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13 hours ago, TS7 said:

So if all government is inefficient, that makes what Obama did ok, by your standard. Well no that is no reason for him and others to get a pass on what they did. Government is only as corrupt as we let it be  You have a hard time accepting that Trump came in to start cleaning the corruption up and it is coming out how rotten to the core DC is, both sides. No one in our lifetime has tried what he has tried to do and no one has put up with so much push back. The rats are on the run, looking for someplace to hide Will see in the coming months, how many get caught. 

I never mentioned Trump or Obama. Okay?

I only said that all government, by design is corrupt (and has been for hundreds of years).

In 1887, John Dalberg-Acton wrote:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.


While I disagree with kscarbel2 that all government is corrupt, being as I and my fellow small town council members work for pennies an hour given we're only paid $35 a month, I will agree that both parties are just as susceptible to corruption. While the Chicago democratic machine is legendary, when my republican brother ran for a non-partisan Park Board seat in a republican suburb of Chicago he had the whole republican machine turn on him because he wouldn't join their machine. In heavily democratic Minneapolis and St.Paul you'll see multi million dollar projects steered to the same handful of favored contractors, and out here in the republican dominated rural areas contracts are routinely steered to cronies, often without even the formality of competitive bidding.

But everywhere we've got public employees who could make as much money retired as the do working still plowing snow and keeping the utilities working in their 70s... So not all of us are corrupt, thank god.

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I am glad Trump is president and I also think that Obama was corrupt and all his followers are and were corrupt, but I think there are some great people that work for the Government but they are overshadowed by the scum, good people leave the Government every day because they figure out they are wasting their time , Trump must be really tough because most people would just quit, the man has spine and any good patriot should back him and the previous corrupt Government should be prosecuted to the fullest extent which I predicted and promoted right here for years. 

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I believe that history will show that Trump was the most corrupt president in modern history. While he said he was going to "clean up the swamp" but he has placed his loyalists in positions that they are not qualified for. He has provided the wealthy and companies with a substantial tax cut, while the working class was led to believe they would get the same. For me, while I took home more money, come tax season I paid 3K that I would have rather paid in each paycheck. As we see time and time again he has fired anyone who disagrees with him, and I believe this is a coverup. His cabinet positions are filled with "Acting" before the persons name. He has attempted to stop officials from testifying, and anyone not on "the team" is critisized harshly, even if they had been loyal in the past. Friday night he fired the State Department IG. He has always gotten his way in business because he is the boss, but have anyone try to explain something to him and he knows more. He knows more than the Generals, Doctors, and other specialist in thier field. The one thing I can say about him is he is very good at pointing his finger at everyone else and blaming them. He has never once said the words "I was mistaken".  He always claims "the fake news" and/or blames the democrats. Remember how Covid-19 was a hoax by the dems to win the election. "Just 15v Cases - one day it will disapear". Well he blew this one folks. The WH had people telling them that this was bad in advance. Trump didn't want to listen to the truth - and you see the results. Deaths could have been avoided along with some of the restrictions that we are now facing.  He has blamed everyone except the guy in the mirror. Did he create Covid-19, NO. Should he have acted quicker with urgency to protect citizens, YES. Again he point the finger at everyone else. Obama left him low on supplies - you Mr. President have been in office for three years. Time to take responsibility.

The funny thing to me is that he has destroyed "his" beautiful economy. As the deficit continues to rise under his leadership, they will continue to reduce taxes for corporations and the wealthy. WE will all pay the price for his belief that this was a hoax. I feel for the folks who will loose everything, the busisinesses that will close and not rehire people. This will not go away for many years. There will be a time when Republicans and Democrats will have to sit down and raise taxes to get rid of this debt. If the Dems do it on thier own, even though it's best for the country, they will pay the price.

WE as a nation have to start working together on common goals. If not, I am afraid that the America we once knew, will be a thing of the past. I hope that a vaccine is found very soon, or the use of a current drug, and that Americas are the ones who discover it. We were once looked up to on the world stage. We no longer have that reputation, in my opinion.  


  • Haha 1

Dems won’t raise taxes to pay into debt or even slow debt accumulation, they’ll blow it on programs, kick the can down the road, and start up the printing machine. They always have and always will. The money printing machine is every politicians favorite from Obama’s quantitative easing to Don’s Covid 💰 19 print-fest (maybe call it “Covid 19-trillion printfest”). It steals money directly out of the pocket of those who have wealth(aka- no debt), slightly benefits those in debt up to their ears and makes attaining a living wage increasingly impossible because of hyper-inflation. 

We’re screwed boys. Pretty soon nobody will be able to afford a soap box to stand on and shout out their party affiliation, you’ll be spending it on a $5 loaf of crumby Walmart “Great Value” bread.

