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MAZ - Dakar 2017


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Stage 1 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 3, 2017

Crew no. 511 under Siarhei Viazovich piloting is on the 12th position.

In the very beginning of the special area, the windshield was damaged. As a result, visibility was almost zero. The crew had to push out the windshield and continue the race without it. Nevertheless, they finished with a good result.  The time lag was only 1 minute 33 seconds .
522 crew under Alexander Vasilevski piloting is at the 21st position with a time lag in 4 minutes 12 seconds.
Alexey  Vishneuski crew no.533 took 23 position with a time lag in 5 minutes 22 seconds.
The first place at this stage was taken by M.Kolomy (Tatra).

The route of the second stage from Resistencia to Tukuman will be along quite bad roads. Heavy rains have left deep puddles and mud. There also will be quite narrow areas. If there is no changes in weather, the special will be quite speedy. But the organizers warn competitors about fesh-fesh. It is also necessary to take in consideration a 40 Celsius degrees heat that is being forecasted for this day.

The starting time of our crews at the second stage:
511 (S.Viazovich/P. Haranin/A.Zhyhulin) - 14:35:00 (local time GMT-3)
522 (A.Vasilevski/D.Vikhrenka/A. Zaparoshchanka) - 14:43:30 (local time GMT-3)
533 (А.Vishneuski/М. Novikau/А.Neviarovich) - 14:44:30 (local time GMT-3).

The distance of the second stage is more than 800 km including about 280 km special in the region of Chaco.


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Stage 2 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 4, 2017

All the three crews of "MAZ-SPORTauto" team have finished the second stage of the rally-race Dakar-2017.

This stage was successful for Siarhei Viazovich's crew  no.511. As they finished in the 4th place, now they occupy the sixth position in the general ranking. Alexey Vishneuski's crew no.533 finished in 18th place and is at 21st position in the general ranking now. Alexander Vasilevski's crew no. 522 finished at 23rd place and thus they take 22nd line in the general ranking.

The route of the third stage between San-Miguel-de-Tucuman and San-Salvador-de-Jujuy will lead the competitors to the highlands, where the height  will be up to 5000 meters above sea level in some places.

Besides, very hot weather which  has already created  difficulties to the competitors at the previous stage still remains.

The startig time from bivouac for our first truck is 8.49 in local time. The total length of the stage is 757 km, including two specials - 75 and 124 km, divided by neutral zone of 291 km.

Starting time of the crews at the third stage:

511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) - 11:39 (17:39 Minsk time)

522 (A.Vasilevski / D.Vikhrenko / A.Zaparoschanka) - 12:03 (18:03 Minsk time)

533 (A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich) - 12:01 (18:01 Minsk time).


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Stage 3 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 5, 2017

All three crews of "MAZ-SPORTauto" team have finished the third stage of the rally-race Dakar-2017 and came into the TOP 20.

Siarhei Viazovich's crew no. 511 finished in the 4th place. Now they occupy the 4th position in the general ranking.

Alexander Vasilevski's crew no. 522 finished in 15th place and is at 11th position in the general ranking.

Alexey Vishneuski's crew no.533 finished in 18th place and is at 14th position in the general ranking.

Dakar's participants will cross the Bolivia's border and go up the mountains in the fourth stage between Salvador-de-Jujuy and Tupiza. The maximum height is up to 4000 m. above sea level. Aggravate the situation by the fact that the racers will have to overcome the first dunes in these altitudes. The total length of the stage is 416 km.

Starting time of the crews at the third stage:
511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) - 10:56 (16:56 Minsk time)
522 (A.Vasilevski / D.Vikhrenko / A.Zaparoschanka) - 11:12 (17:12 Minsk time)
533 (A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich) - 11:15 (17:15 Minsk time).).


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Stage 4 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 6, 2017

The fourth stage of the rally-race Dakar-2017 has finished. The total lenght of the stage was 521 km with a special in 416 km. Dakar competitors started in Argentinian city San Salvador de Jujuy while their finish was in Bolivian Tupiza as well as the major part of the 4th stage took place in Bolivian territory. The competitiors faced lack of roads and dunes along this route.

Siarhei Viazovich's crew no. 511 finished in the 36th place. Now they occupy the 21st position in the general ranking.

Alexander Vasilevski's crew no. 522 finished in 16th place and is at 15th position in the general ranking.

Alexey Vishneuski's crew no.533 finished in 37th place and is at 26th position in the general ranking.

