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  On 9/19/2019 at 6:40 PM, Mack Technician said:

Now I feel pressured to say something nice about Liberals.......  here we go. 

Liberals are fun at parties because they don’t like to fight when they drink, they’d be more likely to run to Canada instead.  


LOL but it's them against us regardless of who they are or who we are and the bad politicians know this. I think Julius Ceaser is credited with stating "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" In the grand scheme of things the arguments that are going on today are petty in comparison to what is really important in the vital functions of our great nation. I realize that each side is passionate about their cause and i would expect us all to be so but I believe America as a whole has become to involved in  rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic while it is sinking and certainly will vanish beneath the waves and yet WE on both sides are doing little if nothing to plug the leak or pump the water out.

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I stand for what is right for America, I support our Vets, I support giving help to those that really need it, not some lazy slob, and I support those that came here legally and your right to defend your home with a gun of choice but a 12 gauge is better in close combat than a AR, most of the civilian AR owners never saw action and it's just a cool thing, In Iraq the AKs worked better in the sand anyway.   

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Politics benefits from divisions, people are more likely to donate when they have been trained to hate the “other side”, it makes people more passionate, and it’s been proven that people have gotten farther from the center politically, and with everyone having an agenda they want to push you have to be extremely careful in trusting what you read, the bias has infiltrated everything. Everyone is benefiting from this division except for the regular joe who has nothing to gain in the long run except hatred for someone over something as simple as buying chicken from a specific restaurant... we’ve gotten so bad when it comes to arguing that I can’t go get Chic-fil-a Milkshakes without being criticized for it. Families torn apart, friendships broken, two people who would otherwise be good friends result to calling eachother enemy robots over the smallest political points. Both parties just change to be whatever the other party doesn’t support, both taking opposite stances, and insisting their stance is the best. In reality both parties are interested only in benefiting themselves and they’re doing it at our expense. But what do I know, I’m just some guy on the internet who wrenches on some old firetrucks.

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Who needs a back yard when you could have a :mack1: Yard?!

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But their trains don’t require tracks, and that is quite impressive, one of the things from Australia I wish we had here in the states, not mention it would be a good excuse to bring back the Titan...

Who needs a back yard when you could have a :mack1: Yard?!

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  On 9/19/2019 at 10:38 PM, david wild said:

I stand for what is right for America, I support our Vets, I support giving help to those that really need it, not some lazy slob, and I support those that came here legally and your right to defend your home with a gun of choice but a 12 gauge is better in close combat than a AR, most of the civilian AR owners never saw action and it's just a cool thing, In Iraq the AKs worked better in the sand anyway.   


And just think today one of the Dimwits stated that the biggest thread to the USA after "assault rifles" is Combat Veterans. According to her we are home grown terrorists.  Gee I must be one of the worst, I'm a wounded combat vet, in the NRA and a gun owner. By the way my home defense choice is a Heritage Arms 410/ 45 long Colt revolver loaded with OO buck.

AK's worked better in nam also


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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One thing no one has mentioned the biggest promoters of the division of our country is the  liberal news media. They lie daily by omitting key facts of news stories to slant them to their liberal views. One cant blame one whole sector of people for their views when the liberal news media spoon feeds them the line of crap daily they are promoting. I think places like CNN and MSNBC should have their FCC licenses pulled not because their views differ from mine but because they have turned into propaganda mills turning out one sided views and like I stated before they are masters of lying by omission of key facts in news stories.


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  On 9/21/2019 at 4:00 AM, 41chevy said:

And just think today one of the Dimwits stated that the biggest thread to the USA after "assault rifles" is Combat Veterans. According to her we are home grown terrorists.  Gee I must be one of the worst, I'm a wounded combat vet, in the NRA and a gun owner. By the way my home defense choice is a Heritage Arms 410/ 45 long Colt revolver loaded with OO buck.

AK's worked better in nam also


I was just looking at one of those the other day and wondering how you can legally build a shotgun with a 2” barrel? Must be a loophole because of the 45 interchange?

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  On 9/21/2019 at 11:06 PM, Mack Technician said:

I was just looking at one of those the other day and wondering how you can legally build a shotgun with a 2” barrel? Must be a loophole because of the 45 interchange?


technicality. it is a pistol, that just happens to be able to accept a 410 shotgun cartridge. 

when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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  On 9/21/2019 at 11:27 PM, tjc transport said:

technicality. it is a pistol, that just happens to be able to accept a 410 shotgun cartridge. 


