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I'm a retired Richmond, Va. Firefighter originally from Western Pa.

I'm looking for one Mack in particular.

It is a 1955, maybe a '56. It was owned by Evans City, Pa. and was bought way back then with Civil Defense monies in the '50's.

It was in service with the Evans City Volunteer Fire Department until 1981 or 1982 when it was replaced and sold to the highest bidder.

The borough lost many records in a flood in 2004 and so far we haven't been able to find a thing like registration, serial numbers or who the high bid was.

We believe it went to a used apparatus dealer in the south, possibly Texas. We believe it was then sold to a volunteer fire department in West Texas possibly. Way back then we were told it went somewhere in Texas

We have very little to go on other that a couple of pictures. Anyone know how to find an old Mack that has been lost for 30 + years?

I posted first in the Introduction forum, but should have posted here instead.

Dan Waldron

Mechanicsville, Va.


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me too.    Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


Firebuster, please dont take this the wrong way. I was just told that you have bitzkrieged just about every known Mack forum in the known universe over the past few months. The two best guys do not know where it is, therefore it has probably been scrapped. Hate to burst your bubble but it is what it is.

Edited by 1958 F.W.D.


If it has been junked or is still alive and kicking at least I will know where it is. 

I have noticed West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona is virtually void of people that post anything about fire apparatus or their volunteer departments. Not everyone is as tuned in  at showing off their equipment as others. Now that we have found more information from the Mack Museum we have a better chance of finding what happened to it or where it is.



I'd place a few ads on Hemmings with the photo so it catches everyone's attention. One in the Trucks for sale section  and one in the parts section and one in he wanted section.   Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


For some reason this Mack is still titled to Evans City, Pa. We don't know why but are researching to find out. We do know this not to be true. And yes I have bombarded forums and FaceBook pages searching for this engine. Somebody somewhere knows something. Myself and several others are intent on finding where it is or what happened to it. I've talked via email with  Mike Martinelli and he knows nothing of this engine.

mack title.jpg

Edited by Firebuster


as I said, I do not know where this rig is.  neither does Greg Stapleton.   between us we have the best databases out there on Mack apparatus.   neither of us have any information on this.  We have compared this rig to all our unknown photos in our vast collections.   nothing matches.  It is extremely doubtful the Mack museum will have anything on it about any owners after Evans City,,they dont track them the way we do.    sorry, but thats the straight dope.

There is/was a B model registry if you have not checked that. I don't know if it is available yet, I cannot get to it. It was on a site called Old Macks R Us, which now appears to be gone. 

Possibly someone here has a copy of the registry.

Here is a thread on it.


Edited by Phase 1
23 hours ago, Firebuster said:

If it has been junked or is still alive and kicking at least I will know where it is. 

I have noticed West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona is virtually void of people that post anything about fire apparatus or their volunteer departments. Not everyone is as tuned in  at showing off their equipment as others. Now that we have found more information from the Mack Museum we have a better chance of finding what happened to it or where it is.


Here is one Arizona fire department that has a website with its current and former apparatus. It is the Houston Mesa Fire Department just outside of Payson, AZ., www.houstonmesafire.org.

Its first engine was a 1958 Mack "B-85F" with a deluxe cab that was purchased from a department near Pittsburgh, PA. While it is not the engine you are looking for it is a nice looking "B" model.


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I got all the build information from the Mack Museum and I understand they don't track vehicles after they have been sold to the original owners. I did however get valuable information along with the serial number.

It was run by a police friend by searching their nationwide database that police regularly use. It came back still titled to Evans City Borough.

Whatever this may mean could be so many different reasons.

No sales tax would have ever been collected.

No Insurance has been on the vehicle since 1983.

It was never resold.

It could be parked in someones barn.

It could have been scrapped.

There was some internal strife at that time between the fire department and city council over the sale and we could have been lied to. Council members are all dead now.


17 minutes ago, Firebuster said:

I got all the build information from the Mack Museum and I understand they don't track vehicles after they have been sold to the original owners. I did however get valuable information along with the serial number.

It was run by a police friend by searching their nationwide database that police regularly use. It came back still titled to Evans City Borough.

Whatever this may mean could be so many different reasons.

No sales tax would have ever been collected.

No Insurance has been on the vehicle since 1983.

It was never resold.

It could be parked in someones barn.

It could have been scrapped.

There was some internal strife at that time between the fire department and city council over the sale and we could have been lied to. Council members are all dead now.

Your absolutely right..... It could be anywhere....persistency is the only way to find out what happened to it.  I checked the Spaamfaa vehicle list but it wasn't listed. 

2 hours ago, Firebuster said:

I got all the build information from the Mack Museum and I understand they don't track vehicles after they have been sold to the original owners. I did however get valuable information along with the serial number.

It was run by a police friend by searching their nationwide database that police regularly use. It came back still titled to Evans City Borough.

Whatever this may mean could be so many different reasons.

No sales tax would have ever been collected.

No Insurance has been on the vehicle since 1983.

It was never resold.

It could be parked in someones barn.

It could have been scrapped.

There was some internal strife at that time between the fire department and city council over the sale and we could have been lied to. Council members are all dead now.


Are you thinking they may have sold it for scrap? Or someone connected "received" it?

It is unusual that if it survives, it would not have been licensed in all these years. Possible of course.

Can you access the Council meeting minutes from that time? Or the treasurers records for a payment made on it? Those could lead you to a buyer.

They should have a file with vehicle titles, could it still be there?

Edited by Phase 1

I'm not ruling out anything. I believe someone came with a flatbed trailer and took it away. That's about all.

There was a flood in 2004 that may have destroyed the records of meetings.

I've now got the mayor looking into the records because of the liability this may pose.

I don't know where the title is located, just that it is still in the borough's name.

There was a fire apparatus hoarder in western Pa. that passed away in 2005 and the family auctioned his collection in 2006. 

There was a piece of equipment from a town 5 miles from Evans City in the auction so anything could be possible.




19 hours ago, Loadstar said:

Your absolutely right..... It could be anywhere....persistency is the only way to find out what happened to it.  I checked the Spaamfaa vehicle list but it wasn't listed. 

I'm thinking a hoarder may have bought it and has had it parked since. 

It legally couldn't be scrapped without junking the title with the state. Not to say it hasn't been done.

Thanks for checking!

I'm retired and have plenty of time to search for it.



A little good news, now that it has been learned the title is still in the borough's name the mayor is a little concerned. They have started pulling minutes of council meetings from back then to see where it went.

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