Ahead is the next stage from  Tupiza to Oruro.


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Stage 5 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 7, 2017

The fifth stage of the rally-raid Dakar 2017 is already behind. Local landscapes are striking in their beauty, while the local climate brings about changes in the Dakar’s route. The managerial staff of the  rally-raid decided to shorten the stage 5 with  finish at the first special stage, that was the 219th km of the route. The competitors did not negotiate the second part of the special stage after the neutralization zone, as the tracks on the way to Oruro were blurred. According to Marc Coma, Dakar sporting director, it was a difficult decision, but in such a race like Dakar you should always be on the alert.

So the stage 5 Tupiza – Oruro allowed our crews to enter top-10 thus taking higher positions in general ranking. 
Siarhei Viazovich's crew no. 511 (S.Viazovich/P.Haranin/A.Zhihulin) – 5th place (17:43 time gap) at the stage; 17th position (03:24:37 time gap) in general ranking.
Alexander Vasilevski's crew no. 522 (A.Vasileuski/D. Vikhrenka/A. Zaparoshchanka) – 6 th place (18:21 time gap) at the stage; 11th position (01:13:23 time gap) in general ranking. 
Alexey Vishneuski's crew no.533 (А.Vishneuski/М.Novikau/А.Neviarovich) – 8th place (22:18 time gap) at the stage; 19th position (04:35:44  time gap) in general ranking. 


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MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 9, 2017

Rest day in Dakar can be called such only conditionally. Mechanics are working hard, preparing the trucks to the marathon stage to which the crew will go today. The stage 7 will go along the route La Paz - Uyuni. The bivouac will be organized only for sport trucks there. And only after the eighth stage the crews will meet with the rest of the team on the territory of Argentina already, in Salta. Tomorrow's special is reduced from 322km to 160. It is not surprising as heavy rains replaced long-term drought in Bolivia. Driving along mountain roads in such weather is very dangerous. Liason will be 644 km.

Starting time of the crews at the  stage 7:
511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) - 14:32:00 (21:32:00 Minsk time)
522 (A.Vasilevski / D.Vikhrenko / A.Zaparoschanka) - 14:34:00 (21:34:00 Minsk time)
533 (A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich) - 14:38:00 (21:38:00Minsk time).


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MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 10, 2017

The best crew of MAZ-SPORTauto team became no. 511 under Sergey Viazovich piloting. He finished the stage at the 5th place. Alexey Visheuski finished the seventh stage at the 16th position, Alexander Vasileuski is at the 20th line.

At the momet all the crews are in Uyuni bivouac where they are preparing the trucks for the next stage.
The technical assistance trucks are at the bivouac in Tupiza, rthey will meet the team after stage 8 in Salta. 

In the general rankig the first place is taken by G.de Rooy (NDL) at Iveco, the second place is taken by D. Sotnikov from Kamaz team, as well as the third place is taken also by Kamaz crew under E.Nikolaev piloting. The best Belarusian crew is still crew no. 522 under A. Vasileuski piloting. It takes the 11th line i general ranking. S. Viazovich is on the 16th place, and A.Vishneuski is still at the 20th line in general ranking.

What ca be told about the next stage is the fact that the consequences of the rain over the last few days have forced the race officials to change the route of stage 8. Rising water levels in a river bed due to be crossed by the competitors has led to the neutralisation of the day's special at CP1 after 174 km. The competitors will then head to the second part of the special at the border between Bolivia and Argentina via a 176-km link section. Following these changes, the length of the special has been reduced by 73 km. After an initial 49-km link section, the competitors will tackle 171 km on the first part of the special, before the 176-km neutralised section. The second part is unchanged, and when the competitors have finished it, they will have to travel 350 km to reach the bivouac in Salta. For the trucks, the day's special will finish at CP1. All the competitors will then head to Salta via a link section. The classification at CP1 will be used for the starting order for stage 9.The Dakar leaves the high plains for a special including off-track racing on its first part, in which crossing of fords will give way to sections of dunes. The rally has often set up the bivouac at Salta, but has never contested a special in the region where the stage will take place: there will be new canyons to admire and a sumptuous mixture of colours.

Stage 8 Uyuni - Salta
Starting time:

511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) - 10:38:00 (16:38:00 Minsk time)

522 (A.Vasileuski / D.Vikhrenka/ A.Zaparoschanka) - 10:58:00 (16:58:00 Minsk time)

533 (A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich) - 10:54:00 (16:54:00 Minsk time).


