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Breakfast beer...


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While I don't typically like fruit in my beer, I LOVE ruby red grapefruit, and Shiner Bock is one of my favorite beers, so when I saw this in the store, I figured I'd give it a try. I wasn't too thrilled with it at first taste...but half way through the 6-pack it's getting better. It is a time saver, for sure...combining my morning grapefruit with my truck-wrenching & Nascar watching beverage of choice.


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Doesn't everything get better half way through a six-pack?

Not everything.....I've tried a few that would have taken the better part of a case to taste "good"....lol

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Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part....

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Even the worst I ever had, was still pretty good...........hick-up! I'm not big fan of the fruit-in-beer thing myself,but if it works for you Rowdy,so be it! Enjoy!


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You read my mind Al! (it is in small print) NO FRUIT in beer PERIOD! I've even seen some with Tomato/Clam juice added (yuuuck) but,on the other hand I agree with Rowdy,only thing worse than wasted beer is wasted talent!.................................Mark

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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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im a firm beliver in tryin every beer. only beer I have fruit in is corona or shock top with an orange. more of a pale ale beer myself. everytime I go into a bar I ask whats weird or on tap I about dispize bud light, coors light, etc. but of course if someone gives me one at a truck show or neighbors house, I cant be rude.....

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You read my mind Al! (it is in small print) NO FRUIT in beer PERIOD! I've even seen some with Tomato/Clam juice added (yuuuck) but,on the other hand I agree with Rowdy,only thing worse than wasted beer is wasted talent!.................................Mark

I used to get those little cans of tomato juice and a quart of beer when I had a hangover. I'd drink enough of the beer to pour the can of tomato juice in it, then drink it down...not bad!

I used to buy Clamato juice to drink by itself, it's just delicious. I bought a bottle at Dodd's Store one time on the way to Covington and the woman in the store said only one other person bought it regularly, and he put it in his beer. So I tried it when I got home- drank a couple swallows of beer, then topped it off with the Clamato juice. I've been drinking it ever since. I tried that Budweiser/Clamato premixed concoction too because i'd been doing it for years, but there's no comparison. That stuff sucks. Get the Clamato and mix your own and give it a try. The only drawback is that it's so good I tend to drink more than I should sometimes.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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here's my recipe-

you go to Wal Mart and get some PBR glasses, no matter what kind of beer you drink, they just look good,eh?

Get a bottle of Clamato juice...


Pour beer into PBR glass, top it off with Clamato- it'll look like this-


When PBR glass is empty, repeat step two.

When PBR glass is empty, repeat step two.

When PBR glass is empty, repeat step two.

Repeat step two, until you just cain't repeat no more...

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Nasty Light? What are you, 19? I ain't poured that stuff down my throat since I was old enough to buy my own at the bar & didn't have to rely upon the kegs at the house parties to get my drink on. Picked this stuff up today...Walmart was out of Shiner Bock and I didn't feel like drinking that grapefruity stuff again, so I got their variety 12-pack. 5 new beers to try!




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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I prefer Bud Light, but being's i'm not 19 any more I stick with the light beer because there's only half the calories of regular beer, and i'm big enough now.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Nope. Senior year, I went from lunch to wood shop, then over to drafting, before finishing my day off with auto shop and a study hall (which since it was the final class period of the day, I didn't have to stick around for). Only class I HAD to pass spring semester to graduate was P.E.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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At my high school, the only people who took home ec were girls & guys who didn't know the difference between a screwdriver and a hammer. The rest of us figured we'd eventually marry a girl who could cook, so there was no point in us taking that when the shop classes were so plentiful.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Funny you mention that...had a good laugh at my brother's wedding when his best man was giving his toast & made the comment that my brother is probably the clumsiest person he knows. Keep in mind, this best man was down a few fingers from a shop class mishap. Needless to say, that was the beginning of the end for the tech classes at my old high school. After he got his hand caught in the table saw, the school decided the teacher would have to operate all of the power tools for the students...and that pretty much killed the program to the point that when the teachers retired, they weren't replaced. Sad day when a high school looses it's shop classes.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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