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ran across this rare animal while browsing Hank's Truck Pictures, a cl 350 Mack...geez,looks like I goofed again-never mind the second brochure picture,that's redundant...word of the day,redundant.

The caption reads:

"This is a Mack CL350 that Mack made in the late 1970's to compete with Pacific (Hayes had since gone). This was the first CL350 brought into the forest. It's stationed at the Menzies Bay camp north of Campbell River. The cab is not original, and I'm not sure if this is a rebuilt truck or another one the division bought. They did get the first one, as the shop guy there told me and showed it to me when I was up there in the summer after they got it. Mack tried this truck, but from what I was able to gather, they didn't sell very many of them and the CL350 series was eventually discontinued."

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I used to love those. I have some Bulldog magazines from the early 80's that have pics of one of those CL 350 ST's painted yellow. Was that something that came out of the Hayes relationship? Or did Mack make them themselves?

Same with the M Series mining trucks and the articulated Mack-Pack. You never really heard or seen much of them. Did someone make those for Mack? I'd like to see a pic of that Mack-Pack all wheel drive articulated bottom dump.

Have you guys ever heard of Challenger Trucks from British Columbia, Canada. They used to rebuild Hayes, Pacific, Mack, KW, etc. I-beam tractors for the logging and mining industry, then designed their own truck with a lot of new updates over those previous designs. I have a brochure and pics from them and the Mack E-9 was their standard spec engine. They offered all the big Cat, Cummins and V12 Detroits but praised the Mack E9 as having the best power to weight to fuel economy ratio of all the engines. They also praised the reliability of them.

Sweet looking B Model mixer there Other Dog!

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I used to love those. I have some Bulldog magazines from the early 80's that have pics of one of those CL 350 ST's painted yellow. Was that something that came out of the Hayes relationship? Or did Mack make them themselves?

Same with the M Series mining trucks and the articulated Mack-Pack. You never really heard or seen much of them. Did someone make those for Mack? I'd like to see a pic of that Mack-Pack all wheel drive articulated bottom dump.

Have you guys ever heard of Challenger Trucks from British Columbia, Canada. They used to rebuild Hayes, Pacific, Mack, KW, etc. I-beam tractors for the logging and mining industry, then designed their own truck with a lot of new updates over those previous designs. I have a brochure and pics from them and the Mack E-9 was their standard spec engine. They offered all the big Cat, Cummins and V12 Detroits but praised the Mack E9 as having the best power to weight to fuel economy ratio of all the engines. They also praised the reliability of them.

Sweet looking B Model mixer there Other Dog!

thank you :D

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I love these really big trucks and the even bigger loads of logs.

There are some great pictures of huge log loads around.

Probably not many of the really, really big trees left.

They built our country.

Paul Van Scott

yeah,I chopped these down with an axe in the back yard,so i'd have enough room for my grill. I gave them to some company out of British Columbia ,if they'd come and get'em outa' the yard . I took this picture after they'd loaded them up and pulled out of the driveway,headed back to British Columbia. :rolleyes:

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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yeah,I chopped these down with an axe in the back yard,so i'd have enough room for my grill. I gave them to some company out of British Columbia ,if they'd come and get'em outa' the yard . I took this picture after they'd loaded them up and pulled out of the driveway,headed back to British Columbia. :rolleyes:

Was I the only one that seen that seen you with an axe in my dreams?

I must be some type of soothsayer!


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I used to love those. I have some Bulldog magazines from the early 80's that have pics of one of those CL 350 ST's painted yellow. Was that something that came out of the Hayes relationship? Or did Mack make them themselves

Have you guys ever heard of Challenger Trucks from British Columbia, Canada. They used to rebuild Hayes, Pacific, Mack, KW, etc. I-beam tractors for the logging and mining industry, then designed their own truck with a lot of new updates over those previous designs. I have a brochure and pics from them and the Mack E-9 was their standard spec engine. They offered all the big Cat, Cummins and V12 Detroits but praised the Mack E9 as having the best power to weight to fuel economy ratio of all the engines. They also praised the reliability of them.

Sweet looking B Model mixer there Other Dog!

? one!

Built BY mack! not by someone else.

Rumor had it that the engineer that desgined the hayes hdx quit over some argument with managment at hayes and was hired by Mack to redesign a logger for em!

that is what he came up with.

All but about half a dozen came to Vancouver Island to live!The red and white cabs M+B bought 12

the rest were sold to several smaller independants Husby forest products had 6 or so and still run several!Most of them Have gone to the bone yard as the fat truck era is about over now.

