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  On 3/30/2020 at 2:47 PM, tenfive0 said:

I don't think China beat anything! It's just what we are being told and they're telling US and they want US to BELIEVE. I DO NOT TRUST COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST, DICTATORS OR TYRANTS! You notice you are not hearing a word of any of this out of Russia. Vladimir must have the antidote, cure or the Russians must be immune? He's doing a good job at keeping it all to himself and he isn't sharing with the rest of the world what's going on in his country. Wonder what's going on in North Korea? They are still shooting off rockets. I guess the virus knows its boundaries and doesn't cross borders. If it did I'm sure Kim Jong-un wouldn't stand for it or allow it to save his people.

The Chinese Regime has a lot to lose in a  populist uprising if it's followers ever figure out what a shi_ sandwich they're all being feed and forced to eat. The United States is still a "Free Society" and it is a balancing act while walking a tight rope under these circumstances to keep it that way. I'm afraid what will become of my country after all this. The freedoms lost or some might be willing to give up as a result for the common good or for a sense of false security. I could go further but biting my lip while holding my tongue.

I'm not "BUGGING OUT". I do not want to be compartmentalized. We have to trust someone, heed the recommendations and use our better judgement for what is best for ourselves, family and community. Who better to trust then yourself to what is right? 

I'll bet that after this is all over or while it is still going on there will be some less desirable types taking advantage of the situation wearing masks to prey on the unsuspected hiding their identity while doing dastardly deeds. I don't want to label or call them criminals because it might appear I'm prejudiced. It will leave to police with an already difficult job figuring out who the bad guys are.


Currently we have about 6000 cases in the country with nearly of 4000 of them in the capital. About 50 people died. Starting from nearly 15th of March news were announced to keep distancing and 2 week quarantine for those who was coming home from China, Italy, Iran, Germany, France etc. Many people started working from homes about the same time. Starting from the end of March a non-working week was announces with staying home quarantine starting from Monday. To the moment a week is gone and it's prolonged up to the end of April. All the borders were closed the same time and international flights cancelled. The quarantine is not really strictly so far. It's declared that everybody must stay home being only allowed to go for food to a nearest store, to apotek of to walk a pet for no longer than 100 meters from home. On practice all that is limitations of the constitution rights so people try doing their business too. What turns out difficult since all shops and other commercial and social facilities are closed excepting grocery stores, apteks and gas stations. The most citizens prefer staying home just for reasons of safety. That's why not really huge figures so far. But too possibly they will get change in the nearest future.

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

If Trump swats the bug by June he’s in good shape to get the economic engines started again by election time. Hard to know how bad Biden’s dementia is going to be by fall. They definitely shouldn’t let him eat off aluminum dishes or chew any more window sill paint chips for sure. 

Liberal Governor of ours, Tony Evers, did a great favor. Proper kind of socialism. Dropped the fees and opened all the state parks back up. We went hiking Rib Mountain State Park for some pre-covid cardio, lotta people out pumping it. Fresh air therapy and folks were in a good mood.  If they have it together they’d waive fishing licenses for a month too. Not the year, but a month during opener. 

I live in the Liberal Governor stupidity triangle in PA to close to NY and NJ. It's like a three ring circus. I think between Wolf, Murphy and Cuomo it has become a competition who comes out of this looking like the bigger idiot. So far PA Governor Wolf is the ring leader of the circus. What he's done and doing will be hard to beat. Cuomo so far is close second behind but it will be hard to overcome Wolf.

In PA the state health director is transgender. What a freaking joke.. it's hard to take anything our state says seriously with the daily clown show. All Hospital elective surgeries have been cancelled or halted. I can't even get a vet appointment for our dog. I think our health director should have been halted long before the pandemic from any elective surgery. I'm not even sure what's been done was done in a Hospital?  Whatever has been done and where it didn't take well. It might have been a hack job to begin with or the totally transition isn't completed yet. Maybe a local butcher, dentist or barber shop in Harrisburg did the job. It's obvious, a wig or hair cut, makeup and pearly white teeth isn't enough to hide the fact something went wrong or is wrong. I wounder how much it cost and who paid the bill? Regardless, I'd refuse to pay anything further or be demanding a total refund.  

Disclaimer: Nothing against Butchers or Dentists.


