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  On 2/8/2021 at 4:28 PM, mackey58 said:

Gee I had to pay 1500.00 must be to help you I guess


If you paid $1500, you did a lousy job of filling out your w-4's!  If you are saying your taxes increased by $1500, go back and reread my comment about the SALT cap!  How many years prior to the TCJA did the rest of us subsidize your Federal taxes?

I didn't need any help, so you guessed wrong.  Even with the reduction, I still payed more taxes than over 50% of Americans! 

i would like to know,,,,what the other party has been doing the past four years,,,,to improve this country,,,while drawing fat salerys.....why didnt these know it alls find a cure for covid,,,,,since they had absolutely nothing to do,for thier fat salerys but try to get trump impeached.....system sucking idiots.....bob

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The thing that irritates me is the wasted money and effort spent screwing Trump right from the start. I would like to know how much was wasted that could of been used for our bridges and roads. Start there and then continue with education and other social good works. But we need infrastructure first. And enough with the bulls--t doing away with coal and gas and petroleum. Right now we don't have anything better. I like heat in my house and gas in my truck and diesel in my mack.   

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  On 2/12/2021 at 7:11 PM, davehummell said:

The thing that irritates me is the wasted money and effort spent screwing Trump right from the start. I would like to know how much was wasted that could of been used for our bridges and roads. Start there and then continue with education and other social good works. But we need infrastructure first. And enough with the bulls--t doing away with coal and gas and petroleum. Right now we don't have anything better. I like heat in my house and gas in my truck and diesel in my mack.   


Let’s face it my brother,,,,, it’s all gods gift,,,, dig it out and use it .... jobs jobs jobs ...bring it .... bob

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  On 2/14/2021 at 1:57 PM, mackey58 said:

If you can rip on Biden I can rip on trump


How is pointing out those that are delusional and suffering from DTS and are so scared of Trump that they are trying to prevent him from even RUNNING again considered "ripping on Trump"?. The left is CLEARLY scared spitless of Trump, the right is not scared of Biden, the man, only scared of what Biden will do to the country in his medically demented state. He would have been bad back when he had all of his facilities but in his current state he is just plan dangerous. 

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It's not OK to attack our gov't... Just like it's not Ok to Shutdown travel within the U.S. ie: Florida.... But it's Ok to open up free travel into the U.S. through our southern border, and Without covid testing, B.T.W.    Common sense Know's No political party... Jojo

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