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Times Have Changed


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Any idea if the company survived?

Yes E.F.Smith is still in business today. It is a small trucking company (less than 25 power units). Not to be confused with Smith Transport.



PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Its a good thing those who suffered so much by standing up to the companies who treated labor like a commodity didn't have the same beliefs or we would all still be working 80 hour weeks for whatever wage the company deemed was ok. Like it or not the 40 hour work week, pensions, and health care all come from those who stood up for their beliefs and had the courage to do something about it.

"Either we hang together or we will surely hang together."

either we all hang together or we will surely all hang separately just a little correction

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Rowdy: you nailed it!..when i pick my cherries i have to pay picking labor, hauling,storage,and packing....and still dont know what i will get paid! i pick in early July and dont get final payment until October......or told payment is due to the werhouse!

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I got a dollar more when I first went to work in a garage,1974. I made $2.75 an hour, my first raise was to $2.90 an hour. Then in '77 I left to make the big bucks, $4.00 an hour welding.

But, in the '60's if you brought home $100 a week, you were rich- that was big money then. My parents would usually spend 20 some dollars at the grocery store a week- and that was for a family of six! Of course we always had a big garden and raised hogs. Ma kept 2 freezers full of meat, fish we caught, and vegetables, plus she canned a lot of vegetables.

I used to haul chips from Dillwyn,Va. to Covington,Va. for $30 a load, and you were lucky to get 9 or 10 loads a week- and that was if you stayed out all week and didn't go home. A load to Chicago paid about $170 in the 80's I think, now it's 200+ to go to Pittsburgh, but the difference is that now you can carry $20 worth of groceries out of the store in one hand,you don't even need a bag!

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Gee, in 1971 I was getting $55 a month "Hazard Pay" and $149.10 a month straight pay. . .To get shot at in Asia.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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