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My Mack H67 has 2 Grover Products Company Air Horns, they are out of Los Angeles and that is about all the markings on the horns. About a 22 inch horn with a 6 inch opening, mounted on top of the cab. They are geting air but no sound from the horns. I took one off and took it apart and found a spring from the center of the back plate that rest on the diaphragm to be out of place, I could tell by the rust mark left on the diaphragm. Also on the other side of the diaphragm the horn barrel was screwed down against the diaphragm and left a circle mark. I repositioned the spring and backed out the barral so it was not touching the diapharm, connected it to a air hose and still no sound. I don't know how to work on air horns so any help would be most appricated. These horns have not worked in some time. Thanks, Double Diamond

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  Double Diamond said:
My Mack H67 has 2 Grover Products Company Air Horns, they are out of Los Angeles and that is about all the markings on the horns. About a 22 inch horn with a 6 inch opening, mounted on top of the cab. They are geting air but no sound from the horns. I took one off and took it apart and found a spring from the center of the back plate that rest on the diaphragm to be out of place, I could tell by the rust mark left on the diaphragm. Also on the other side of the diaphragm the horn barrel was screwed down against the diaphragm and left a circle mark. I repositioned the spring and backed out the barral so it was not touching the diapharm, connected it to a air hose and still no sound. I don't know how to work on air horns so any help would be most appricated. These horns have not worked in some time. Thanks, Double Diamond

about all I know is they have a lock nut and set screw on them to adjust the tone, otherwise if the diaphram is good and they don't have dirt dauber nests in them, I have no idea either.Glad I could help :rolleyes:

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Double D..... :) The Grover Products air horn kit is $28.00 + Uncle Sam. Call your local Dealer, he should be able to send you to a Grover Products supplier in your home town or city. Or you can go on line and call Grover. They can help you find a local business that will send you in the right direction.


mike :mack1:

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