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I noticed many years ago that the food in the Nevada t.s . Was quite a bit cheaper than t.s in other states, they all had various gambling opportunities from blackjack to one armed bandits, I guess the profits from the gambling enabled them to sell food cheaper!

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JT Elvis married a whole lot of folks in Vegas!😁 I once read that there is some way to view the mechanism on the back of a slot machine and tell when it is ready to "hit"! However if that is true don't you think the " house" would put some kind of cover on the slot to hide the mechanism!? Either it is b.s. or so little known that it is not an issue! The real issue is knowing when to quit! Obviously enough people don't know when to quit that gambling remains a multi billion dollar business!

1 hour ago, BillyT said:

I'll bet that the people who manufacture the slot machines know how to win on one! I will also bet that those same employees sign a written document forbidding them from "playing" the slots they build!

Yo Billy T, ain't gonna happen.  Maybe in the old days, but not today.  The regulation and security of the machines, at least those in Nevada, is incredibly tight.   Whatever cheat method we can imagine has already been tried and thwarted.  The technical requirements for slot machines is incredible.  Check out this link.  Scroll down to the "Technical Standards" section.


Edited by grayhair

lived in nevada 20 years now....i hit 200 bucks one time....but i dont gamble much.....saw a guy hit a millian dollars one time at sierra sids....he passed out....truck driver from out of state....they hadda bring him around to collect....the food is not that cheap here anymore....we lost alot of revinue....to indian  casinos popping up everywhere...bob

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The casinos can set the win rate on any given slot, so the house never loses. I was told the airport slots are set for the highest win rate so it suckers you into playing at the casinos since no one spends much time at the airport. Probably another urban legend.

Gambling has proliferated throughout the U.S. You cannot stop at any rural gas station in South Dakota that doesn't have slots for example. And there are casinos in almost every state we visit. Unfortunately it has really become a form of regressive taxation with those who can least afford it spending the most in the hope of hitting it big while the states take their share of the money as taxes.

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Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

On 6/30/2017 at 8:11 AM, j hancock said:

If you leave Vegas with a small fortune, it means you entered Vegas with a big fortune.

Yep.  But there is another way...

Question:  How do you make a small fortune?

Answer:    Begin with a large fortune and use that fortune to start up an airline.

Yep.  But there is another way...
Question:  How do you make a small fortune?
Answer:    Begin with a large fortune and use that fortune to start up an airline.

Reminds me of a line I've heard all my career... How to become a millionaire in trucking... Start with 2 million!

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Mower man didn't Sierra Sids used to be Bill and Effies years ago? I've been in both places but can't remember when it changed hands! The Seminole and Miccasaukie tribes have all the gambling in Florida Hard Rock Casino etc.

Don't know....ive only been trading there 29 years.. .I don't even go there anymore... Since it went to TA food went to shit but it's still a pretty good stop 4 over of the roaders other than having to pay to park you've got Western Village right next door where the fabulous Casino and really good restaurants ...but as far as just showers and decent meal and fuel.... I would prefer the petrol which used to be the Alamo of course I'm going to say it was a lot better as the Alamo frankly no days I don't really recommend either one of them but I personally prefer the Petro mainly the bar and free parking.. I wouldn't recommend the food at either place they both gone downhill since they turn Corporate America.bob

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Thought maybe a better clear something up the food's not really horrible that either one of those truck stops just lost a personal touch with corporate America it used to be more like home cooking at both of them now it's really nothing to write home about it's filling and it goes down okay but most of it is frozen dishes they just heat up in the microwave... Somebody explain that to me while back anytime you see McClain delivering anywhere and now you're getting frozen dinners.lol...bob

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The wife and I like Vegas for the restaurant choices, a restaurant for every mood...

If we're having delusions of grandeur, then we like Nobu in Caesar's Palace.  (Gonna cost at least a couple of hundred to get out of the place.)  Then I adjourn to the cigar lounge also in Caesars and have a Macanudo and a couple of Drambuies. (Wife hates the smoke though.)

If we did OK at the tables and we're feeling pretty good, then we like Tao in the Palazzo.  Still gonna cost a couple of hundred there too.

If we're doing just kinda OK at the tables, then maybe the Jasmine in the Bellagio, watch the fountain show from your table... 

Or more likely, we lost much of our money at the craps tables and therefore eat at the McDonald's next door to Harrah's. -_-



Edited by grayhair
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