Mack 11E.jpg

Maybe after 8 years of Obama Care the health system is so screwed up were doomed, health system used to make money and did not mind spending money to cure things because they made a profit off treating you but when you have  a system that does not reward good care they stop investing in cures and presto the bug wins ??

  On 4/6/2020 at 2:11 PM, tenfive0 said:


In PA the state health director is transgender. What a freaking joke.. it's hard to take anything our state says seriously with the daily clown show.



Holy Moley!!! Hard to maintain social distancing when they're that cute. :wub:


Pride30: Dr. Rachel Levine Is One of US's Highest-Ranking Trans ...

Edited by Mack Technician
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  On 4/5/2020 at 9:38 PM, tenfive0 said:

Biden doesn't know where he came from or what day it is. b



Sure he does, why just today he said Trump should fast track the use of Penicillin, Aspirin, Either and Sterilizing "stuff"


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 4/6/2020 at 2:26 PM, david wild said:

Maybe after 8 years of Obama Care the health system is so screwed up were doomed, health system used to make money and did not mind spending money to cure things because they made a profit off treating you but when you have  a system that does not reward good care they stop investing in cures and presto the bug wins ??


I've heard folks making the claim that the "medical device tax" imposed by Obamacare is partly to blame for the lack of ventilators & other medical devices that would've been subject to the tax had they been purchased...

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
  On 4/7/2020 at 3:28 AM, 41chevy said:

Sure he does, why just today he said Trump should fast track the use of Penicillin, Aspirin, Either and Sterilizing "stuff"


Have no  fear about Biden.  My bet is Mr Perez and the DNC recognize they are in the Alamo and they are encouraging Joe to  go out and mingle with folks as much as he can, and Joe..."be a man- no gloves or mask"

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  • Haha 1

Dealing with a whole new beast here at work, A Full-Frontal Sheeple Assault  on Corona and Corona doesn't stand a chance. No more Lysol boys, were going to start killing this Virus with sulfuric acid, chlorinated brake cleaner and things that kill people too.

Warning Fleet Owners- Stop'em at the door and search their pockets, if this is the plastic dash on your Mack your going to pay big $$$. We're in bud nipping mode right now.



  On 4/6/2020 at 7:56 PM, alex g said:

Has a bearing resemblance to our former premier. Anyone from Ontario Canada will know what I'm talking about


Canada's public health officer is Chinese. Go figure, LOL


Edited by Bullheaded
removed comment to be politically correct, LOL

Noticed there are only two people groups who’ll make the news.... Famous old people who die of Corona and any person the media can find who was under 40 (the 0.2% category) and dies of Corona. 

“Pearl Harbor week” death expectancy just dropped by 40,000 in the first couple days.

The average life expectancy in the US is 78, lesser side of 78 for a male, higher side female. The majority of Corona dead are males in the 70’s, so at or above life expectancy. 


646,000 flu deaths global 

88,630 corona deaths global 


When the vaccine is finished will it be optional or mandatory in schools and workplaces?


  • Like 2
  On 4/9/2020 at 12:27 PM, Mack Technician said:

Noticed there are only two people groups who’ll make the news.... Famous old people who die of Corona and any person the media can find who was under 40 (the 0.2% category) and dies of Corona. 

“Pearl Harbor week” death expectancy just dropped by 40,000 in the first couple days.

The average life expectancy in the US is 78, lesser side of 78 for a male, higher side female. The majority of Corona dead are males in the 70’s, so at or above life expectancy. 


646,000 flu deaths global 

88,630 corona deaths global 


When the vaccine is finished will it be optional or mandatory in schools and workplaces?


A few weeks ago, we had one death in our county attributed to this. The corpse was tested days later while in the morgue and the results were positive. The person who died was a woman 94 years old. More recently the death toll was up to (3) three. AS since, I've stopped counting or paying attention. The other two deaths were persons who do not even reside in our county. They just happened to die while they were staying here (I'm guessing) while escaping the scourge. One-person lived-in NY and the other person was from Connecticut.

Bill Gates says he can implant or chip (ID 2020) all those who have been vaccinated. Does anyone else see what is possibly happening to our civil liberties as a result of all this bullshi_?

China is the model for the new Society. If you descent in anyway your social credit card get cancelled. There are people in China who cannot get on a bus because they have been deemed not worthy of travel in their own country because they have objected against government oppression. 