I checked into it. They could slap federal charges on you for putting a shotgun shell in it. The loop hole is the rifled barrel makes it a single projectile firearm. So now I need one and if the perp who’s breaking in gets BB pelted I hand the boys their red riders. Buckshot = HPslingshots 

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  On 9/22/2019 at 2:14 AM, david wild said:

Now we are all bad, saying the AKs better than our finicky overpriced home grown assault weapon, bring back the Thompson, that was a real gun. 


It speaks volumes that the FBI still keeps Thompsons in their arsenal, a weapon invented in 1918.

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  On 9/21/2019 at 11:06 PM, Mack Technician said:

I was just looking at one of those the other day and wondering how you can legally build a shotgun with a 2” barrel? Must be a loophole because of the 45 interchange?


Taurus Judge # 2441061T   Cylinder will take 410 3" and 45 Long Colt  6 1/2 barrel fibre optic sights.

Carry piece is my Calico 9mm or my dress up carry Glock 17 


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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  On 9/22/2019 at 2:14 AM, david wild said:

Now we are all bad, saying the AKs better than our finicky overpriced home grown assault weapon, bring back the Thompson, that was a real gun. 


Some we had were pre M16A1 versions which had ejection issues and severe barrel wear with the stocks made by Mattel,  real confidence builder. Finally bartered for an M14


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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well just so everyone understands I lean very far to the right  and I agree with the comments made here especially the one stating it's not  about democrat or republican rather about right and wrong. how do we know the left is wrong? well for more than 50 years their programs have failed miserably. because only common sense would dictate that mutilating ones body (transgender, transsexual) come from mental illness being gay or lesbian or bisexual should be a persons private business and not taught in schools HELL schools shouldn't teach any sexuality that's the responsibility of parents. we also know that the left is wrong because they are hypocrites,liars, and don't apply logic, common sense, or science to their views and when confronted with logic ,common sense and science they resort to personal attacks.      One of the biggest problems we face is that the left infiltrated the school system and many people never learned how to think for themselves which is why they follow the media that doesn't report facts but distorts and omits them and interjects opinion as if that was news and facts. We must all take an active part in the education of our kids and grand kids teach them what every dictator has done on their rise to power and the kids will see that the media has become the propaganda arm of the left and gun control is not for safety but   when the politicians seize our guns they will next kick in our doors and seize our real property as easily as they now do with our paychecks. college students don't know how our government works and even less about history and that is how the left is gaining control PLEASE teach your kids and grand kids not only what Hitler did in the death camps but all of the policies of the Nazi party and what other dictators have done in the name of safety and security which ultimately and intentionally had the opposite effect

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  On 9/22/2019 at 3:57 AM, Prowrench said:

well just so everyone understands I lean very far to the right  and I agree with the comments made here especially the one stating it's not  about democrat or republican rather about right and wrong. how do we know the left is wrong? well for more than 50 years their programs have failed miserably. because only common sense would dictate that mutilating ones body (transgender, transsexual) come from mental illness being gay or lesbian or bisexual should be a persons private business and not taught in schools HELL schools shouldn't teach any sexuality that's the responsibility of parents. we also know that the left is wrong because they are hypocrites,liars, and don't apply logic, common sense, or science to their views and when confronted with logic ,common sense and science they resort to personal attacks.      One of the biggest problems we face is that the left infiltrated the school system and many people never learned how to think for themselves which is why they follow the media that doesn't report facts but distorts and omits them and interjects opinion as if that was news and facts. We must all take an active part in the education of our kids and grand kids teach them what every dictator has done on their rise to power and the kids will see that the media has become the propaganda arm of the left and gun control is not for safety but   when the politicians seize our guns they will next kick in our doors and seize our real property as easily as they now do with our paychecks. college students don't know how our government works and even less about history and that is how the left is gaining control PLEASE teach your kids and grand kids not only what Hitler did in the death camps but all of the policies of the Nazi party and what other dictators have done in the name of safety and security which ultimately and intentionally had the opposite effect


Read this article about what one mans opinion what the political system did to schools.


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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