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Relax David. Remember, most of what we hear about is sent to the masses for a purpose, to steer them in one direction or another, or for disinformation campaigns. We only know about 15 percent of what is really going on. I truly believe the government that the masses see is largely for show.......there is a deeper state, which doesn't answer to the people, that actually pushes the buttons and pulls the levers......and big business is involved.

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  On 6/24/2018 at 8:27 PM, david wild said:

Thanks goes out to President Trump for the robust economy, for sitting down with Rocket Man and for all he great things he has done for  the country.  Now for you brain dead liberals that certainly hate this country, pack up your crap and move,  it is hard to believe that any sane person could allow their elected official to do nothing but spend their time and therefore our tax dollars fighting the President who has done more good in 19 months than Obama or Clinton could do in a life time. Now I'll get told to stop my picking on the poor left wing nut jobs because I hurt their feelings, Really ??? their brain dead they feel nothing. or they have been denied by their partner for so long their swimmers have clouded their minds (see I included the gays) 2 years ago you could not find work today you cannot find help, our GDP is growing by the day, all the people who escort large loads are busy and hard to find to move our loads, we have work we have not had since before Obama, this is due to Trump not some BS that liberals think that Obama put in place,  The nut jobs now bring up that Trump is acting like a Nazi ??? the only Nazi acting jerkoffs in this country is the out to lunch most certainly brain dead left wing America hating liberal democrat or as my favorite judge calls the demon rats, what the left is doing is disgusting  and immoral and they along with their illegal friends from south of the border should be deported, If the Fondas and the rest of their sick minded followers don't like here then leave, OH that's right there is no place on earth any better, So Thank You Mr. Trump keep up the good work and continue to piss off the losers I for one will have your back.      


you can't hurt something they do not have!!!  :thumb:

when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:30 AM, grayhair said:
Sometimes, even though the apple falls near the tree, it can roll out into the sun and become rotten through and through and truly stink.  Take the case of famous actor Henry Fonda.
Henry Fonda enlisted in the United States Navy to fight in World War II, saying, "I don't want to be in a fake war in a studio."  Previously, Stewart and he had helped raise funds for the defense of Britain.  Fonda served for three years, initially as a Quartermaster 3rd Class on the destroyer USS Satterlee. He was later commissioned as a Lieutenant Junior Grade in Air Combat Intelligence in the Central Pacific and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Navy Presidential Unit Citation.
Now consider his offspring that rolled way left, out into the sun, and turned putrid, namely Jane and Peter.

Ya talk about rotten eggs ahahahahahaha...bob

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On a side note keep in mind that the same people who are the word police, who are offended at everything are being told and acting upon it by leaders in the Democratic Party to yell profane insults at their opposition.    hypocrisy? I think so. 

Edited by HeavyGunner
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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

The only thing that disturbs me is imbalance. The two party system, love or hate it, has kept us out of trouble. Constant check and balance with elections hanging on a couple points is healthy. But.....The Left is soooooo far gone now it can’t pull its side of the rope properly. Everybody agrees too far Right is just as deadly, historically, as too far left. Countries have Literally payed for hard political swings with blood. Trumps a hugely effective, M-80 of a politician without any good, honest political opposition to keep him straight. 

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The problem is not Democrat or Republican. The problem is Extreme Democrats or extreme Republicans. The problems need to be fixed. Does anyone realize how close we actually were to electing a socialist for president?!! That's what will happen when the country gets that divided. Everybody better wake up. Keep the damn religion out of politics, don't worry about people's sexuality, defend our amendments, keep our armed forces strong and see no color at all. 

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Hey everybody...keep the political stuff for another site.  BMT is to discuss Mack and truck issues.  A few jokes and personal items are okay but please keep the political (and any religious) discussion for another forum.  You ask why many of the "old timers" are no longer here...think about it.  As a few have mentioned to me in private "tired of the political BS on BMT".  I know Barry does not want to censor any discussion, but this does not belong on BMT.  Several other forums that I frequent will BAN such discussion and also many times the poster.  We all have our opinions but this is not the place.  End of rant!  Have a good day and let me know when you want to discuss truck issues.  I am gone....

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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

Not an advocate of  forums that I frequent will BAN such discussion and also many times the poster. Censorship works well in China......buncha happy schmucks with the same hairdo all eagerly nodding at each other. I've been set straight on a couple of occasions, on this site, by people being frank and divisive. 

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