Ponder this or give it a thought? If you are not vaccinated and you do not carry a (social credit card) chip will you be allowed in your local grocery store if the alarm sound when you pass the scanner at the door? 



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  On 4/9/2020 at 2:53 PM, tenfive0 said:

A few weeks ago, we had one death in our county attributed to this. The corpse was tested days later while in the morgue and the results were positive. The person who died was a woman 94 years old. More recently the death toll was up to (3) three. AS since, I've stopped counting or paying attention. The other two deaths were persons who do not even reside in our county. They just happened to die while they were staying here (I'm guessing) while escaping the scourge. One-person lived-in NY and the other person was from Connecticut.

Bill Gates says he can implant or chip (ID 2020) all those who have been vaccinated. Does anyone else see what is possibly happening to our civil liberties as a result of all this bullshi_?

China is the model for the new Society. If you descent in anyway your social credit card get cancelled. There are people in China who cannot get on a bus because they have been deemed not worthy of travel in their own country because they have objected against government oppression. 

Ponder this or give it a thought? If you are not vaccinated and you do not carry a (social credit card) chip will you be allowed in your local grocery store if the alarm sound when you pass the scanner at the door? 




We've had one death in the North half of the state. Iron county which has currently less than 5 total recorded infections, also a tourist retreat. 

We may be too broke (more broke) to afford government surveillance if they keep printing funny money. Right now its as bad or worse than the Obama years of running the cash printer so fast the bearings smoked.


Happy side note- 🎶 Ding Dong:whistling: the Bernie’s Gone!!! 🎼 :clap::dwave::notworthy::banana::tease:

There goes the moving van......:Mixer1:

Edited by Mack Technician
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  On 4/7/2020 at 1:02 PM, Red Horse said:

Have no  fear about Biden.  My bet is Mr Perez and the DNC recognize they are in the Alamo and they are encouraging Joe to  go out and mingle with folks as much as he can, and Joe..."be a man- no gloves or mask"


No they want him to run  and win. Biden with be the puppet run by  his VP Coumo unless Coumo replaces cookoo Joe as candidate.

As for Bernie dropping out. Every time he drops out of the running the DNC buys him a new house and increases his portfolio .


Edited by 41chevy


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 4/10/2020 at 4:32 PM, 41chevy said:

No they want him to run  and win. Biden with be the puppet run by  his VP (Coumo, Hillery or a hinted Adam Schiff) or Nancy P. 

As for Bernie dropping out. Every time he drops out of the running the DNC buys him a new house and increases his portfolio .



Well scary thought--he has already said  to Harris..."I'm coming for you Kid".   For sure it will be a woman and he gets double points for a minority.

  On 4/10/2020 at 4:45 PM, Red Horse said:

Well scary thought--he has already said  to Harris..."I'm coming for you Kid".   For sure it will be a woman and he gets double points for a minority.


Cali, NY, NY, Mass,Oregon, R.I. and Virginia all love Coumo's socialist agenda


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 4/9/2020 at 2:53 PM, tenfive0 said:

A few weeks ago, we had one death in our county attributed to this. The corpse was tested days later while in the morgue and the results were positive. The person who died was a woman 94 years old. More recently the death toll was up to (3) three. AS since, I've stopped counting or paying attention. The other two deaths were persons who do not even reside in our county. They just happened to die while they were staying here (I'm guessing) while escaping the scourge. One-person lived-in NY and the other person was from Connecticut.

Bill Gates says he can implant or chip (ID 2020) all those who have been vaccinated. Does anyone else see what is possibly happening to our civil liberties as a result of all this bullshi_?

China is the model for the new Society. If you descent in anyway your social credit card get cancelled. There are people in China who cannot get on a bus because they have been deemed not worthy of travel in their own country because they have objected against government oppression. 

Ponder this or give it a thought? If you are not vaccinated and you do not carry a (social credit card) chip will you be allowed in your local grocery store if the alarm sound when you pass the scanner at the door? 




Along those same lines, I just read about a 97 year old man who died in a nursing home. He wasn't sick. Didn't show any symptoms of the disease. Just died because he was old. After his death, they tested him, because there were others in the nursing home who were sick with it. His test came back positive, and so he's been added to the fraudulently inflated numbers to help scare the masses into submission.


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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!

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