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13 minutes ago, RowdyRebel said:

Along those same lines, I just read about a 97 year old man who died in a nursing home. He wasn't sick. Didn't show any symptoms of the disease. Just died because he was old. After his death, they tested him, because there were others in the nursing home who were sick with it. His test came back positive, and so he's been added to the fraudulently inflated numbers to help scare the masses into submission.



On Tuesday, Dr. Deborah Birx admitted to the American press a deception is being presented to the American people.  Our death toll is not the number we say that it is. Not as it counts towards the pandemic known as COVID-19.

For some unexplained reason Birx/Fauci  are counting deaths and attributing their cause to COVID-19, even if the actual cause of death was not COVID-19.

For example: A patient gets admitted to the hospital for organ failure due to late stage cancer. If the patient comes into contact with COVID-19 in the hospital and the virus shows up in a test either before or after death, that’s a COVID-19 fatality. Same with a heart attack/heart disease. Same with fill in the blank.

Never mind that as a nation we lose 54,000 persons a month to heart disease, and 50,000 per month to cancer.

But by “juicing the numbers,”  Fauci/Birx get to extend the misery, heighten the panic, and continue to command relevancy.

Considering deaths per month by COVID-19 are trailing heart disease, cancer, flu, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and even drug overdoses, it appears that “commanding that relevancy” is necessary. But why would we falsely count our causes of death from a public health perspective?

Governor Andrew Cuomo—whether in on the deception or not—announced on Monday that other diseases in New York City and State appeared to have just stopped existing. Literally claiming the unfathomable—that suddenly in his hospital system there were strangely "not a lot of non-COVID" patients anymore.


This goes with governors, mayors and LEO's  creating edicts as to what we can and can not be allowed to have or to do. Vermont and Rhode Island are now thinking of banning the sale of any consumer goods aside from food and medicine. No cloths, shoes appliances GUNS or other non essential  things they decide we can not have.

There is a drive in theater near me in Va, they owners were going to allow the local minister and priest to hold an Easter Mass and broad cast it into the vehicles via the radios. No non family in cars, no leaving the cars and no communion. Governor Al Jolson Northam said it is too dangerous to allow. People may watch the religious channel on cable otherwise he will not allow it.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


Why I heard that they do not have clear idea how many pass away, was or now sick or recover. For example in January and February before it became household name.  People thought people pass away because of flu, are sick with flu are recover from flu in fact they may have the virus instead.  Same goes when a person pass away most time they were never test for the virus. One death is too much

When you look at what’s going on you know your being semi-suckered. You.know this is spoon fed Bologna insomuch as you see they’re playing the fear game and see they’re “cooking the books” on the death toll. You also see the political 2020 plays going on......

All that garbage aside there’s truly some bad that shocks your conscience and make you feel genuinely broken about the mess.....People dying badly. The dying are isolated, not surrounded by family and a befriended pastor or Rabbi. The worst way for a man to leave this world is being treated like a diseased leper, quarantined, surrounded by strangers and then chucked into a furnace or wooden crate like leftovers that went south in the fridge. You feel genuinely bad for those families. They don’t get anything like a proper goodbye. 



Edited by Mack Technician
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I know quite a few people that have been sick with the symptoms, are told to self quarantine, experience a case of the flu, recover and are not counted

They even had an Orange County firefighter on tv the other night telling a similar story.

This is scary if you are in a high risk category

For me I am still working and enjoying the extra time with my family and working on some neglected projects

The bad thing is I haven’t seen my friends since this started and all the events that are cancelled or postponed

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The latest NEWS OUT of CHINA: The Government unveils new list of animals that can be farmed for MEAT, classifieds dogs as PETS.

I wounder were bats, cats and monkeys are at on the list?




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By watching the news, it seems only a handful recover fully. All we see are the TOTAL cases, but not actual present cases.

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Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

My ground zero theory has its legs. I said it early in this post, the Corona hit north central WI first. We had peeps in the hospital being told they had flu or respiratory sinus infections and the same number of old folks with flu pneumonia as every year. The center on the map isn’t clean blue because of social distancing, it’s because we already had our butts kicked 1-1/2 months ago. 

Our salesman says a traveling rep from McCoy C&F (John Deere) in Merrill (20 miles south) came from JDeere China in winter and got hospital sick, before they had a test over on this side of the pond.

I’d bet a weeks wage that center-most square stays blue till this is over. 



