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Well sort of.

I was watching news and they did a 50 years ago thing.

well a driver coming in to Scranton Pa in the mid 60 lost his breaks and gave his life.

I've herd a lot of trucking songs but never this one from Harry Chapin. 30000lbs of bannanas. Took some pics off the tv.


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I live about 15 miles North of Scranton. I remember when that happened,I was in my early teens. They have a ban on trucks going down Moosic Street RT.307and enforce it pretty good.If I remember correctly the bananas were going to Hazzouri Banana in Scranton they are still in business. Truck was a 257 Brockway. Good song. Joe D.

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Thanks for posting the shots from your TV. I tried doing some research on this a few years back but the only photo I could find was from a newspaper article and it was similar to the middle shot of yours.

  On 3/19/2015 at 12:34 AM, Joe Ditchkus said:

I live about 15 miles North of Scranton. I remember when that happened,I was in my early teens. They have a ban on trucks going down Moosic Street RT.307and enforce it pretty good.If I remember correctly the bananas were going to Hazzouri Banana in Scranton they are still in business. Truck was a 257 Brockway. Good song. Joe D.

I read that the truck in the accident was owned by an outside carrier, but Halem Hazzouri had a "banana yellow" 200 series single axle that I'd seen a few times in Port Newark. It had black pinstriping, their name on the door in black script, and was sharp and well kept. This would have been around 1973-74.


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If you go down Moosic Street now it does not look that bad of a grade the hill is over one mile long. You have to remember this happened before the widespread use of Jake Brakes and Maxi-Brakes.It is not that hard to loose control by missing a downshift brakes a bit out of adjustment and get hot. Green Dash truck could have been owned by an outside carrier I do not know,I think the driver was from Scranton area. Tom Millard posted some info. on the Brockway Site or Just Old Trucks awhile back.I am in Florida now but when I get back I will ask him about it. AS far as the yellow banana 257 that Hazzouri had or still had that is a secret no one can find out if still owned by them. I know some people that went to talk to them and they would not even answer them. Why I do not know. It is as elusive as the Abomidable Snowman or Bigfoot.Mike69mackman I never heard about them stashing away the wrecked Brockway it could very well be true.Joe D.

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Joe is right. Before the days of Spring Lock brakes there were a lot of runaway truck accidents in the citys of northern PA and Central NY. Long Steep down hill into town and no where to go at the bottom!! Usually an intersection with a turn in it.. Blow one brake diaphram and NO AIR!!! or transiants getting the brakes hot.. Aurora Street hill (96B?) coming into Ithaca NY even had a sorta leveled railroad crossing by Morse Chain which created a ski jump effect.


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  On 3/19/2015 at 2:12 PM, Brocky said:

Joe is right. Before the days of Spring Lock brakes there were a lot of runaway truck accidents in the citys of northern PA and Central NY. Long Steep down hill into town and no where to go at the bottom!! Usually an intersection with a turn in it.. Blow one brake diaphram and NO AIR!!! or transiants getting the brakes hot.. Aurora Street hill (96B?) coming into Ithaca NY even had a sorta leveled railroad crossing by Morse Chain which created a ski jump effect.

That is 96b, 20mph hill for trucks, last July a truck runaway coming down that same hill and run into a building killed the driver and several others

This message was brought to you by Hargraves Potted Meat Product. Chopped full of "Peckers & Lips" since 1933 - John Boy & Billy

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The driver hit parked cars on the hill trying to slow down according to the article.

click pic


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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On the Brockway Truck Site their is an article that gives the drivers name and his Boss's name. It said Johnson's Towing was the wrecker company.They are still in business located on Business Route 6 Dickson City,Pa. I walked in their yard many times in the past and never saw the Brockway. Joe D.

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Joe,did'nt Johnsons yard used to be right beside 81? Carbondale maybe? there is a shopping center there now? I used to run South Jersey to Binghamton every night,i remember they had a BIG Oshkosh or maybe FWD wrecker if I remember right it was white do you know the one I mean?..............................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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It's a Brockway WWII Surplus


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I remember the 361,and WWII surplus Brockways,pretty sure there was an article in "American Trucker" magazine about Johnsons Towing back in the 80's?........................................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Vlad that is a WW2 surplus truck I forgot Brockway or White. Their 361 Brockway Wrecker started out as a tri-axle dump. It has a 335 Cummins and 5X4 trans. Paul they are still on Business Route 6 about 1 mile past the Viewmont Mall. They were about the biggest wrecker operation up till the 70'S then a lot of completion grew in the area. There are still some DeFazio Brockway's in the area. Most are pretty bad shape. There is a DeFazio 359 on Craigslist with a Huskiedrive tandem axle in nice shape but plenty $$$. Joe D.

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