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What really happened yesterday?


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Yesterday, the Washington Navy Yard campus was placed on lockdown amid reports of gunshots in the same building where 12 people were killed during a shooting rampage in 2013.

Gunshots make a distinctive sound.

And federal official say a surveillance video showed two people jumping the fence next to the building a couple of minutes before the first report of the gunshots.

But 12 hours later, all news of the event has been whitewashed from the headline pages of the online media. (you can google search it)

Officials have since issued an "all clear", saying they haven't found any credible evidence of a threat.

We are expected to believe that surveillance video showing people jumping the fence next to the building minutes before the first report of the gunshots is not suspicious, much less credible evidence of a threat.

Peculiar?.........you be the judge.

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Geobels quote " how easy the media propaganda machine can control a so called enlightened people" or Hillary's favorite quote "ignorance is strength"


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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The last one that I REALLY liked was Ross Perot.

He felt that the USA should be run like a business..X money in, X money out. Shortfall on the in side, cut back the out

here we add a program and all the administrative costs to find a way to equal it

and yes, any one that is really qualified avoids it due to the BS of the other side. No matter what side it is

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Dr Ben Carson has the back bone and the scruples but saddly a snowballs chance in hell.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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The last one that I REALLY liked was Ross Perot.

He felt that the USA should be run like a business..X money in, X money out. Shortfall on the in side, cut back the out

here we add a program and all the administrative costs to find a way to equal it

and yes, any one that is really qualified avoids it due to the BS of the other side. No matter what side it is

At the behest of the establishment, the media successfully discredited Perot.

Yes, Perot was colorful, but he spoke the hard truth. For example, he told the American people the actual truth on NAFTA *.

Not having ever heard someone running for government speak bluntly and directly about the issues, the brainwashed masses didn't know what to make of Perot, and were afraid to stray away from the established Washington Show.

* The establishment's sales pitch for NAFTA to the gullible masses was a complete fabrication, a brilliantly played out distraction from the truth. NAFTA in fact was the idea of big business, a way for them to produce in low-labor-cost Mexico, and then import to the US without tariffs.

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At the behest of the establishment, the media successfully discredited Perot.

Yes, Perot was colorful, but he spoke the hard truth. For example, he told the American people the actual truth on NAFTA *.

Not having ever heard someone running for government speak bluntly and directly about the issues, the brainwashed masses didn't know what to make of Perot, and were afraid to stray away from the established Washington Show.

* The establishment's sales pitch for NAFTA to the gullible masses was a complete fabrication, a brilliantly played out distraction from the truth. NAFTA in fact was the idea of big business, a way for them to produce in low-labor-cost Mexico, and then import to the US without tariffs.

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson says President Barack Obama is a psychopath.

His comment came in an exchange between the neurosurgeon who's likely to mount a bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination and his chief adviser, Armstrong Williams,captured by a GQ reporter on the night of this year's State of the Union address.

Williams had said Obama looked "elegant" that night.

And Carson responded: "Like most psychopaths. That's why they're successful. That's the way they look. They all look great."

Later in the exchange, Carson accused Obama of knowingly selling the American public "a lie."

"He's trying to sell what he knows is not true!" Carson reportedly said. "He's sitting there saying, 'These Americans are so stupid I can tell them anything.'"

It's the latest in a long string of controversial comments from Carson, who's touted himself as an outsider -- someone who isn't a career politician and doesn't carry himself as one.

His blunt comments about Obama have been part of Carson's appeal to conservatives who have detested the President during his six-plus years in office.

Carson has also compared Obama's signature health care law to "slavery".

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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ObamaCare started out as the 2006 RomneyCare Massachusetts health care insurance reform laws.

Romneycare was a rationally thought out healthcare plan.

But Washington gutted it, created an absolute mess called ObamaCare and dumped it on the masses.

Having said all that, the U.S. insurance industry is one of the largest scams in our daily life (followed by the airline industry). The amount of money that Americans pay for all forms of insurance is shameful.

For the first time in decades, we had a man qualified to be president running in 2012 - Jon Huntsman. But the establishment had the media keep the spotlight off him. The son of the founder of Huntsman Chemical, he wasn't about money. A Mormon, he had no tolerance for the status quo within the beltway around Washington and wanted to begin fixing America.

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41chevy I think you should run for President and have Dr. Ben Carson as your Vice-President. That would be a pair you could not beat with a full house. Sadly the masses listen to the Liberals and Socialists and cannot see that the free spending money has to come from somewhere the working man or woman. Joe D.