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MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 11, 2017

Two Belarusian crews have finished the eighth stage of Dakar-2017 in the top-10, and A. Vasileuski's crew is on the seventh position in the general ranking . 

It was a double test for the competitiors – the mountains were followed by rivers' beds and dunes. The tracks were full of water due to the constant heavy rains. That's why the administration decided not to risk with competitors' lifes and almost twice shortened the special.

S. Viazovich is at the 6th line. The best time has M. Van den Brink (NDL) at Renault who is ahead the Belarusian for 6 minutes approx. The second place is taken by the Argentinian F. Villagra, followed by E. Nikolaev and D. Sotnikov from KAMAZ team. 

In general ranking the situation is following: S. Viazovich is  at the 16th place, while the first place is taken by D. Sotnikov. The time gap between these two positions  is 3h. 26 min. The second place is taken by E. Nikolaev and the third place is take by G.de Rooy.

A.Vasileuski despite the tyre puncture has finished the stage at the 10th line with 2h,4 min. and a time gap – 9 minutes. In general ranking this crew is at the seventh position with time gap 1 h.42 min.

The stage was less successful for A. Vishneuski. Due to the problems with fuel sytem it took him 2h.55 min. to finish the special. In general ranking he is at the 20th place with 5h.42 min time gap from the Russian driver.

"We are satisfied with the result: А. Vasileuski firmly enters top-10 and now our task is to save and improve his position. Unfortunately, the administration cancells the stages and  shortens the specials. On the one hand these are safety reasons that are above everything,  on the other- everyone has been preparing for hard  conditions. If there is an opportuity, we will try to reduce the time gap by all means", – underlined  MAZ-SPORTauto leader S. Viazovich.

A massive landslide caused by thunderstorms happened this morning at 10.30am on the road used to join the bivouac, 40 kilometers north of Jujuy, 160kms away from Salta, hitting the village of Volcan. According to the Argentinian civil security, victims are deplored in the population and considerable damage has been observed.

The organization offered its sanitary facilities to reinforce the local safety support on site. As the road is cut off, most of the vehicles, competitors, assistance and logistics from the Dakar caravan were diverted on an alternative route through San Antonio de los Cobres, extending the distance of the liaison by about 200 km. They will not be able to reach the Salta bivouac in time to start the race.
A number of larger vehicles will not be able to use that road either.
The day will be devoted to regroup the race caravan in Chilecito to continue the event by giving the start on the 12th of January of stage 10, between CHILECITO and SAN JUAN.

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Stage 10 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 12, 2017

511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) – 4 th place at the stage (time gap 12:51); 12th position in the general ranking (time gap 03:37:40 ).
522 (A.Vasilevski / D.Vikhrenko / A.Zaparoschanka) – 6th place at the stage (time gap 22:51); 7th position in the general ranking (time gap 02:03:21).
533 (A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich)– 32nd place at the stage (time gap 04:37:11); 21st position in the general ranking (time gap 10:18:10) .


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Stage 11 Results

MAZ Trucks Press Release  /  January 13, 2017

Stage 11 of DAKAR-2017 is finished, there were two specials in 114 km and 173 km, the total length was 754 km.

The dunes of San Juan were the last ones that the competitors confronted on the route of the Dakar 2017, dotted over fifty kilometres at the start of the special. 

S. Viazovich (511) took the 18th place ad is at the 13th position in the general ranking.
A.Vasilevski (522) is the tenth at the stage and in the general ranking he enters the 6th place.
A. Vishneuski (533) is at the 16th position at the stage, and in general ranking he takes the 19th place.

Ahead is the final twelveth stage from Rio Cuarto to Buenos Aires. All the competitors threw themselves into the adventure and now they are going to become heroes. The 64-km long special does not include any pitfalls – all the competitors need to do is go the distance in order to enjoy a special stage's finishing line in the heart of the bivouac. At the end of a long link stage, the podium ceremony in Buenos Aires will take place in front of the Argentinean Automobile Club.

The total length is 786 km, the special is 64 km.

Starting time for the final stage:

511 (S.Viazovich / P.Haranin / A.Zhigulin) – 10:06:00 (16:06:00 Minsk time)

522 (A.Vasilevski / D.Vikhrenko / A.Zaparoschanka) – 09:59:00 (15:59:00 Minsk time) 

533 ((A.Vishneuski / M.Novikau / A.Neviarovich) – 10:12:00 (16:12:00 Minsk time).


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