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Better days are coming. Looks like the lows in the Pittsburgh area are going to be above freezing all next week.

That was nice of Carter Lumber to unload your trailer and store the refused load until you can go back for it. There are still some decent receivers out there.


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That first picture looks like a different type of luffing set up on the dozer. Typically I've seen a boom come up from the tracks and winches set on the opposite side to lift and lower it as needed to lower pipe into the ditch. That might do the same sort of thing but I'd be concerned about the higher center of gravity. So long as the load rating is observed, it would work just fine I guess. It is also a bit more flexible in terms of the distance from the side of the machine to the center of the trench if I get how it works.

Cool stuff.


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Did you happen to come through Franklin on Wednesday? Saw one of your trucks when I was getting back from taking the wife to Pittsburgh, thought maybe it was you.

I did indeed.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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well my week wasn't as bad as yours thankfully! tues. night temps dropped to 15 so I needed to run wind machines in the cherry orchard (were 30 days ahead of normal) any how went to start the last machine (a 455 olds powered unit) hit the starter and it sounded like a garbage disposal eating a steak bone, damn field mice filled the bell housing with cherry pits!! then the centrifugal force threw them into the pressure plate so the clutch wouldn't engage so at midnight I pulled the starter and dust shield so I could blow all the damn pits out about a hour later I had the machine going..............but hey no snow!

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Looks about like my week! sorry to hear about your buddy,just glad to hear if he had to go,did'nt take anybody with him,still hate to hear about things like this though. That place on 220 where the CL-9000 is also has an old McLean Brigadier,and an ex Overnite "china closet" daycab F-Model stashed behind all those junk trailers,used to be able to see them before they moved a trailer across the driveway. ...................................Mark

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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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I was gonna say some smart shit about frozen straps,you guys need to pull a van! BUT I got to my first stop of the day this morning,after running in rain,snow,sleet,snow,sleet,hail,snow etc. (you get the picture) Got to my stop,trailer doors frozen solid closed! took me about an hour with torch and rubber mallet to get the S.O.B's open!.....................................Mark

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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Sorry to hear about you friend and glad you were ok in last weeks snow and ice. I give you guys credit who have to run the roads and sleep in your trucks in the winter. Hard enough out there

with out the added hassles.

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Sad news about your friend. Condolences to the family. Stay safe out there.

Might be time to form a posse and find the PA ground rat by the name of Phil. Roads during February have been more than interesting around here.

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It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

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Very sorry to hear of your friend's passing.

Is the cased officially closed on the accident or is there still a chance that guy could try to pin it on you?

I really don't know, I guess it depends on what the other driver said- or rather what he intends to do. The trooper said there was no way for them to tell what happened, it was my word against his, so I hope he's honest and doesn't try to say it was my fault and sue somebody. I know I did absolutely nothing wrong, I never left the lane that I was traveling in, but you never know what people might do. It wouldn't surprise me if he said he was driving along minding his own business and I came over on him.

But like I told the trooper, I believe that he either got lost in the spray or just hydroplaned and lost it and hit me.

The trooper asked me if I ran that way a lot and I told him I did. He said to me "well, whenever you come through here and it's raining do not get in the left lane- the road does not drain properly, and the standing water will pull you right into the wall." They didn't charge me with anything and said I was free to go...so I just don't know.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Otherdog, try to keep any names ( trooper, guy in suburban) and keep some notes about weather, time of day, everything you can remember.

Up here people wait till the statute of limitations is almost up, then they sue, hoping that a lot of info has been forgotten or lost. It happens with people that run off the road in bad weather here.

Hopefully Green dash is right and the driver holds themselves accountable.

Sorry about your friend Wooly Booger. I know that name from somewhere, but can't put my finger on it.

Thanks for the weekly pics, I always look forward to them.

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ONLINE other dog

BMT Certified Know-It-All!

  • Location:Gladys,Va.
  • Make:Mack
  • Model:B-53s
  • Year:1965

Posted 15 August 2014 - 04:22 PM



Here's another old store. It's facing rt. 60 in Mount Rush, Va. Never open that I remember, but I remember my wife saying she had been in it when she was little.

I saw this odd shaped mushroom in the yard last weekend.

By the time I got home today it had turned from a mushroom head to a saucerhead.

Just who comes up with these road names anyway?

Trucks in the field.

Truck by the road. Pretty neat looking little unit.

I tried to get another picture of the car for sale in Canvas, W.V. but I accidently hit the button before I was close enough. There's Wooly Booger in front of me with another load of lumber.

...A "pictures of the week" post from August,2014. I just deleted the pictures a few weeks ago, now i'm sorry I did, as I've also deleted it from my computer.

He was also with me that time I broke the fan belt on my truck, and the one little strand lasted all the way to Pittsburgh and back.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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