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The rule I was taught is take the recommended viscosity and go one grade skinny in the hardest months of winter and one grade fatter for the middle of summer. Recommended viscosity for the nice days of the year.  


I've been noticing OE's keep dropping viscosities. Modern oil is good enough to do it.


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We tend to work our engines a little harder and I know it's hot out, I would think the 15/50 would work better in the summer, as for fuel consumption, I could care less at this point, the work is more than covering lowered mileage, when the loser liberals take over I'll worry about MPG and then retire. 61 now, so if trump can get reelected I'll be good to go.  right now we are having to much fun to quit, so push on.

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AH but in the winter my oil temp stays down, when in a rural area both water and oil stay down, come up a little on the road with big pulls, oil is cheaper than a overhaul, so a little expense  for better oil is a good investment,  FYI  we gross just under 500k with a single truck,  and that's runing from SLC to Houston, so it's not like flat ground all the way, south of Moab has some pulls and coming out of Farmington NM has a real good pull, Found Lucas oil treatment does wonders in the rears, no more oil boiling out the breather, hard to get a real answer on engine oils, I know we don't run Rotella in old engines, looks like water and the engines clatter,  I don't think that's good, been using Lucas Magnum oil in the older engines,  by older engines I mean anything before 2000.  

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You left 500k out of the first post! That's a fair amount of weight. I'd still stick with the 15w40 for most of the year. Pulling those weights I'd invest in a bigger oil cooler, not a different oil. Oils break down when they get too hot. For winter time I'd consider finding a way to insulate the oil pan if you have trouble getting the oil to temp.  That's my basic recommendation, temperature regulation. But I don't heavy haul, I just run straight trucks at 73,280.

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Your right about Rotella.

It gets a lot of credit by vendors, but we proved it to be inferior to Mobil Delvac (AKA- Mack OE Bulldog Oil). When Mack did the P2 bearing recall we were rolling in new shells all day. We only sold 2 kinds of oil at the dealership. Guys who came in regularly for Rotella services had considerably more orange peel displacement than Mobil Delvac 1300 users. None were “failed bearings”, but it was evidence of less film strength. 

I’d do 15W-50 in mid-summer. Your not going to see any negative payback. 

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My only worry is what does 2024 look like? Republicans don't have a leg to stand on without Trump.  Most legit business men who would make great president's won't run because they want to be business men not politicians! Trump has done everything he's wanted to do in life, now he wants to MAGA and he's doing a hell of a job. No Republican could stand in the ring as long as he has without being knocked down once.

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