Too expensive to repair the diffs in these units!They Are Mack planetary diffs a breed of their own.

a run of approx 28 trucks!The cab was swiped from an earlier designed ore truck I beleive and modified to fit the cL.

The Challenger truck Was built by A local Guy that Loved Fat trucks And got sold On the V8 after He had removed a buzzin dozen from one of his trucks and replaced it with an E9 and found he almost could pay for a V8 repower of a truck in a year in fuel savings and with almost half again the horsepower.

He built Half a dosen trucks before the logging tiped over

The only draw back to the engine was the engine brake!What goes up must come down!If you were to see where some of these went up YOU would not like the down part! :) Most of these guys had the gutts of Dick tracy!

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I did some more digging. Mack's web site says the CL350ST was designed in Canada and built at the Oakville, Ontario Canada plant. They show production from 1976 to 1979 with 27 made in those years. I have a Canadian Bulldog Magazine (vol.82 #1) I believe from 1980 that has a pic of a brand new CL350ST painted yellow with a green stripe. The quote says "Heinz and Mike Portmann of Campbell River have taken delivery of the first or two CL350ST units for logging operation in Loughborough Inlet." Pretty impressive looking unit. I imagine they had Detroit power like most other fat trucks of the time did?

I have a Mack product line brochure from 1978 that shows the M Series and Mack-Pack. There is only one pic (single axle dump truck) and details are limited other than saying they available with 800 h.p. 2 or 4 cycle engines and Mack Planidrive axles. Also interesting to note Mack was the only haul truck manufacturer in that class with all wheel disc brakes. Macks website has production of M series-1960 to 1979, M100-1967 to 68 at 3 units, MP404X-1976 to 1978 at 20 units. That's all the info I can find on the Big Macks. Other than I have that hardcover book "Mack Driven for a Century" and it has some pics. They show a restored M100 tandem dump truck, brown in colour. Very nice. I wonder how many are still around in the hands of collectors?

If anyone has any other info or pics please post. Thanks for the other info fjh.

I remember when I was young, I have an uncle that lived by the Oakville plant and he told me he saw a giant dump truck there one day. I do remember driving by it when it just before it went out of operation, but all I remember is R models as far as the eye could see. Does anyone have any pics from the Oakville plant?

A couple other interesting facts I came up with are the DMM (EX) twin steer front drive trucks were designed in Canada in 1972 and also the RD800 in 1980.

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I did some more digging. Mack's web site says the CL350ST was designed in Canada and built at the Oakville, Ontario Canada plant. They show production from 1976 to 1979 with 27 made in those years. I have a Canadian Bulldog Magazine (vol.82 #1) I believe from 1980 that has a pic of a brand new CL350ST painted yellow with a green stripe. The quote says "Heinz and Mike Portmann of Campbell River have taken delivery of the first or two CL350ST units for logging operation in Loughborough Inlet." Pretty impressive looking unit. I imagine they had Detroit power like most other fat trucks of the time did?

I have a Mack product line brochure from 1978 that shows the M Series and Mack-Pack. There is only one pic (single axle dump truck) and details are limited other than saying they available with 800 h.p. 2 or 4 cycle engines and Mack Planidrive axles. Also interesting to note Mack was the only haul truck manufacturer in that class with all wheel disc brakes. Macks website has production of M series-1960 to 1979, M100-1967 to 68 at 3 units, MP404X-1976 to 1978 at 20 units. That's all the info I can find on the Big Macks. Other than I have that hardcover book "Mack Driven for a Century" and it has some pics. They show a restored M100 tandem dump truck, brown in colour. Very nice. I wonder how many are still around in the hands of collectors?

If anyone has any other info or pics please post. Thanks for the other info fjh.

I remember when I was young, I have an uncle that lived by the Oakville plant and he told me he saw a giant dump truck there one day. I do remember driving by it when it just before it went out of operation, but all I remember is R models as far as the eye could see. Does anyone have any pics from the Oakville plant?

A couple other interesting facts I came up with are the DMM (EX) twin steer front drive trucks were designed in Canada in 1972 and also the RD800 in 1980.

Your welcome and yes the favorite engine was 12 71, I had the opertunity to do a V8 transplant on one of these made it a ture mack e9 and a 12 sp all but maybe 2 were born with 12s the others had KT cummins special order ,husby forest still runs some now with I beleive ser 60 repowers.

