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     I just found out that Hank's Truck Forum will be no more in May. I have been searching for information and photos of 2 old trucking companies from Trenton, N.J. that were Mack trucks only. H.M.Royal is a chemical distributor still in business but with no trucks. My father worked there for 20 years and I for 2. They had trucks from A40, B61, F600, R600 and newer I think. Their trucks were Mack green with red frames and hauled aluminum dry vans and bulk tankers. They changed colors to white with blue frames and white dry vans.

     Herms Trucking was a for hire company that hauled everything including DuraFlame firelogs and Kingsford Charcoal in the Northeast. They also had a mix of B, R and F model trucks and dry vans and flatbeds. The B's were Mack green, the R's were red, black frames with white roofs and hood insets. The F's were white, black frames with orange/red stripes.

     Any information or photos to share would be greatly appreciated. I have googled to no avail for information but no luck. Thanks for any help

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Thanks for the info. I have seen both of these companies in my research but they are  from different states. The Herms Trucking I'm trying to get info on was an Inc. and their ICC # was 117676 I believe and can't locate much on them. They went bankrupt sometime in 1980 after a union organization attempt. I was hoping to locate someone who remembered them or had some photos. They were from Trenton, N.J.

Edited by navypoppop
mis spelling

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