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I have a 1977 CF685 that I purchased in 2012. It is in good condition and I really have enjoyed driving the truck in various parades and events. I want to make the truck a little more original, as the city that owned the truck replaced the brake lights with 'LED' versions. The original Signal-Stat 36 lights with the original housing assemblies were tossed out when the department cleaned out their storage shed. I have searched ebay and just about every Mack site on line. Some folks are really nice to call back with other leads for parts - some just don't call back or answer emails. I am also looking for the chrome cover on the light for the license plate. It is an Arrow model 437.

Besides the brake lights with housings and license plate light cover I need the seat 'backs' for the jump seats. Again, the city modified the seats for use with the SCBA units. I have the brackets and the seat bottoms, just no backs. I suppose the seat backs could be made, but I would prefer to find some good used ones.

Other than buying another truck for parts (which seems logical to me - yes, I'm nuts), most everyone tells me just to keep looking for the parts.

If anyone has a parts CF with these parts or knows someone that might have these parts, please let me know. The truck is 100% useable as it is, but I am determined to find these parts.



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Have you searched through the forums? There were a couple of threads where members wrote in they were parting out CF's. "Parts Needed for our Fire Truck" was one that had a parts CF listed.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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Thanks. Yes, I searched the forum and found folks looking for other parts (bumper brackets, etc), but did not see anyone parting out a CF. I also searched the for sale section. I will search again. The one I saw on eBay did not have the correct tail lights for my CF. I am sure these parts are out there somewhere, it is just a matter of time finding them.

Thanks again.


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Are these tail lights on a cast bracket and are the lights in a chrome housing ,the lense was round and the outer plastic ring was reflective. I also tried to locate this type of light for my 54 mack, I think they where a Dietz brand ,couldn't find a decent set. If any place to find them it might be Macungi Pa. truck show.

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Thanks for all the input. I am a member of the Rekindle Society but have not been to any functions - at least not yet. I did drive the CF to Warrington, NC and tried to help break the World Record for the most fire trucks in a parade.

I have not been to any truck shows but always seem to make it to a car show as tinkering with old cars is my hobby. I lived in an old Fire Station up until a few years ago. I sold my house in Raleigh, NC and purchased the old bank building just down the road that I renovated into a house. I have all my old cars, the Ford 'Howe' engine and the Mack CF at the old station. BTW, doesn't everybody have a vault in their living room?

I guess I need to get in tune and look for some truck shows that are closer to home. However, I guess PA would make a nice road trip as I used to attend a couple of cars shows up there.

Again, thanks for all the help.

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There are also several swap meets at Carlisle, PA. Likely the only one that might have parts is the Truck Nationals in August. I never attended the Truck Nationals so I do not know what you will find. Macungie and SPAAMFAA would be the main meets to possibly find parts.

Link to Carlisle Events....



PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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I went to the Carlisle truck nationals once and was disappointed. It was almost all newer pick-ups with fancy paint jobs and big stereos. There were about 50 new big trucks. Maybe a dozen antique trucks. I don't remember any antique big truck stuff in the flea market. I went to an automotive flea market in Allentown this weekend which is part of the Carlisle. There actually were a couple gauges off a CF and some Mack firetruck owners manuals, but nothing I needed. It was almost all car stuff. The spring melt is in Allentown in April each year(12 nad 13 this year). It is put on by Union Historical Fire Society. It is a great flea market and I have bought a lot of stuff there, two Mack extinquishers, Mack emblems, fittings, uniforms, hand tools. You are a little far away, but it still might be worth it. Also Pennsylvania Pump Primers has a big flea market at their annual Muster in Harrisburg the second Saturday in July. I will keep my eyes open. Mike

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Well, I may have found all the parts I want and then some. I spoke with the Owner of a junk yard/salvage place today. He has a Mack CF that is 100% complete. It is headed to the scrapper - soon. I am headed his way the first of next week. He has agreed that I can 'get what ever I want' off the truck. I have not seen the truck in person, but from what he says it is in good shape. It does have the tail lights & housings, jump seats, license plate light and other bits I'm searching for. If things work out, I am sure to buy stuff I don't need.

I have way too much going on, so I probably cannot make the Muster in Charleston.

I will post the condition, location and contact info for the CF after my visit next week. I am sure there are other folks looking for CF parts.

Again, thanks to everyone for the info. Tom

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Tom, If you are in the Raleigh area look up cf685f on this site. He lives in Raleigh and has a CF. Tim is very knowledgeable about CF's and would be a good resource for you.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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Thanks fxfymn. I met Tim about 2 years ago. Great guy. Tim & I took a road trip to put our eyes on a couple of old trucks not too far from Raleigh. He got me to join the Rekindle Society and was responsible for getting my CF back on the road when a water hose burst at last years parade in Raleigh. I followed him and his CF to Warrington, NC. His CF is really nice - a lot nicer than mine. I like to think mine is a 'survivor' with lots of 'patina'. Tim stays really busy at work. I hope one day he will find time to visit my old firehouse. I have only been involved with the fire service for about 5 years and learn something new everyday. I am also learning about my CF. I called the Mack Museum when I first got it to ask a couple of questions. They offered to send a few things - some literature, service info, etc. About two weeks later a very large & heavy box showed up with everything I could ever hope for - original build specs, original sales literature, electrical diagrams and service manuals for engine, transmission, etc. And all of it was free!! I called back and thanked the guy. One day I hope to visit the Mack corporate offices in Greensboro - about an hour away. Who knows, maybe I'll drive the CF and see if they will let me take a picture of the truck next to the BIG Bulldog. Of course that means a lot of cleaning, polishing, waxing and detailing. Tom

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  On 1/22/2014 at 3:53 AM, redmackfan said:

I called the Mack Museum when I first got it to ask a couple of questions. They offered to send a few things - some literature, service info, etc. About two weeks later a very large & heavy box showed up with everything I could ever hope for - original build specs, original sales literature, electrical diagrams and service manuals for engine, transmission, etc. And all of it was free!! I called back and thanked the guy.