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Why does it have to be one way or another? Why do we need republicans with heavy religious views? Why do we need democrats that have to tow only their party line? Its all about ego. Government should stay out of peoples personal lives and just govern. If my neighbor lady with 3 kids on welfare wants an abortion, go for it. Its her that has to live with it. But if she wants welfare and handouts she better be able to pass a drug test, and do community service. Our people are just plain lazy

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oh theres a big surprize.(IDIOTS)..... hopefully we get a real president next time,,,,would love to see donald trump,,,,he,s not a politician,,,but niether is most of the trash were stuck with anyway,,,,plus he,s a mastermind,,and a self made billianare that wouldnt need to suck the system,,,,just improve this place,,and send us back to richest country again...bob

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Why does it have to be one way or another? Why do we need republicans with heavy religious views? Why do we need democrats that have to tow only their party line? Its all about ego. Government should stay out of peoples personal lives and just govern. If my neighbor lady with 3 kids on welfare wants an abortion, go for it. Its her that has to live with it. But if she wants welfare and handouts she better be able to pass a drug test, and do community service. Our people are just plain lazy

It doesn't need to be that way, but politicians are no longer for the people and the law. The follow party lines for the power and money. Most Public Schools have for the past 30 years or so have taught children the government knows whats best for them. Lawyers sue over things as simple as a cut finger, so laws are passed to save you from yourself. Parents would rather the government and schools raise and take care of their children.

Maine's public assistance program went from 250,000 people to a few hundred. How? You receive assistance and you are able to function, you must work a minimum of 20 hours a week paid or volunteer and pass random drug testing. Get busted for drugs or alcohol? benefits are gone. . forever.

And yes the Federal Government, the ACLU are suing Maine for denying peoples "god given right" to get help.. . GOD GIVEN RIGHT?


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I wish every state would take Maine's stance on handouts Paul. Sure would free up a TON of money. We also shouldn't be sending billions of "aid" money to corrupt countries that hate us. Put that money into our military, keep them here and if any body screws with us level there country in a day or two and come home. No more PC wars. War is ugly, nasty and unfortunately needed so let's keep it that way.

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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At the behest of the establishment, the media successfully discredited Perot.

Yes, Perot was colorful, but he spoke the hard truth. For example, he told the American people the actual truth on NAFTA *.

Not having ever heard someone running for government speak bluntly and directly about the issues, the brainwashed masses didn't know what to make of Perot, and were afraid to stray away from the established Washington Show.

* The establishment's sales pitch for NAFTA to the gullible masses was a complete fabrication, a brilliantly played out distraction from the truth. NAFTA in fact was the idea of big business, a way for them to produce in low-labor-cost Mexico, and then import to the US without tariffs.

I remember the "giant sucking sound" very well.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I’m offended that everyone is offended by something.

by Jordan M. Thompson on Facebook

I’m offended that because I’m a white male, people automatically classify me as privileged, regardless of knowing where I’ve come from or what I’ve been through.

I’m offended that our first amendment has turned into freedom of speech [just as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings].

I’m offended that people assume I’m racist because I believe in economic development by way of Capitalism and a free-market economy.

I’m offended that people who are too afraid to ask for food stamps, disability, or unemployment (because they don’t want a handout) are probably the one’s who could use it most, yet the majority of recipients who do in fact recieve handouts, abuse their “privilege” and continue to make frivolous purchases. I’m offended that people care more about taking down an outdated confederate flag but don’t get riled up when their American flag is being burned in the street.

I’m offended that people care more about blocking homosexuals from getting married than fixing their own, broken and unstable, heterosexual marriages.

I’m offended that fast food workers get paid more than my soldiers yet still expect to get paid more than Nurses.

I’m offended by people who claim how offended they are, while they do nothing but gripe about it on their phones or laptops, when they could be writing or calling their respective representatives to actually get something accomplished.

I’m offended by the lack of initiative, hard work, and tenacity in this country.

I’m offended by complainers who pity themselves and just want to take as much as they can.

I’m offended by those who have in fact “made it” yet are too rude to give back to the communities in which they’ve come from.

I’m offended by people who vote for a person based on the party they represent, the race or gender, age or a religion of a candidate… instead of how the candidate proposes to address each issue, respectively.

I’m offended by people who aren’t open minded and think they’re always right, no matter what.

I’m offended by people who don’t listen and read and legitimately try to understand unfamiliar concepts before brushing them off.

I’m offended of what our country has become.

I don’t claim to know solutions to these issues… eventually maybe we will. I just pray that we can one day change our country for the better. And hope that our offenses can turn into progress.


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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