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Ezrider's week in pics


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well i took over nearly 200 pictures this week but ill try to just keep it down to a few highlights but it may take me a while and several posts to finnish this

started off on a airplane with me and my other half

landed at ronald regan airport at about 9 pm find the hotel and turn in for the night

woke up early went to Arlington cemetery for a funeral of a close family member.

after the service we went to the tomb of the unknown solder

then we all went to eat at a restaurant where i managed to get myself a $40 parking ticket for exceeding the time on the parking meter





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at this point we went back to our hotels and changed out of formal clothing and into walking shoes. a few of us ventured into dc

more or less figured out how to move about using the subway system ect. we did get to see a few sights including the treasury building the Washington monument and the white house.





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cherry blossoms

the following day we ventured back into dc for a bit did some other wondering around and tourist stuff. we then went to the national zoo

it seems one of the animals escaped its cage.





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the other half is defiantly the better looking half. will be 10 years together this year and she keeps looking better every day where i keep getting balder and uglier every day

yes the escapee is the one in zebra striped sweat pants the mullet and 2L mt dew bottle

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Nice pics. Thanks for posting. Only been to DC once and that was for a business conference. I got in and out ASAP. As for flying, my saying was "a bad day traveling is better than a good day in the office". Glad you made it home safely.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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i take it the escapee is the one holding the mountain dew bottle :tease:

Now, now. It's terrible to pick on one of "O"s people.

DC is till a great place to visit, especially the Smithsonian and the Gerber Faciltiy / Air and Space Museum. The U.S. Patent Museum is also an interesting place to go to.

Can't fly though, as a combat veteran, we are all on the DHS and TSA "watch lists" an we all get an extra look over. Paul

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Too interesting, many thanks for sharing.

Glad you came home smooth after all that airport disappointments.

And the sleeper on blue Pete - I have a feeling I saw it somewhere before...

Probably in someone's yard. Not in person though.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Your other half looks like she's definitely the better-looking half. Congratulations.

All these historical and interesting pictures from our nation's capital, and all you say is "wow, your wife is hot!'' ? :whistling: ...I agree, i'm right there with you! :clap:

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Thanks for sharing your pics. I'm still as impressed with the sights in DC as I was as a kid. The history and beautiful architecture will always be, despite whomever is living in the White House.

Paul i wasnt picking on him! if i was picking on him i'd throw his ass in the lion cage! :twothumbsup:

That's a dude? I'll take your word for it 'cause I sure ain't clicking on it.

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my family member who passed away and was put to rest in Arlington worked in the pentagon for quite a few years and so some of his friends who he knew from that time who had grown up and lived in the area came to the funeral they said the same thing. we were trying to get some information from them because there "locals" and they were basically like i might live here but i haven't been to many of these places besides like grade school field trips so i wont be much help....lol

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