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A man murders 9 people. The evidence is indisputable.

However, rather than summarily execute him, taking his life as a penalty for abruptly ending the lives of nine others, and also to send a message that murder is not tolerated in these United States of America, taxpayers are senselessly paying for his incarceration going on month four, and now may pay to keep him behind bars for life.

Where’s the justice in this? He murdered nine people.......you pay.


Accused gunman in Charleston church shooting proposes guilty plea

Reuters / September 16, 2015

An attorney for the man accused of gunning down nine people at a church in South Carolina in June said on Wednesday his client is willing to plead guilty to state murder charges if that would spare him a death sentence.

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LIFE-NO parole..at Supermax in Colorado

first two years in solitary/no lights

No sir.

I, John Q. Taxpayer, do not want to pay what will approach a million dollars for his life-long incarceration. I want my tax dollars to pay for revitalizing our nation's decaying infrastructure.

And, I want a message sent to the criminal element that indisputable murders will now be summarily dealt with in these United States of America (even evil people have a strong reaction to the threat of death).

59 cent 22 cal between the eyes works first time every time on hogs

59 cents?! That's egregious! 22 shells are "down" to 16-19 cents a piece here. either way it's a helluva lot cheaper than letting the bastard breathe on our dime.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

I say just set up a hang mans rope in the middle of town and hang them. So every criminal can see what will happen to them if they don't change.

That's exactly what I am talking about..........it works with effect.

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Swift execution my ass! Let them give back to society! Make them "volunteers" for live medical experiments. At least we'll get a return on the money spent for the trial.

The Charleston shooting should have been an act of terrorism by an enemy combatant same as the Fort Hood shootings.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  • 2 weeks later...

A man murders 9 people. The evidence is indisputable.

However, rather than summarily execute him, taking his life as a penalty for abruptly ending the lives of nine others, and also to send a message that murder is not tolerated in these United States of America, taxpayers are senselessly paying for his incarceration going on month four, and now may pay to keep him behind bars for life.

Where’s the justice in this? He murdered nine people.......you pay.


Accused gunman in Charleston church shooting proposes guilty plea

Reuters / September 16, 2015

An attorney for the man accused of gunning down nine people at a church in South Carolina in June said on Wednesday his client is willing to plead guilty to state murder charges if that would spare him a death sentence.

While I agree with everything you stated and most of what has been posted after, I'd like to know why I'm not hearing much about the scumbag in Oregon that killed all those Christians, and is being shooed aside and we're not to focus on his name or family?

The scumbag in SC had his family plastered on TV 24/7 with death threats; why is this new "diverse" scumbag's family not under scrutiny or the news focussing on this 24/7 like the SC case?

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I think media should never get 24/7 on the criminal himslef. That give those f*//ers unglorious moment of glory. we don't care that he was living in his basement and showing pictures of him with guns on whatever website and didnt have friends and was misterious. Hang em high and short, then show the pictures to the nation. that might discourage gutless moron to do so.

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You people are mean and hateful, what happened to love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek, oops my mistake I thought this was the Rachal maddog show or Lawrence I'm a idiot, First thing the libs call for is gun control, how about lock up the looney tune mental case jerk off that pulls these stunts, oops once again I'm wrong, we would not want to offend someone with a mental defect, we might hurt their feelings, that's in the constitution, you can not pick on whack jobs. but we can propose the end to your rights that are protected. another Obama and a Hillary and it's all over, you just walk around like a mindless runt and mumble to your self because that is all you will have left. If your white and straight in this country, you are screwed. Shoot a Black or Muslim and the media would be 24/7, shoot a whitey that goes to church and no one cares. The libs will some how blame the dead, you'll see.

The Oregon Sherriff does not want to make this guy famous, and I agree with that, too many of these nut jobs want to be seen as famous and remembered as household names for years. I think we should just call them by the "incident name" as the "shooter" or the "bomber", maybe that would be enough reasons for some of these guys to rethink their plans of dying FAMOUS. Don't get me wrong here I'm not trying to make this sound as if I am protecting or numbing this act down, that's not my intentions I just want him to go to the grave as a faceless,gutless puke. We can still post all the details about his plot or theologies and find out why they did what they did, just don't give the bastards no credit.

I agree with not publicizing these shootings. Too many copycats. If they are not going to be on national news then it might not be worth it to these lunatics.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

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