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Wife has the flu. Twin grandbabies have the flu. Now I have the flu.

I guess the virus mutates so fast the vaccines can't keep up.


I probably didn't help it. We received a $1.3M machine this week (1 year late!), & I was running in & out of the building in the 5º weather all week. Probably lowers the body's ability to fight off "the germ". At least I get to visit with the drivers who deliver the pieces (5 trucks...so far), look at their trucks, & talk trucks.

I was a little disillusioned, however, when one driver asked me how I got my non-clutch-brake-equipped truck in gear without a clutch brake! I told him you do it the same way you always did: wait a couple of seconds. Amazed that a professional driver didn't know that. Wow!

I did go out this afternoon & start the Dog. First time since the mercury hit the single digits this week. It was, understandably, a little reluctant. But, the fact that a single 12V battery will start that old truck continues to please & impress me. I would have plugged up the block heater, but I didn't have that much life left in me!

Later, guys...

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

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That sucks.....hope your back up to speed soon... Seems to take forever when it goes from one family member to another...

Hope you and your family gets well soon. Had a few friends go through this, starts with one and works through the whole family.

Thanks, y'all!

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

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Yuck is right,weasel :tease::thumbsdown: Take care and get some of that corn in a jar..........it always worked for Granny!! :loldude:

Yep! Whether "rheumatis medicine" or "snake bite medicine", liquid corn is the way to go!

Can I tell 'em Dr. 57 prescribed it? :whistling:

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

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