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I know there's a double standard- if it was an adult man and a 15 year old girl, that's just wrong. But a 15 year old boy is scarred for life? Really? I doubt she had to hold a gun to his head or a knife to his throat. Dad's probably jealous because it wasn't him, being angry because his wife told him to, while secretly thinking "way to go son!"


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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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She probably did screw him up for life OD. When is he EVER going to get an NFL CHEERLEADER again??! He's got nothing got no where to go but down now.

You're absolutely right, I never thought of that.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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18 as the age of consent is really screwing her. If she'd been from any other state in the northeast (besides NY @ 17), she'd only have missed the age of consent by a few months when the boy turned 16. While it still may have been a problem for her, missing the AoC by 3 months will likely get more sympathy from a jury than missing it by 3 years. Whether it was a hot & horny teacher or in this case, an NFL cheerleader seeking revenge for her husband's affair, I always wondered WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL?!?!?!?!? Kid's got a story to tell...nothing to be upset about unless she gave him some STD he's stuck with for life now.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I'll bet the parents are dems. and they will sue next month in the mean time, one of the parents is doing one of the kids or the neighbor or on drugs, I always worry about the holy roller types (Duggars) do as I say not as I do, the kid will be fine and if my son I'd pat him on the back and tell what a fine score he made, now that would not happen with a daughter. not a double standard just boys and girls lead different lives. boys should be boys, that's what makes them into men, not pussies. men fight wars, men do the stuff others can't and won't, men are the ones who step and do what's needed, so a mature woman is a much better way to become a man. Good for him and screw the liberal parent wanting raise another limp wristed left winger. GO TRUMP

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Why only jail on weekends? That isn't what any other "sexual predator" would get?

Friend I race with, his son in law had sex with his own daughters best friend(she was 15? at the time). He got 4-5 years hard time. Same thing, they texted and got caught. The difference from 30+ yrs ago, only a few select buddies every heard about stories like this. It didn't get plastered all over every ones phone.



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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