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  On 10/31/2019 at 1:19 PM, terry said:

41chevy, not trying to hyjack the thread, but don't you think that whole Viet Nam thing was a  fiasco? take the ground and then give it up, and all those young G.I. lost for nothing. I turned 21 there in "69".    terry:MackLogo:


Blood for money

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glenn akers

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  On 11/2/2019 at 5:34 PM, Keith S said:

What concerns me is not what you're saying, it's that you believe it.

  • "Same money-spoiled children of privilege blew $25,000,000.00 taxpayer dollars on that unfounded Mueller investigation to play politics”

Elaboration please, what part of that isn’t believable Keith?

I fact checked again, it’s now estimated those horses @?$’s spent between $32-$35 million of our tax dollars on an unfounded investigation...... Believe it. 

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  On 11/2/2019 at 7:18 PM, david wild said:

To Keith S the IRS did persecute conservatives,  guns did go across the border then were used to murder a border agent, Hillary did give away the our uranium for her benefit plus made sure 4 good men died because she had her head up her ass, Obama drew a line in the sand  and then moved it ten times, he also paid Iran hostage money then lied about it and under Obama ISIS was born due to his being incompetent, and under Obama the 16 election was hacked by the Russians or someone, that's right, that happened while Obama was watching the store not Trump, OH and the unemployment rate was going to stay high and just get use to it, and those manufacturing jobs were gone and never to come back and we will kill coal to help the environment when it was to kill the price of coal so third world baboon farmers could have cheap electric power and we got stuffed and the environment got screwed, yes sir Obama and his crowd did great things.


don't forget the health insurance debacle  "you need to vote it in effect to see what is in it"

Edited by tjc transport
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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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If you want to have a real discussion, that's great. If you simply want to puke out the opinions of Right-wing millionaires, I'm not interested.

So, if you want to have a discussion, I suggest we:

  1. Use a list
    1. A numbered list makes it easy to reply to a specific item
    2. A list requires organizing a person's thoughts
    3. Short lists are easier focus on specific views - a rifle vs. a shotgun.
      1. Limit your list to a few items - four is probably the most. It seems like more than that take a lot of time
  2. Use more than words - "A picture is worth a thousand words".
    1. Words are okay if you want to quote facts: Example:
      1. "Mexico will pay for the wall"
      2. "I won't have time for twitter"
      3. "I won't have time for golf"
      4. "Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. Who knew healthcare would be complicated?"
    2. While pictures can be edited, some are too real to be fake:
      1.  image.png.2f7476219bb98015f6b6c8be3728f595.png  "I never did that"

    These are my thoughts on a discussion. I'm not interested in a pissing contest.

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And now for a civil discourse.....ahem...here’s my retort and the list system we now have to use........?

point 1

Keith, they wouldn't allow you to be hall monitor in school (for a reason) any more than we need conversation police on Odds and Ends. Please go back to bossing around your wife.


Point 2

Trumps antics can’t be defended, don’t ask people to try. 


Point 3

Politicians are suppose to manually raise money for a campaign then secure an office. After that it’s time to go to work. They’re not doing it. They get money for the campaign, win, then steal our tax dollars fighting in office to screw over rivals while they are suppose to be working. They literally have millions of tax dollars, they didn’t acquire through campaigning, to work out their campaign on “company time”. It’s BS. It’s happening on both sides. Right now the Dems are perfecting the technique of screwing away my money to campaign for 2020 while in office. Any guesses how much work won’t get done and how much money they’ll blow on the next impeachment debacle? 


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Fake News!,

Charts don’t tell the story.....

Obama got hosed, he walked into 2008. The bubble was ready to pop and the news of his election was the needle. Problem is he made it worse. He used quantitative easing, a known failed system, to crawl out of ‘08. Massive money print off to fortify a failing economy. Made things look hunky dory. Also dumped the cash into “cash for clunkers”, $8,000 housing bonus, etc. The fed printed so much funny money we still can’t raise the interest rates for any amount of time today. If we raise rates the flow slows and the ship starts leaning toward hyper inflation risk. 

Recall at the 2016 election. Most or all respectable financial/banking advisories said “no matter who you vote for we are having a recession in the first term of the next presidency”.  That’s where Trump has beat the odds and shown himself to be exceptional. As well as “Those jobs aren’t coming back”, another Trump victory. 

