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Wait a minute here fellas........He's relegating us to the house in central Pa while he basks on the beach in Duck, North Carolina? Granted it isn't the true Outer Banks (the purists among us know that the TRUE OBX don't start until Hattaras Island.....but thats a different thread....) but he is still basking on a beach.....while he expects us to deal with the horse poo and other central Pa odors.......I say we all just load up a few cases of Schlitz and a couple of bags of peanuts and head for Duck.....It's not THAT big of a town, shouldn't be all that hard to find a black mopile..........

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  On 8/2/2014 at 5:01 PM, 1958 F.W.D. said:

Hmmmmmm we could get Ortlieb's instead????

Never heard of it, i'll go with the Schlitz.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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hell who are you guys trying to impress with that fancy beer, the TK girls just grab some PBR that way we can pour the warm swill in the stock tank for the horses, and the dumpster wont draw so many yellow jackets

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Hey Mike, a few questions:

1. What's the number to 9-1-1 out here in nowhere, Pa?

2. Is it bad if the circuit breaker panel is glowing red?

3. Is it whiskey for my men and beer for my horses or beer for my men and whiskey for my horses? Because I don't think they like either.

Otherdog, Slpwlkr, hatcity, everyone!!!! where in the hell are you? You're missing an EPIC party!!!!!!

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Well your in luck kinda, Ken just came trotting in but no kilt!! you will have to stop and buy some more handkerchiefs as the rest of us have stole them to use as blind folds until Ken sobers up and we can get some clothes back on him .Your mare is kinda glassey eyed and switchin her tail non stop don't worry I called the vet! Yardo sobered up enough to read a tape measure and now he's in the shop building a beer pong table, we have a co-ed match scheduled after the girls get off work, I found Kens stogie stash and I ran them through the wood chipper and put the chippings it into the compost pile, with any luck he will be back to normal some time tomorrow !

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Since we didn't get busted at Yardos joy riding in the FWD is there any of the bail money left that we set aside for emergency situations? I think were going to need it to get out of this mess! we were doing just fine till I built that ramp to see how far the riding lawn mower would fly. Mike your neighbor sure loved that hedge that was between the two property's, I think it will grow back in 5 or 6 years, if his wife would have quit screaming I don't think we would have been busted, but she sounded like she was being raped by a gorilla. I kept apologizing for scalping her flower garden but the mower had too much air in the tires and I bounced like a basketball after mostly clearing the hedge and landing on their drive way. I couldn't believe a yardman could get so much air after stretching the governor spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yardo, we do have 911. Whether it's working depends on the day of the week. 2: turn off the jacuzzi, thT should solve the breaker box problem. 3: feed the horses a bottle of pepto with their chop in the morning. That should straighten them up.(it's worked in the past) tell red from tk I can't wait for her to tuck me in at macungie again next year. Wtf is this beer pong table crap? Save your energy and use the one out in the detached garage. Oh and tell ken to act his age he's bit a kid anymore.

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Gearhead your still drunk the lawn tractor is a John Deere so I'm sure it's fine. As for the neighbors? Ahh who cares. And I know the cops out my way. Given a beer and tell them not to drink and drive. See y'all on Saturday.

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  On 8/6/2014 at 1:20 AM, gearhead204 said:

I couldn't believe a yardman could get so much air after stretching the governor spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That and the valve job and the nitrous I piped in..........Mike when you get home you'll see that the mower now has a seatbelt.....Use it. Also you might wanna get a helmet, I didnt know what size head you have.

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Mike I spent an awful lot of time in your workshop making some alcohol-induced modifications to your various implements. This here is a little something I installed onto your snowblower. This is similar to the engine I built for 39babymack's half-track scooter except for his I used four Kubota diesels. Now where did I put that bottle of Jonnie Walker Devil's Cut?

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Mike the next to last posting on pg. 2 tells more about farmers condition you must have missed it................. anybody working on that bail money yet? ........... I'm stuck in here with Yardo so please hurry ....... he's a nice guy and all but being locked in a cell is different!!!!!!!!

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Hey guys...I am still alive and kicking. It has been one heck of a week.....

Off to a great start on Saturday at Watt's Truck Show then things went down hill. We had the "normal" BMT nooner pic and then I grabbed an Italian sausage samwich and an apple dumping. Later in the day I headed back to the farm. Strange thing happened, I ended at Mike's place but he was not there. However soon to arrive was Yardo with his FWD full of TK NITs. Red was VERY disappointed that BIG Mike was not there so I had to "please" Red. Luckily I had a few bottles of Geritol with me. Yardo was showing off in the front yard with the FWD. Then OD showed to document the "pics of the week". But he was only interested in taking pics of some woman on a step ladder scraping something off the ceiling. Word spread fast about the great party at Mike's place that Gearhead flew his private jet from Walla Walla to be part of the fun. He did however cause an accident on the PA Turnpike between a SWIFT truck and a Werner truck. Seems Gearhead mistook the PA turnpike for the Greater Newburg Int'l airport. He did finally make the party and promptly started messing with Mike's lawn tractor. He sure created a mess at the neighbor's place. Things got fuzzy but I seem to remember something about a horse and a kilt....hmmm. When I got back to Mike's place, Yardo and Gearhead were gone....wonder what happened to them? Then today I seem to be missing a box of my finest Amish stogies imported from Lancaster, PA.

I sure hope this was all a dream, if not I am not going to eat another Italian sausage samwich and apple dumping.

It just came to me...OD will probably post pics......dang!

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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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