Our shop handled or pdied most of these units there where a large amount of updates to do before they were put to work We modified fuel tanks, planitarys had a few glitches and the mack wheel lock was disposed of for a more tire man friendly setup.there where a bunch more tidleeys done to many to list!

All In All second only to the challenger It was the best of the fat trucks!

The guy that built th challenger was rumored to have sold the company and plans to the ausies for an ore hauler!They even hired his engineer. Rumors rumors! :)

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Your welcome and yes the favorite engine was 12 71, I had the opertunity to do a V8 transplant on one of these made it a ture mack e9 and a 12 sp all but maybe 2 were born with 12s the others had KT cummins special order ,husby forest still runs some now with I beleive ser 60 repowers.

Our shop handled or pdied most of these units there where a large amount of updates to do before they were put to work We modified fuel tanks, planitarys had a few glitches and the mack wheel lock was disposed of for a more tire man friendly setup.there where a bunch more tidleeys done to many to list!

All In All second only to the challenger It was the best of the fat trucks!

The guy that built th challenger was rumored to have sold the company and plans to the ausies for an ore hauler!They even hired his engineer. Rumors rumors! :)

Thanks again fjh! Must have been cool working on those. The Challenger name is going again. You are correct, the Australians bought it and they have (had?) a web site. They still look the same but the last time I saw the web site it didn't list any specs or what they are using for power now. I'll have to search for the site again this weekend.

That guy from BC that started Challenger was really nice. I first seen them in an issue of Highway Star Magazine and was blown away, so I contacted them. I told them I was in no way able to buy a rig like that, but was impressed and would like to learn more. The next thing I know, I receive a package in the mail with a brochure and a bunch of pics he took of some of the trucks he built and that were in service. If I get a chance this weekend I'll post some. There were the loggers and a really nice ore hauler. It's too bad to see him have to sell, but like you said the Canadian market really dried up. I hope he made out good on the sale because he was first class in my books.

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Good find Monty

What I liked about the challanger was it was mechanic friendly ! the hood fliped straight up out of the way not butterfly like the mack and hayes and pacific! the engine was on a crate inside the frame on the first model and the engine and trans could be pulled as a lump out the front on its own engine stand so to speak.John was sort of a Wrench him self so he new the things needed to service properly.

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Well I tried to upload pics of my Challenger brochure (they show the big glorious :mack1: E9 V8 under the hood) but this awful, useless dial up won't let me. After 45 minutes it still said "uploading file." Funny I can email pics, but can't seem to be able to upload them to this site. I'll try a smaller pic, hope this works.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I tried to upload pics of my Challenger brochure (they show the big glorious :mack1: E9 V8 under the hood) but this awful, useless dial up won't let me. After 45 minutes it still said "uploading file." Funny I can email pics, but can't seem to be able to upload them to this site. I'll try a smaller pic, hope this works.

captain's log...9 days later...still uploading file... :lol:

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My wife and I took a trip up to Niagara falls for our 20th wedding anniversary on Sept. 24th, and while driving through New York somewhere, I saw one of these trucks on the back of a heavy hauler. It was going the other way and I could not find my camera fast enough. I do know the truck was "HUGE". It was painted yellow.

Live every day like it's your last, because one of these days, it will be.

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  • 13 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I will take the test.... What I was told 20+ ago.... A gold bulldog meant the WHOLE truck was Mack, engine, tranny, and rear's.... I have seen other postings with some pretty good answers, but this is the only one I know...  I'm curious too.. Jojo

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2 minutes ago, Joey Mack said:

Ok I will take the test.... What I was told 20+ ago.... A gold bulldog meant the WHOLE truck was Mack, engine, tranny, and rear's.... I have seen other postings with some pretty good answers, but this is the only one I know...  I'm curious too.. Jojo

I've been told the same thing..... but ?   I've owned 2 CLs from brand new that had 8LLs in them (both Elites) and they both came with gold dogs. I have a CTP  MP 7   Maxitorque   CRD92s   only thing not Mack is the Hendrickson air ride and the brackets on the frame have bulldogs cast in them.  The CLs had Hendrickson RT and they had Hendrickson "H" logos cast in them .  The RW in my avatar was an E9 2180 and 461s   No gold dog there either ?

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To be honest....  I like My thought's the best...  I have 2 pure bred Australian Sheppard's and payed a bunch for each of them.  My simple point is: If it's ALL Mack.... it's a pure bred, pedigree... Gold Dog!!!!  and it better not have any Irish, or Swedish in it's blood..  With love, Jojo

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