If you want to bash Trump attack his personality, he’s fruity. Talk about him saying he’d date his daughter because she’s a babe... 🤮.


Edited by Mack Technician
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It is frightening that the left has lost its grip on reality. If half this country cannot tell  truth from falsehood, we have a dark future. The Elite's way of life is under attack by Trump. I can think for myself and can tell the truth from total BS. We have his back, the people on the left better be careful what they wish for.

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Umm... charts show history (what has happened), trends (what has been happening), and possibly predictions for the future.

For example:

  1. Here's a chart verifying that climate change is a hoax by China:
  2. image.thumb.png.a1f7c2019e94a598d7311efe905a0d2c.png
  3. Here's a chart verifying climate change is real:
  4. image.thumb.png.65187d2e3ca555f09b59e0dbb346b4c8.png
  5. So, how do we know the CO2 levels from 800,000 years ago?
    1. Find a place on earth that's been frozen for millions of years.
    2. Using a coring drill, drill deep down into the ice
    3. image.png.70ed5778089b16f4962801f1a01f66d3.png
    4. Place the core in a sealed chamber
      1. Measuring the size and density of the air bubbles trapped in the ice determine the approximate age of that section of the ice core.
      2. The air inside that bubble shows the atmospheric conditions (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide...) ten-of-thousands of years ago
    5. The core may contain volcanic ash, dust, soot, plant pollen... etc.
    6. image.thumb.png.25b60e3c1be01824712cca3b5b556f8f.png
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Fake(r) news. Read Genesis.


The predictions Mark Levin made in early 2017 have been spot on. First major prediction fail is playing out. He said a large portion of the right would desert Trump when the Dems produced grounds for a pseudo-impeachment. I’d earmark Rand Paul as the author of the prediction fail. 

Edited by Mack Technician
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  On 11/2/2019 at 7:18 PM, david wild said:

To Keith S

  1. The IRS did persecute conservatives, 
  2. guns did go across the border then were used to murder a border agent,
  3. Hillary did give away the our uranium for her benefit plus made sure
  4. 4 good men died because she had her head up her ass,
  5. Obama drew a line in the sand  and then moved it ten times,
  6. he also paid Iran hostage money then lied about it
  7. under Obama ISIS was born due to his being incompetent, and
  8. Under Obama the 16 election was hacked by the Russians
  9. that happened while Obama was watching the store
  10. OH and the unemployment rate was going to stay high and just get use to it, and those manufacturing jobs were gone and never to come back and we will kill coal to help the environment when it was to kill the price of coal so third world baboon farmers could have cheap electric power and we got stuffed and the environment got screwed, yes sir Obama and his crowd did great things.
  1. And... criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder, a Obama appointee. 😱 A democrat initiating a criminal investigation against "liberal-leaning" groups. 😱
  2. Fast and Furious: Track firearms as they were transferred (sold) to higher-level [drug] traffickers (straw purchasers) and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels. Of 2,000 guns, 710 were recovered and one United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in December 2010.
  3. The 2010 sale to Rosatom was subject to approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an intergovernmental agency that includes input from the Departments of:
    1. State
    2. Treasury
    3. Justice
    4. Energy
    5. Defense
    6. Commerce
    7. Homeland Security
    8. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
    9. Beyond the State Department, eight other government agencies approved the Uranium One sale
  4. Benghazi.
    1. If only it were that simple.
    2. The panel (chaired by Trey Gowdy), spent more than $7.8 million over two and a half years, disbanded at the end of the 114th Congress.
    3. The final report clocks in at more than 322,000 words.
    4. Have you read the report? YES/NO
  5. He drew a line that was crossed and didn't back it up
  6. Obama, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union agreed that if Iran signed the nuclear agreement, they would::
    1. Lift sanctions and the freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks.
      1. The unfrozen funds belonged to Iran.
      2. The funds had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.
  7. Think for yourself. This is right-wing millionaire talking heads nonsense.
  8. A lose-lose situation.
    1. It was publicly acknowledge that Russia (not the Ukraine) was trying to mess with the election.
    2. Moscow Mitch buried it.
    3. One of the candidates was predicting that the election was going to be ‘rigged’ in some way.'
    4. There was "...concern that by making the statement we might, in and of itself, be challenging the integrity of the election process itself."
  9. And...
  10. This is gibberish
    1. If you want a discussion, get your thoughts together.
Edited by Keith S
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