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I my self don't remember Kerr trucking, I know it's an old pic. When I started trucking the man I drove for ran me from WI to the north west for about 8 years in the 90's. so I became very experienced with chaining up and snow driving.

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Cool snowy shots, just like overhere today.

Nice MH pic, was surprized when saw it, first thought you shot it by your way. I mean the truck.

Thank you for posting.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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I've had more than one beer at the Inn at the Long Trail. I painted a Bucyrus Erie shovel like that with a brush back in 1989. It was for my summer job. It didn't look as nice as that one. I have a 1970 Dodge W300 that was a fire truck. Thank for the pictures. Mike

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StJay is 45 mins south of you? Wouldn't that put you over the border? LOL. Unless youre really up in the "Northeast Kingdom?" That pic of the wife plowing reminded me of my Ex's first winter up here. She isn't just a southern gal she was from southern Fl. I plow for the state and I got a call that she was plowing the yard. UH OH. My yard truck is an IH Fleetstar Det power with an Allision tire chains with a 4000 lb block on it. Not much stops it. Everything was undamaged when I got home

Remember if it's got a hood it's no good!

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OK spo she lets you buy old trucks, hot rod your engines, have a nbig shop, forklift and an old dodge and she even plows the driveway while your out, geez man does she have a sister?

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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