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It would be a thumpa of a Flintstone Im pretty sure I have seen photos some were of these as road trains in WA Karrie forest! being used as doulbes gross weights I would have guessed at 70-80 ton might have been a lot closer to 100 ton but maybe not either was for sure some big Flintstone type of thing R700 Flintstone ???

Micki if you want to share any information Im always keen to learn and whats the other post thread that was going proberly need join these two up some how if that is possible


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Nope neither it was white and a road train it red and whit stripes down the cab and bonnet I THINK ???????????

thanks for sharing Mick


more dumb questions are these 8 foot wide ie can you drive them down a normal road with out signs ect

I think there might have been on at the Gatton transport museum near Brisbane Western Oilfields trucking

pure porn either way keep these pictures coming

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some time ago I mentioned that I had seen a photo of a what I thought was a R 800 pulling logs in Western Australian well I stumbled across the photo again today so thought I better share before I forget were it was

I dont know if it is a R 800 looks like a 6x6 to me I have no idea what it is either way I like it and the one bellow with the float on the back





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some specs for Mack 1976 shows the R 800 and the rest at the time


I seem to have flanged that I couldnt read it so I uploaded it thru photo bucket and deleted the other one but its still there I dont have to try hard for me to look silly :whistling:



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The 6x6 wood puller looks to me as a RM.

Here are some pics of them on service in Australian army



Edited by Vladislav
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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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  On 4/5/2015 at 2:10 PM, Vladislav said:

The 6x6 wood puller looks to me as a RM.

Here are some pics of them on service in Australian army

  On 4/5/2015 at 1:47 PM, fifth wheel said:

Are there any DM800's and U models in Australia? Would the cab be opposite for the RHD?


yeah sure did have DM 800's were still left hand drive


  On 4/5/2015 at 2:10 PM, Vladislav said:

The 6x6 wood puller looks to me as a RM.

Here are some pics of them on service in Australian army

Yeah Vlad I feel your right as soon as I stumbled across it again I was pretty sure it wasnt a R 800 but thought I better whack it up just the same


You blokes really need to get a copy of this book


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