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On 10/11/2017 at 3:22 PM, bodeen said:

Waldorf md. L model still here an lots of Elkhart brass and equipment. Call me 301-643-1926.    Jeff

Post some pictures of the loose equipment and the L Model and post them here please. 


im starting to wonder why this guy is so pushy to get rid of all his fatherinlaws worldly posessions kinda wierd......even willing to scrap everything....:idunno:.i would try to hold on to as much of it,, as i could..bob

wonder that myself. hurry up get rid of it and line pockets as quick as possible before someone comes lookin for the money.....dunno how people feel but I hate with the passion''if it doesn't sell,im gonna scrap it'' ok well scrap it then if it makes you feel better. I did without if before and god knows I have plenty of junk to play with

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3 hours ago, bodeen said:

58 FWD, call me at 301-643-1926.   Jeff

Post pictures of loose equipment please. I will take a peek, if I see anything that piques my curiosity I will call you. 


On October 13, 2017 at 3:30 PM, mowerman said:

im starting to wonder why this guy is so pushy to get rid of all his fatherinlaws worldly posessions kinda wierd......even willing to scrap everything....:idunno:.i would try to hold on to as much of it,, as i could..bob

Some days I'd sooner get rid of my fatherinlaws daughter and keep his stuff.   

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5 hours ago, bodeen said:

I'm only doing what he asked me to do. Make your own assumptions if you want. Truck's have been sold. Glad to have NOT done business with you!!  Jeff

Well then I guess threatening the entire website for 2 weeks all worked out for ya ahahahahahaha bob

I've spoken with the seller several times.  There are always circumstances that lead to the decisions that are made. They are hard to guess when you do not know but it is not fair to attack someone from behind your key board when you do not know what those circumstances are.  


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Don’t think anyone was outa line here....... I did tell him best of luck moving the stuff just didn’t understand the big rush........ it’s all gotta go in one week of its all going to scrap.....like whaaaaaaaat?????...bob 

not attackin anyone from behind any F'in keyboard. its as simple as this, don't expect to try to sell something you post today, and want it sold instantly when you don't provide any detailed pictures other than one that someone else posted and furthermore, don't threated to scrap something to get it sold. I for one hate that shit. I have plenty of my own projects to work one, doesn't bother me one bit I didn't buy it and could care a less.

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