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  Someone a while back posted a picture of a new Ford medium in Buster Brown colors-think the truck was in midwest.  On I -495 today saw one northbound just south of Mass Pike.  so that means they bought at least two!  No clue if gas or Power stroke as I was southbound and couldn't see door where "Power Stroke" id is carried

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Back on October 28, 2016, I posted this picture of a new UPS Ford "F-650" under "Trucking News - Ford Medium Duty Trucks". The photo was taken in Nashua, NH. I haven't seen

it around lately so I don't know if it came from another facility or if it was sent somewhere else.



Edited by bulldogboy
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2 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

image 5.jpg

Thx Kevin-this confirms V-10 at least in this shot as no "Power Stroke" badge-which is large and very visible on door.  Would have to believe in low mileage, low density/high cube loads this should be a cost effective alternative.

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On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:57 PM, bulldogboy said:

Back on October 28, 2016, I posted this picture of a new UPS Ford "F-650" under "Trucking News - Ford Medium Duty Trucks". The photo was taken in Nashua, NH. I haven't seen

it around lately so I don't know if it came from another facility or if it was sent somewhere else.



Isnt it interesting that it doesn't have at least Commercial plates

Remember if it's got a hood it's no good!

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when I worked at UPS back in 1997 I loaded a few Ford trucks that looked just like this. They used these trucks to deliver to Commercial addresses that see large volume of packages each day. The truck was all over the map picking up and dropping off to company's that would otherwise overwhelm a normal package truck.

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23 minutes ago, Lmackattack said:

when I worked at UPS back in 1997 I loaded a few Ford trucks that looked just like this. They used these trucks to deliver to Commercial addresses that see large volume of packages each day. The truck was all over the map picking up and dropping off to company's that would otherwise overwhelm a normal package truck.

Makes sense-a typical "package car" would cube out very quickly with some commercial stops thrown in. I would imagine each large hub would have a couple of these 26,000lb jobs in the fleet.

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4 hours ago, fxfymn said:

I believe there has been a change in corporate philosophy about badging. The KW's they bought over the past few years all have full badging as well.

Noticed that as well-this means the old dude who started that policy has retired:D

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I wonder if it went back to when they designed and had built their delivery trucks, or "package cars" as UPS calls them. I assume the contract stated that the builders were not allowed to put their names on the finished product. The same contract language might have been used when they bought trucks on the open market.


Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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Two years ago at JetBlue Park, AKA "Fenway South", in Lee County, FL, I saw a UPS Ford Transit Connect van. The ultimate small package delivery vehicle. I was unable to get a photo of it.


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