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i keep on hearing the snowflakes cry for impeachment of trump and want their beloved criminal hitlery put in office like she truly deserves because trump"stole" the election. 

even though hitlery all but admitted on national tv to rigging the primaries so she would win and bernie would loose, and also rigging the election so trump would loose. 

but not one peep about her misdoings. just IMPEACH TRUMP!!

funny thing is, the only thing the can possibly impeach Trump for is not being a carrier  c̶r̶i̶m̶i̶n̶a̶l̶   i mean politician

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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So my wife say's that our BC/BS bill is now $2100.00+ per month and our power bill went up $200.00 this month due to the price of gas going up, never had that problem when we used coal, coal cost were steady, no spikes, so after a year of crap for brains being gone we still pay for his hate for america, all I can say is thanks liberals for screwing up the world, hope you are proud of your selves, for me I'd like to punch your lights out. (used to pay $500.00 per month and had something now get nothing) good work chumps

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  On 1/29/2018 at 2:26 AM, david wild said:

So my wife say's that our BC/BS bill is now $2100.00+ per month and our power bill went up $200.00 this month due to the price of gas going up, never had that problem when we used coal, coal cost were steady, no spikes, so after a year of crap for brains being gone we still pay for his hate for america, all I can say is thanks liberals for screwing up the world, hope you are proud of your selves, for me I'd like to punch your lights out. (used to pay $500.00 per month and had something now get nothing) good work chumps


My health insurance bill is now about double what it was before Obamacare kicked in. Yay!

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And the emergency room is still full of the same people who were there before and still don't have insurance, so why did we screw it up, there never was 32 million people without coverage, it was another lie, notice that the liberal platform is one lie after another, and boy don't they get their feathers ruffled when you point out how stupid their leader was, now we have a guy that say's America first and they somehow find something wrong with that ???? Yeah America first that's the way it is supposed to be, we should not put other countries welfare ahead of ours, unless your name is Obama, and if coal is so bad then why are there 900 plus coal plants being built around the world, cheap stable electric power for them and screw America, thank you Mr. Liberal soon this place will be a sh**hole country too, let's pray TRUMP can fix it. 

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I live in anthracite coal country and coal may be good for your electric bill but i have to put up with Centralia , slag heaps, polluted water, mineshafts still open to fall into. In Pittston i think most off the older men had black lung, My uncle had it. My other uncle almost lost his life only saved by forget to bring a tool to the shaft elevator for shift change. I spent many hours working in that dust and silt in the strippings . Now the big thing in my town is gas gas gas wills all over the place miles of farm land dug up for pipelines. Yes we need energy of our own but lets not make mistakes as we did before and make northeast pa. a sh-t hole all over again.

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PA. is mined out, been to Centrailia picking up equipment for Hawbaker Const. I think you really overstated the condition of your state, they now reclaim the land which could still be done in PA. couple big dozers and poof strip mine is gone, yes we had health problems but as long as we don't outlaw cigarette smoking then I can't go along with the black lung argument, mines are better ventilated today and the health issues are addressed, I spent many years working in both gas and coal feilds, there is a balance, gas is great but the price is not stable, and we did not destroy coal over black lung it was the melting ice caps, which now are back frozen over with the warm winter we had, what you bring up is things done in past, we learn from the past and move on, coal can mined in a safe manner and health risks addressed. More people die from cigarettes then black lung, where's the concern ???  

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Seems the  residents and town governments inaction brought much of the abandonment on themselves.  From the Centrailia Town history.

"In May of 1962, a strip mine, then being used as an unregulated garbage dump, was identified as the origin to this fire. A fire started and spread from this garbage pit southeast of the town into one of the coal seams and eventually into the mines, causing all of them to immediately close. Several years went by with very little worry. In fact, several townspeople believed the fire would put itself out. The most notable of attempt to end the fire was in 1965. The plan was simple, locate and extinguish the flames . Unfortunately, local funds ran out and the plan was abandoned. The decision was made to let the fire run it's course and burn out by the town council."


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Little research 76,000 miners died from Black Lung since 1968,  58,000 died in WW1, 416,000 in WW2, 480,000 die per year from cigarettes, and 1.3 million die on our highways per year, that is nearly 3,287 every day. every death that could be avoided is shameful but the numbers speak volumes.  

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Mistake,  58,000 died in Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson a Democrats war, and 116,000 in WW1, bad me. and yes 4486 Americans died in the last Iraq war, but on D day total losses on both side were 425,000 people in basically one day, should we talk about Chicago and Detroit and the city of brotherly love, more liberal bad news that no one speaks of, but let's ruin the lives of many for some BS lie so we can help the president's distant relatives that does not even acknowledge.

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He thinks he's still president ?? If he's ex does that mean I can sue him for my health care costs that are now inflated because of his lie, that he knew was a lie but still pursued ??  God I would love to sue him and see his smug ass in court defending his corrupt ass. 

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the son of a seadog should be charged with treason and thrown in prison for the rest of his life, along with his bestest buddies the clintons, pelosie, schulmer, and frankenstein in commiefornia. 

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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Sent my favorite attorney a e mail about suing Obama, no responce yet, but the last time we worked together we got paid and everyone said we would never get a dime, so he's pretty good, defended me from the police once, they said I jumped my dirt bike over their crusier, even Judge was amused.  

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  On 1/29/2018 at 2:26 AM, david wild said:

So my wife say's that our BC/BS bill is now $2100.00+ per month and our power bill went up $200.00 this month due to the price of gas going up, never had that problem when we used coal, coal cost were steady, no spikes, so after a year of crap for brains being gone we still pay for his hate for america, all I can say is thanks liberals for screwing up the world, hope you are proud of your selves, for me I'd like to punch your lights out. (used to pay $500.00 per month and had something now get nothing) good work chumps


My 2017 BC/BS plan that cost the wife and I $1300/month was cancelled at the end of the year and BC/BS left the market in my State.  The ONLY provider of individual plans in my County is a company I have never heard of before and none of the doctors in my area accept.  They wanted $1700/month for much less coverage and a $10k deductible before ANYTHING was covered.  After much debate and calculation, we decided to bank our premiums and pay for our healthcare out of pocket.  We'll probably come out ahead!

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My wife is getting Chemo and pin point radiation for brain cancer for the past year. BC/BS would only pay 20%. I now pay it all my self  F'k  Obama and his lies. If we were some crap from a third world country  there would be a line offering to pay.  I'll say what most think but won't say. Obama did his level best to make us into a 3rd world sh!t hole with his hatred of whites and non Islamic's. His minions like Polosi, Warren, Schummer, Schiff, Waters, Bluminthal and all still trying to finish the job.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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And yet no one wants him to answer in a court of law for his lies ??? My attorney said the Government does not like people that sue ex presidents ?? so there is a class system in the US. we are not all equal under the law, ??? how does this work ???  he lied there is no question to that, should he be held accountable, I say yes, it would stop further lies from others, lie to a cop, judge or the IRS even though they lie and see what happens, time they abide by the same rules as everyone else. 

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  On 2/2/2018 at 1:19 PM, david wild said:

And yet no one wants him to answer in a court of law for his lies ??? My attorney said the Government does not like people that sue ex presidents ?? so there is a class system in the US. we are not all equal under the law, ??? how does this work ???  he lied there is no question to that, should he be held accountable, I say yes, it would stop further lies from others, lie to a cop, judge or the IRS even though they lie and see what happens, time they abide by the same rules as everyone else. 


I think your right 100%

I think your the man for the job; Go for it!  

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