a failed regen again Friday I ran I another 3 or 4 hrs and tried to regen it again. It did the same thing, ran 15 min. CEL came on with code 128 47 1 continued to regen and in about 3 min the CEL went off and completed a regen. What could be causing this?

With regen issues you really need a diagnostic computer hooked up to see what's happening. Could possibly be a drv valve not working, erroneous temp sensor value, plugged or bad catalyst filter, bad dpf pressure sensor and so on. Just too many things could possibly be the problem. Keep after these guys and make them fix it right.

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