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Poorly Photo-chopped Road Trip

other dog

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That is a nice smoke ring on that brisket- I smoked it for about 11 hours I think. It's only the second time I tried a whole brisket, it came out way better than the first one.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Looks damn tasty OD.  What kind of smoker? I've got a homemade one out of an old 50's era upright freezer. I can fit 4 turkeys in it at once. I have a killer brine that I soak the turkey in for a week before smoking my it. 

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On 7/30/2016 at 9:02 AM, HeavyGunner said:

Looks damn tasty OD.  What kind of smoker? I've got a homemade one out of an old 50's era upright freezer. I can fit 4 turkeys in it at once. I have a killer brine that I soak the turkey in for a week before smoking my it. 

It's a Char-Griller, I got it at Tractor Supply- it's been a good one!


...but as far as smokers go, this old gas oven that I use is the best! I just put a fire in the bottom, and with the insulation all the way around the oven except for in the bottom, it will cook a boston butt way quicker than the Char-Griller. I can only get the temperature up to about 175 in the Char-Griller if I only use the offset firebox.


An old gas stove is ready to use for a smoker. I have another one that I made out of an electric range. With the electric stove you have to pull all the wiring and stuff out, and get in there some kind of way and pull all the insulation out from under the oven, leaving it all around the sides and top. I bent a coat hanger and pulled it out through a hole I found somewhere. You need to keep both bottoms though, with the empty space in between. Then you just drill a bunch of holes down through the bottom of the oven without going through the second bottom, and more from the bottom without going all the way through into the oven itself- that way the smoke can get through, but if the holes are not directly in line, the flames can't get through and char your meat. And you can drill away around the edges of the oven, it doesn't matter if the holes go all the way through. It ain't much to look at, but they make a hell of a smoker.


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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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The electric stove- I made it because my son said he wanted an old stove in his back yard too- I was touched. Saw it just up the road for sale one day for $35. It was actually a perfectly fine fully operational 'lectric range.


All wires removed-


The electric stoves need the drawer in the bottom- that will be your fire box. I bought him a big, but very cheap, wok at the Wal Mart store to use as a fire box- the bottom of the drawer itself would burn out quickly if you didn't put something in there for your fire. 


Here's my gas stove- like I said, it ain't much to look at, but  it makes a fine smoker- the electric stoves do too, but if you can find a gas stove there's no wires to remove, no holes to drill, you just pull that door open at the bottom, put some charcoal on that tray that slides in and out, put some boston butts in the oven, close door, add wood as needed, drink beer, wait for meat to cook.


And this is the end result-


And yes, I really did make that in that old ugly-ass stove!


Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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