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Importance of having a dash cam


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I drove for 2 companies that use drivecam. Both would use it a a tool for punishing drivers. Telling you your following too close, or going to fast for the curve, or drinking a coffee... I always hated it. Until one morning after loading a trailer full of LPG and heading out and a car goes right through a stop sign and we collide. I was able to veer to the oncoming lane so it was a glancing blow and nobody was hurt but the damage was done. I am now a firm believer in drivecam! It showed the whole event, and I was in the clear.

There are a lot of liars out there and drivecam is a cheap and easy insurance.

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They must have really wanted to avoid that exit only lane. Holy crap! Had that been the old days when bumpers were higher, he would have been a pizza in a little red pizza box. CRUNCH! I have to wonder what the hell they were doing to wind up making that move...Must have crapped an egg roll on that one!

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Our local freight drivers tell me about their cab cameras. They aren't suppose to smoke in the truck. The one driver is a old timer and just flicks the camera the finger and lights up. Never been bothered or written up.

They are a good thing anymore, but I don't think they need to be pointed at the driver(yet).

Makes you wonder how much they WEREN'T paying attention to drive into the front of a semi just out their side window?



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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