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36 minutes ago, Mack458 said:

I believe that history will show that Trump was the most corrupt president in modern history. While he said he was going to "clean up the swamp" but he has placed his loyalists in positions that they are not qualified for. He has provided the wealthy and companies with a substantial tax cut, while the working class was led to believe they would get the same. For me, while I took home more money, come tax season I paid 3K that I would have rather paid in each paycheck. As we see time and time again he has fired anyone who disagrees with him, and I believe this is a coverup. His cabinet positions are filled with "Acting" before the persons name. He has attempted to stop officials from testifying, and anyone not on "the team" is critisized harshly, even if they had been loyal in the past. Friday night he fired the State Department IG. He has always gotten his way in business because he is the boss, but have anyone try to explain something to him and he knows more. He knows more than the Generals, Doctors, and other specialist in thier field. The one thing I can say about him is he is very good at pointing his finger at everyone else and blaming them. He has never once said the words "I was mistaken".  He always claims "the fake news" and/or blames the democrats. Remember how Covid-19 was a hoax by the dems to win the election. "Just 15v Cases - one day it will disapear". Well he blew this one folks. The WH had people telling them that this was bad in advance. Trump didn't want to listen to the truth - and you see the results. Deaths could have been avoided along with some of the restrictions that we are now facing.  He has blamed everyone except the guy in the mirror. Did he create Covid-19, NO. Should he have acted quicker with urgency to protect citizens, YES. Again he point the finger at everyone else. Obama left him low on supplies - you Mr. President have been in office for three years. Time to take responsibility.

The funny thing to me is that he has destroyed "his" beautiful economy. As the deficit continues to rise under his leadership, they will continue to reduce taxes for corporations and the wealthy. WE will all pay the price for his belief that this was a hoax. I feel for the folks who will loose everything, the busisinesses that will close and not rehire people. This will not go away for many years. There will be a time when Republicans and Democrats will have to sit down and raise taxes to get rid of this debt. If the Dems do it on thier own, even though it's best for the country, they will pay the price.

WE as a nation have to start working together on common goals. If not, I am afraid that the America we once knew, will be a thing of the past. I hope that a vaccine is found very soon, or the use of a current drug, and that Americas are the ones who discover it. We were once looked up to on the world stage. We no longer have that reputation, in my opinion. 

Based on the news fed to us from the entire spectrum of media (I don't know anyone in government today personally), I can't argue with you.

2 minutes ago, Mack Technician said:

Dems won’t raise taxes to pay into debt or even slow debt accumulation, they’ll blow it on programs, kick the can down the road, and start up the printing machine. They always have and always will. The money printing machine is every politicians favorite from Obama’s quantitative easing to Don’s Covid 💰 19 print-fest (maybe call it “Covid 19-trillion printfest”). It steals money directly out of the pocket of those who have wealth(aka- no debt), slightly benefits those in debt up to their ears and makes attaining a living wage increasingly impossible because of hyper-inflation. 

We’re screwed boys. Pretty soon nobody will be able to afford a soap box to stand on and shout out their party affiliation, you’ll be spending it on a $5 loaf of crumby Walmart “Great Value” bread.

The way they're printing money scares the heck out of me.........a recipe for disaster.

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I used to fire people I could not trust either, your on my team or your not  and if your not your gone and not trusted at all,  Trump is the one who stopped travel from China which you liberals called him Racist and every other thing you could, Your Pelosi was the one  down in Chinatown telling every one to come visit,  If Trump had his way we probably would never have shut down, I know we never lost a day and don't plan on it, this whole thing is a blown out of proportion BS story, when you Liberals outlaw Cigarettes then maybe someone might take you serious on peoples health,  people need to work, playing chicken little  won't work, pull up your pants and start acting like a real American and blow this phony Liberal BS attempt to ruin this country back to where it came from.  

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Yup, we got Coronafarced big time. Our flu got politicized, weaponized and the books got cooked on our prickly little “racist” virus 🦠

Obama doubled down on his push to make Covid racist. Wudda damn fool, can’t give up on his failed race war. Might want to see if he can get some more officers killed with his cop hater rhetoric while he’s at it. 

Edited by Mack Technician
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3 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

The way they're printing money scares the heck out of me.........a recipe for disaster.

We’ve got so deep into debt before any of this farce that we couldn’t inch-up interest rates without causing a hiccup.....even with Trump putting the economy into the red bar on RPM Tach. 

Rants done, I’m out. 

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I'll agree on the debt, and the COVID-19 relief packages were very poorly planned and executed, for example 80% of Ford dealers got grants/loans under the PPP program for small businesses, whether they needed it or not. Same with the $1200 checks, I sure as heck don't need mine and will donate it to charities. But COVID-19 is no farce- While northern Wisconsin has been largely spared, two counties away from me they had over a thousand cases and it's now spreading into my county. Just like the models predicted, COVID-19 can spread anywhere, it just takes longer for it to reach the rural areas.

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Ok, I'm in for one more....

If there isn't a statewide outbreak within the next 48 hours the Farce is concrete. The average incubation is 5-6 days and take my word for this, people are acting as if none of this ever happened. I've never witnessed a larger social transformation in a 12 hour period as I witnessed this last week. 