The Mack Museum is a great resource. A "nice" donation to the Mack Museum would be in order.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Believe me, that idea did go through my mind. The money was really not a problem, but the time was sort of a factor. I have 17 old Mercedes and 2 fire trucks.....always something to do as several of the Mercedes are projects. I have way too many and really need to 'thin the herd'. Also, the logistics of transporting the CF was somewhat an issue. I tried to find a local guy with a low boy that would be willing to transport the CF for a reasonable fee. No luck. About the best I could do was $3.00/mile which would be close to $1,600 and did not include any loading or unloading fees. Once I added everything up, I would have a really good chunk of money in a 'parts' truck. I could probably sell enough parts, have the remains hauled across the scales ($3.00/mille plus fees again) and break even or maybe come out a little bit ahead. However, once I factored in the time, it was not worth it to me. I will be happy if I can get the parts I want. Had the truck been near by, it would now be sitting in my back lot. Tom

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Gee, guess you heard I was talking about you. It was all good, I swear it was.....nothing bad at all. Hi Tim. I am excited about finding a CF that has the parts I have been hunting. My truck will never be like yours. Are you looking for anything? Let me know ASAP. And come see me sometime. BTW, you still owe me an email with some names and an address. Tom

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  On 1/22/2014 at 11:48 AM, farmer52 said:

The Mack Museum is a great resource. A "nice" donation to the Mack Museum would be in order.

YES. THIS. Though the museum does get grants and support from Mack Trucks, I have been told that they do not receive any kind of monetary support for reproduction or shipping costs associated with archive requests. Please be sure to send them a check, it would be greatly appreciated!!!


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Plans are in place to visit the salvage yard on Friday. I have not seen the CF in person, but it has been described in detail over the phone. The truck seems to be 99% complete - missing two lights in front, one air horn and the 'Bulldog' as well as the bars that support him. The truck is being 'scrapped' so everything is up for grabs. I have my list of items I want and of course somehow I will surely get things I think I might need in the future.

I have no use for cab or body parts - doors, window regulators, glass, running boards, etc., pump parts or engine/transmission parts (I may snag part of the exhaust if it cooperates with me). I think the Owner of the yard is willing to save some items if someone is interested in a specific part or parts. I am not sure how long he is willing to wait. The truck was scheduled for demolition yesterday (Monday), but because of the weather he was willing to hold off a week until I could make the trip. I will have limited time to get my stuff, as the yard is only open from 8:30 to 4:00. They are not open on Saturday.

I will be glad to post the condition of the truck, the location and contact information once I see it in person if anyone is interested.

If I remember correctly, I did send a donation to the Mack Museum after I received everything. I will look through my checkbook to be sure. If I didn't, I will. And if I did, I may send another check!!


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I could use some parts, but it is way too far away for me. The big thing I need, and I mean big, is a bumper. My B70 rolled into my CF and messed it up. I could also use a head liner. Any chance you could bring some parts to Macungie. Emergency Equipment is the feature this year. Mike

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Mike, I will be glad to check out the bumper for you. I don't have any plans to visit PA anytime soon. I wonder how much it would cost to ship??? More than the bumper is worth?? The bumper on my CF is in really good condition, so I have no interest. I am sure it is as heavy as it is big. I have been looking CF parts for quite some time, so I plan to snag everything I can while I'm at the yard. Of course if the bumper is cheap enough, it might be worth to ship it to PA. My guess is the headliner is toast, but I will let you know. Tom

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Well, I am back from my trip to the salvage yard. I spent yesterday pulling parts from a junk CF. The truck was rusty and had been sitting outside for quite sometime. I was able to get what I wanted - brake lights, rear turn signals, back up lights, instrument cluster, rear jump seat bottoms & backrests, one air horn, red rotating light on cab, the 'Q', and some relays, switches, knobs, etc. All the gauges, levers and knobs on the pump control panel were rusty and pitted; both windshields were bad - one cracked & one delaminated; the front bumper was bent (center section) and both ends were rusty; the doors were rusty; the headliner was toast; the driver's seat was torn; the bench seat had been recovered & was OK; and what was not rusty was missing (rear spot lights; rear rotating lights; rear hand rails; all the "Mack" emblems including the "Bulldog" and brackets; one air horn; one ax holder). The only thing I left behind were the two outside mirrors - the silver was flaking off the glass and the housings had some dings. I suppose if you didn't have any mirrors, these would be better than nothing.

The mechanicals of the truck were untouched. The engine, transmission, etc. were all intact.

The salvage yard is not far from Charlestown, SC. I told them about the meet coming up in February but they were not willing to wait. I guess they started ripping it apart for scrap soon after I left. Other than the mechanicals, there was not much left. It was fun and I have had my weekly 'fix' of fighting rusty, stuck, stripped and otherwise stubborn nuts, bolts and screws!! Tom

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Last week I was heading south on I-95 in South Carolina and saw a Mack "CF" for sale. It was sitting in a field on the

northbound side north of Exit 122. Not sure of its condition. There was also an ALF aerial ladder there.


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