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1st speeding ticket


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well today I just got my first speeding ticket, was doin 57 in a 40, cop was nice and only got 50 in 40, in my old ford that I didn't even think would cruise at that speed... in my 84 ford 6.9 idi that the speedometer hasn't worked in well over a year, thought I was pretty good at guessin speed... how hard do yall think itll be to keep me on insurance as im only 21...


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white gold take it to court and see if you can get it deferred (driving school or probation) I've seen a buddy go to one day driving school and got the ticket deferred and then got a better insurance rate for taking the class. just a thought

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You should have asked the cop to 602 it.That means he give you a ticket for not obeying a traffic sign which just so happens to be a speed limit sign.It carries the same amount of fine but no points.If it a local cop I would go to the station and ask if he can help you out.Most of the time they do.Explain to him about your speedometor being broke and also your insurance cost,tell him this was your first ticket,and any other bullshit you can come up with.Just don't pile it on to thick.He may tell you to fight it in court and he will tell the judge that the both of you have worked it out.You do end up paying the fine but you don't get any point.I have done this many times before and it worked everytime.Good luck.

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If you were in TN and had a cdl you can't get out of it since august 06. If you have a cdl no matter what your driving its your after its written, no school, no nuthin. It sucks!

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Call the barricks and see if you can talk with the trooper and explain you case.They are easily to talk with then the local ones.Explain to him that you are trying to get your CDL and it would help if you didn't have any tickets on your record because of a new job.Good luck again.PS it's best to ask the trooper at the time of the ticket about 602( i may have these numbers wrong but they do do it)

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I agree with Mike D. I called a N.Y. trooper one time on a speeding ticket and asked if he could cut me a break on account of this that and the other thing. He let me plead guilty to an inadequate muffler and pay the fine.. No points. In Texas, local small town cop wouldn't help, said I'd have to call the judge. So I called the judge. Same kind of deal, mail in the ticket with the box checked for no lo contendre (no contest) and pay the fine - but no points. Nothings for sure but worth a phone call to ask. Admit you screwed up and ask for forgiveness.

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It might help to get the speedometer fixed before you go to court too. If you tell the judge it was broken, and show him the receipt where you had it fixed, he might reduce it to defective equipment or something.

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Or pick up a GPS that indicates your speed. That is what I use in my antiques since the old speedometers are a "best guess" type depending on what point of the needle bounce you want to pick.

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