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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:31 PM, j hancock said:

I always enjoy when a "bomb" question is asked. 

No follow up questions from the original post.  Must be just sitting in front of their computer giggling.

I really can't imagine that someone actually living in Nigeria would give a rat's ass as to what an election in Alabama says other than to stir the pot on this forum.



You obviously don't read me on this forum,you can ask Mack Technician.The world is one global village now.What happens in Benghazi North Africa matters to you why should what happens in Alabama not matter to me.Do you know if I have Family there?open your mind.

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If your going to learn the ropes on American Politics I'd rather you get your information from the "people who know" (or at least think we do). Boxers learn everything they know by picking skilled sparing partners, the Romans Legions learned to fight by beating their Warrior Brothers with wooden swords and Global BMT members learn to build trucks and properly defame liberalism on this forum.  

Note - defamation of liberalism is strongly recommended, but not mandatory.   

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You know I've got my views that I always stand by regardless of how you tag them.I asked that question because just before the elections on another thread we did discuss the accusations against Moore.We now know who the majority of the voters believed between the accusers and the accused unless of course you do not believe the allegations had anything to do with his loss, maybe more because of the support from Washington.

As to learning American politics ,ignorance is bliss so I am just fine where I am with it.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:52 PM, macks in nigeria said:

You obviously don't read me on this forum,you can ask Mack Technician.The world is one global village now.What happens in Benghazi North Africa matters to you why should what happens in Alabama not matter to me.Do you know if I have Family there?open your mind.


My apologies for not having an open mind.  I just can't seem to find the time.

Between life and understanding what the negotiations of NAFTA might mean, BREXIT, North Korea, economic issues of South America, Jerusalem, Crimea, ISIS, the tax bill in Washington and the mouse trying to buy a fox, I failed to realize how important the election in Alabama was for some folks.


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It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

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Really should not be that important but now we can listen to the left forcasting the fall of the republican party, msnbc and cnn are working overtimew to turn this into a conserative implosion, at this point the left will do what ever it take to win a seat in any office, even it means have people lie, oops telling lies is what they are best at, but as you have seen the woman in question now has had to admit she lied, now some of it's lie but some of is true, really i'd bet it's all lies.

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Well seems one of Moore's accusers now said she lied about it.  Ain't that a surprise and she is different from the one who "modified" her year book.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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  On 12/13/2017 at 11:08 PM, Truck Shop said:

                                 Which one of these would you trust? A lawyer, judge, doctor, politician, priest, cop or a pimp.


                                 Truck Shop


The lawyer and judge are helping bury the doctors mistakes, the politician is passing laws to help the lawyer and judge bury mistakes, the priest is in a closet, the cop was picked on

when he was a kid so he puts on a uniform as a confidence booster.  The pimp- well he's not trying to hide anything, it's all out on the street in front of god and everybody. JMHO.

But most pimps are not trust worthy;)


Truck Shop 

One ping only

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  On 12/14/2017 at 3:37 PM, david wild said:

I usally have tears in my eyes on some of this stuff, my wife keeps asking what's so funny, wants to know what's so funny about Mack trucks ???


I occasionally leave myself logged in at home. I tell my wife "I don't do facebook". She opens BMT and starts reading and concludes this sight is a Trucker facebook. She just doesn't get it, obviously. Of course the attached is the one she grabbed, so I immediately lost the debate.



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But the difference is we here on bmt (unlike Facebook) don’t pretend to have perfect lives, don’t post pics of everyday tasks we complete looking to make some jealous while we are looking for a pat on the head. We aren’t dumb enough to post “gone to Jamaica for a week” hint hint good house to ransack, we actually help each other on here, have great conversations and I believe don’t act any different on here than we would in person again unlike the vapid self absorbed boneheads on Facebook. Oh and bmt has not asked us to send nude pics of ourselves to them so they can safeguard us from hackers posting our pics unlike Facebook. That last line is real look it up. 

Edited by HeavyGunner
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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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I understand everyone is having a good laugh about the nude pic comment I posted. So I figure you guys would get a kick seeing the real story. 


The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/13/2017 at 10:43 PM, HeavyGunner said:

I’ve said for a  long time that if politicians were paid whatever the median wage of the entire country is and was not given lifetime medical, retirement etc etc we would actually get people running for office that truly care and not people looking for a career of leaching off of the public and getting rich beyond most people’s dreams. That’s how I’d fix the 2 party system. 


I agree with you there!

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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