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Liberal Goon Squads?


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we need several well placed( bat swingers) from the right side to convince quite a few of the  bought and paid for idiots on the left that the few bucks they are being handed is not worth the busted heads and bruised ass`s. you fight fire with fire

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So, I wonder if the libs/progressives that are paying these protesters will issue 1099's to the protesters at year end.  And when the protesters don't pay their income tax, will the the IRS will come after them?   (Fat chance.  IRS still populated with Lois Lerner types.)



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3 hours ago, 41chevy said:

Lame Stream Media and the Leisure class free loaders would use that as an example of the dangers of Conservatives. AS one member told me in a PM about facts on wind power /coal,  that I should get off my sister, put my teeth in, the gun,  beer and bible down and listen to " the Voice of Diverse America, it's the 21st century".   

Notice the other day when Trump said Hillary belongs in jail, how she and the media went after Trump U for robbing 20 something "children" . Now when a particular union told it's members the pension fund was mis-invested and the members would get maybe 40%, Hillary said those things happen, and when she's elected she will bail out the fund . . Dowling College just went belly up and Hillary (whom says she is a New Yorker)  told the parents and students that there are other schools around for them. Dowling is mainly a  Technical school teaching aviation trade subjects, nothing important like Liberal Arts.

Trump said the judge being born in the U.S. of Mexican parents is probably biased against him (Trump) because he will build a wall and deport the illegals.  I think it is extremely likely the judge could be biased, whether he is aware of it or not.

        I say again you      fight fire with fire

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5 hours ago, 41chevy said:

Lame Stream Media and the Leisure class free loaders would use that as an example of the dangers of Conservatives. AS one member told me in a PM about facts on wind power /coal,  that I should get off my sister, put my teeth in, the gun,  beer and bible down and listen to " the Voice of Diverse America, it's the 21st century".   

Isn't it funny how those who preach tolerance seem to have the least of it for others with a differing view. Btw way whoever said that to you likely hasn't served their country like you.  Their pushy, pc bully tactics is a dead giveaway.  

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Trump was right to be concerned about judge being biased against him and doubting he can get a fair trial. 

"Curiel is affiliated with La Raza Lawyers of California, a bar association, according to the Associated Press. The group describes itself as: "an independent unincorporated association of Lawyers organized in 1977 to support Chicano and Latino Lawyers in California and serve as a statewide network for local affiliate La Raza Lawyers Groups."

"And who is Curiel? 

An appointee of President Obama, he has for years been associated with the La Raza Lawyers Association of San Diego, which supports pro-illegal immigrant organizations." 



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Why do the Liberals want a open border with Mexico ??? why are we the only country in the world that has to have open borders, if we have to have open borders then every country in the world should also.  See how far that gets, it will get no where, in our area theft crime is up, why ? because the Mexican population cannot find jobs and resort to crimes of theft, if the ones here cannot find jobs then why do we need more ???????????

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amazing all the dirt being swept under the carpet.....id forgot all about that paster caper,,,,obambi shoulda been tarred and feathered over that....instead the media decided to squash it,,,and think nothing of it..like.wow man:thumbsdown:...bob

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Don't forget the irs scandal he paid no attention to and the media ignored, or letting 4 Americans die and lying to the public about it with the dems nominee so it wouldn't ruin his reelection or going around the world apologizing for the US being great. The list goes on and on and on and on.....

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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On 6/6/2016 at 10:41 PM, HeavyGunner said:

Isn't it funny how those who preach tolerance seem to have the least of it for others with a differing view. Btw way whoever said that to you likely hasn't served their country like you.  Their pushy, pc bully tactics is a dead giveaway.  

Bah, you're just a bunch of old white dudes that just don't get it!:lol:

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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