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The AIDS pandemic can teach us a lot about COVID-19- Early in that pandemic all we knew was that gay men in America and everyone in parts of Africa was dying of the mysterious disease. Years later we learned how AIDS spread and identified cases that were never diagnosed at the time of death going back to the 1960s and probably even earlier. We're seeing something similar with COVID-19- There are probably thousands who died in the early waves of the disease whose death certificates gave common causes of death like pneumonia. etc.. even though COVID-19 was the real cause. This is one of the trademarks of a major disaster- Like Katrina and the great Mississippi flood, we never get a full count of the dead.

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3 minutes ago, Maxidyne said:

Has anyone considered that by ignoring the COVID-19 pandemic and not protecting themselves enough republicans will die to throw the election to the democrats?

Diana,  At least with Bernie, events could have been kept interesting.  Not sure Joe has the stamina or internal drive for the campaign.

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It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

I'm not just talking about the presidency, I'm talking about races all down the ballot. Control of the White House, Senate, House, and a lot of state legislatures are decided by a handful of swing states where there are almost equal numbers of democrats and republicans. If either party loses even just a percent or two of their voters or has them unable to vote in hospitals that could throw the election. That's why I'm surprised so many republicans are taking such risks with the pandemic.

7 minutes ago, Maxidyne said:

I'm not just talking about the presidency, I'm talking about races all down the ballot. Control of the White House, Senate, House, and a lot of state legislatures are decided by a handful of swing states where there are almost equal numbers of democrats and republicans. If either party loses even just a percent or two of their voters or has them unable to vote in hospitals that could throw the election. That's why I'm surprised so many republicans are taking such risks with the pandemic.

I would say there are plenty of folks on both teams not following the various guidelines.


It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

Should the old saying be true “If your not a liberal when your young you have no heart and if when your old, and your not yet a conservative, you have no brain”. .... then it would be a conservative demographic hole being created by Covid. They say Winston Churchill said it? 

Truth of the matter, if your physically infirm good chance your not voting and don’t care about politics for the Sake of dying happy instead of pulling your hair out. Try getting an 80 year old to argue politics, they’ll stare right past you. 

On the flip side Corona seems prolific in black lifestyle? A Democrat group. 

Socialism backfire.....:

The peeps down south got stupid when Tony Evers opened our state parks for free. Started vandalizing/littering/destroying them. They had to close the parks in the South half. Something for free means RIFF RAFF. There’s good reason to charge money even for public access or they’d have the park system looking like an Indian Rez trailer park within the month. 

Edited by Mack Technician
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Large numbers of blacks and latinos and other low income folks are getting COVID-19 because they're stuck in jobs where they can't isolate. Meanwhile, the black kids on the inner city basketball courts and lilly white young invincibles hanging out together in rural america will keep congregating and spread the virus to their parents and grandparents who aren't so invincible. Fact is, there's a few jackasses everywhere and they come in all colors.

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1 hour ago, david wild said:

Wait till you get RPS, some get it and recover and some I guess just die I've had it and it's been a burden to bare but you must carry on. 


You also have PRS.....Pissed-off Republican Syndrome. Thankfully it’s only fatal if you watch CNN and an undiagnosed aneurism explodes 💀

(Sorry bro, I couldn’t help myself.)


7 hours ago, Mack Technician said:


You also have PRS.....Pissed-off Republican Syndrome. Thankfully it’s only fatal if you watch CNN and an undiagnosed aneurism explodes 💀

(Sorry bro, I couldn’t help myself.)


Don't worry when the Nancy crew return from Easter Break as per her returning between the 20th of April to the 1st of May (she has not decided yet which date) things will get going again.

Than we have  Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., stating during a recent livestream with constituents that a county in his district should withhold shipments of Lysol disinfectant to the state of Kentucky until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConell  R-Ky., relents in his opposition to Democrat-backed vote-by-mail measures amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"A fun fact about Somerset County -- we make 100 percent of the national supply of Lysol disinfectant," Malinowski said   "I thought about using that with, like Mitch McConnell," he went on. "Like, 'Hey, you know, we're going to hold up the Lysol to Kentucky until you pass our election security bill.'"

Malinowski noted that he was seeing some "thumbs up" from constituents participating in the livestream event.

Lysol parent company Reckitt Benckiser has a plant in Hillsborough Township, N.J.

I feel there is a small bit of hatred here


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


News from Philadelphia:

The city murder rate is at 100 the year to date, the highest it been in 13 years.

Apparently the homicidal maniacs and criminals in general didn't get the Governor and State Health Directors memo.

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