I think the goal is more stimulus than relief. 

Edited by Mack Technician
On 5/17/2020 at 5:45 PM, Maxidyne said:

I'll agree on the debt, and the COVID-19 relief packages were very poorly planned and executed, for example 80% of Ford dealers got grants/loans under the PPP program for small businesses, whether they needed it or not. Same with the $1200 checks, I sure as heck don't need mine and will donate it to charities. But COVID-19 is no farce- While northern Wisconsin has been largely spared, two counties away from me they had over a thousand cases and it's now spreading into my county. Just like the models predicted, COVID-19 can spread anywhere, it just takes longer for it to reach the rural areas.

Stay out of that county and come on over the border to spend your vacation $$$ here.....

"Masks are NOT allowed:" Central Wisconsin campground posts to Facebook

By NBC15 Staff | 
Posted: Sat 5:16 PM, May 16, 2020
Social-Facebook-34.png Social-Twitter-34.png Social-LinkedIn-34.png Social-Email-34.png Social-Print-34.png

GRESHAM, Wis (WMTV) - A campground in Shawano Co. posted a new rule on Facebook Friday, writing that "Masks are NOT allowed in the buildings for safety sake. They are viewed as a robbery in progress and will be handled that way."

The post by Annie's Campground, near Gresham, further went on to thank patrons for their continued support. "Have a wonderful and blessed weekend... back to the real normal here," the post read.

The owner, Ann Retzlaff, told Newsweek she posted to dissuade anyone who enters her campground with the intent to do harm, further noting there is a difference for people who wear masks for a 'delicate health situation.'

The post comes after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Gov. Tony Evers' coronavirus stay-at-home order Wednesday 4-3. Justices ruled his administration overstepped its authority when it extended the mandate.

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So you get it, so what, you get the Flu  and the sniffles what is the difference, if you have poor health choices then you won't survive, sorry but that is the way it is supposed to work, get fat, smoke and drink and treat your body like crap then when you get sick you die, that is the way it works, no where does it say you get to live forever, life is tough, why do young children get cancer ? and for the lock everybody at home BS, if you grew up on a farm you know you quarantine the sick not the healthy, but then Bloomberg say's anybody can be a farmer  ?? guess not. 

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Abusing a term in office to use the vast intelligence gathering capabilities of the US government to spy on the other political party and using the DOJ to obstruct a incoming elected president is no small thing. That is what corruption is, real simple. Who did that?  

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On 5/16/2020 at 10:19 PM, Mack Technician said:

Power-drunk-lawyer politicians. 

Real drunk drivers, true functional alcoholics, the guy who could ride a 2-wheeled skateboard stone drunk, only end up getting caught after hundreds of successful drives home. Buncha politicians got into office by being good at what they do, being political power-drunks and covering their born-to-be-a-lawyer hiney’s 24/7 doing it and not being caught. How much of this stuff has never been disclosed, exposed or made to be held to account?

Friend from the U.P. told me they had a crazy lawyer in their town who was edgy. Multi talented. He use to do fly overs at the local football games. He’d dip one wing of his plane through the uprights. Like to raise Cain too. Cops wanted to catch him. One night he was pulled over after he left the bar. Once the lights went on he pulled over, hopped out of his car, opened the trunk, grabbed a case, started shotgunning beers in front of the cops dash cam,“Come and get me boys!!!!!”. Couldn’t be charged. That’s what these politician lawyers become with time. 

I asked a pastor once, “what’s the drive behind some of the crazy abuses you see in the ministry”. He told me “the more people trust, love and admire you the more the little voice of the untransformed sinner in your head tells you to take advantage of the opportunity”. I agree with KS in that it’s pervasive in politics.

Balances are healthy, totally critical, to keep our system in check. Push/pull. Crime/punishment. BUT! The left is a greater threat to the Republic right now because they lost that skill set and replaced it with systematic manipulation. You see it time and again, they don’t care about laws and the constitution and their course has to constantly be corrected by a higher state/federal court authority. Just saw it here last week with Democrat King Evers IV over reaching and the Supreme Court having to slap his hands. How many court cases has Trump now won against the Democrats. How many failed derailment attempts has the left made against his office and even the very Supreme Court? There’s a reason 8 of 10 convicted felons are democrat. 

 I agree 100%.Unfortunately for WE THE PEOPLE, the LEFT and the DEEP STATE are dug in like tics on every level and so they are gaining momentum. President Trump has been sent by GOD  because his love of OUR great nation is more valuable to him than power,or money and this is precisely why the LEFT and the DEEP STATE are working so hard to destroy him. It is clear that President Trump is trying to give this great nation and the control of it back to WE THE PEOPLE and to do that he has to destroy the DEEP STATE.

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2 minutes ago, Maxidyne said:

What is this "deep state" of which you speak?

those in power and in bureaucracies that are planning and scheming behind the scenes to destroy AMERICA and turn OUR great nation into a dictatorship! 

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