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All right our Fedex insurance was fabulous a few years back but now it’s the same old thing pay a lot more premiums and get a lot less…. Not sure what’s up with that but just another reason I say the system doesn’t care about you . Period. Then after retirement they’re hoping you just  croak . Glad you’re happy with your policy that’s excellent

1 minute ago, mowerman said:

All right our Fedex insurance was fabulous a few years back but now it’s the same old thing pay a lot more premiums and get a lot less…. Not sure what’s up with that but just another reason I say the system doesn’t care about you . Period. Then after retirement they’re hoping you just  croak . Glad you’re happy with your policy that’s excellent

Hopefully things get better for you. It’s when we get older we need affordable and extremely good coverage. Especially for medication. Not when we are young. 

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Just now, mowerman said:

Then they threw this at us  if you want your wife included it’s an extra 30 bucks which also includes children so if you don’t have any kids $30 still applies f———n  crooks…. Bob

It’s an insurance company what do you expect? Lol 

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9 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

bob, I bought 1000 rounds of 7.62x39  back in 2003, for $110.00, shipping included... I went last week to buy some...  $500.00 plus shipping...  .50c per shot, is too much to practice with,  but , a small price to remove a d-bag..  jojo.. it's a sad topic,, we shouldnt have to think about this...  ...F.J.B.  jojo

you think that is bad, my 45-70  is over $1.75 per round last i looked. 

i paid $1.15 per for the 500 round i have left three years ago. 

i also was lucky last week. $347 for 1000 rounds of 9MM 

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

About 20 years ago I competed in BR-50 and a box of 50 twenty two shells cost me about 14.00. It was rather expensive shooting my custom made 308 Bear that used 340 Weatherby casings that was for 1,000 yard competition my loads were 3,600 fps with a 240 grain boat tail. I also competed in black powder 300 yard bench rest using a Shilow open sight 45/70 I molded my own tips and used black powder. We also competed with standing shot at a small running metal target with small bore rifles and large bore rifles great fun and once a year I went with my friend and we shot at a van with our automatic weapons we had 30 cal. belt feeds I shot over 5,000 rounds at that shoot you should of seen that van when about 50 guys got done with shooting at it. My best shot was .046 off dead center at 1,000 yards and the best target was .200 of dead center and a 5 inch 10 shot group. I did some 50 yard off hand bullseye using my S&W model 41 and I did some 100 yard bullseye with a 22 cal. rifle was great fun now I can't see the sights.

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I dont get to shoot any.. I have neighbors that are too close to my house. I did build a handgun range here but folks around me got mad, so I took it down. .. I remember .79c 50 rd. boxes of .22 LR, Federal ammo,,  .99c for Winchester x...  at Trust Worthy hardware store in Gray Maine, ,,,,   now, almost $7.00/box and it's CCI at best..  crazy... jojo

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 forgot to add,,  I think my .303 Enfield will become 'wall art'  I only have about 50 rounds for it, and I can't find any, locally, and web sellers have been out of stock...  jojo

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11 minutes ago, tenfive0 said:

No one should be surprised. At least I'm not. I knew what we were getting with Obama and sleepy Joe. 

They can't get away with taking away our guns. You just won't be able to afford ammunition. They can't ban internal combustion engines. You just won't be able to afford to buy fuel.

 A direct quote from Joe Biden: "The only thing worse than a poorly planned intentional war is an unplanned unintentional war."

WAKE UP. It is all part of the plan. The globalist new world order. It is all a diversion. The dumbing down of the American society. They want everyone living in fear, taking away our liberties and freedoms. They are making housing and food unaffordable. They don't want any independent thinking. They want total control of our lives and people 100% dependent on a government subsistence. They'll give you just enough to survive. If you descent they'll take away the handouts and leave you to die. Russia and China are the model societies. WAKE UP. It's all part of the plan hoping no one in this country notices what they're up to.

There will be a civil war in time. When idk but I do know there is one coming. History repeats itself…kind of seeing it now with the Russia/Ukraine issue. 

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This is not the beginning. We are deep into the destruction of our society. What worries me is what the end will look like. My goal in life is to leave a better world for the next generation to inherit.

Edited by tenfive0
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Mack 11E.jpg

tenfiveO  I have a lot of the same veiws and thoughts  as you..  Not only is our government making it hard for us to be "Independent" but since Obama, if not since the mid '60's, they have been building a 'race war' pitting black against white...  when all hell breaks loose, how will we know who is our side?  just one of my crazy thoughts...  jojo

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a bank teller when asked of coin shortage , stated " there is none, the government started it". so many are in debt with plastic and when the paper dollar is worthless (like now ). no one will have coin to survive. ever stop and think of the motive behind things like james bond movies?  NOT money the bad guy wants world power.  check the details of the terminator movie. two came back in time because the world was a cluster f mess . sounds a little extreme (maybe ). for my grand children i feel sorry. notice how the virus is slowly coming back in the news! physer wants more of the billions of $$$ . now their saying a second dose is needed.  if (when) the end shows up ; i want to be sitting in a beautiful (green dash) DM800

3 hours ago, 67RModel said:


3 hours ago, 67RModel said:

"I don't see it as some big government conspiracy stripping us of our rights per se. That is just a symptom of the real problem. The real problem is your average "Johnny lunch bucket" American voting this way (from town mayors to The President) and being OK with the outcome, giving his money to the wrong interests, and not being educated enough in history, finance, economics, and science to a degree. Life has become too easy, too comfortable, and too detached from reality in this country...too much resentment for neighbors and fellow mankind. The onus is on the citizens. The poor quality politicians are just a product of the people who elect them.  Unfavorable policies follow in the wake of poor quality politicians."

Yes, people vote for "what is good for ME, right NOW" and not what is best for the country. They vote for whoever is promising them the most free stuff at the moment, never thinking of the consequences of "free stuff", that's not really free at all.

"I wants my free $#!t!"

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

so true OD..  I didnt agree with President Trump on everything, nor did I like his Nasty ways towards some people, even some Democrats, but in my mind, He had the interest of the country in his heart and mind.  That is what I liked..  I just spent $60.00 for diesel since yesterday. I only grossed about $350.00 due to parts issues and bad weather..  the extra $25.00 I spent isn't much, but it is still not in my pocket..  I cry inside for the guys that have (2) 100+ gallon fuel tanks to fill every few days.  I guess I dont really have a point, other than, the effects of our current issue is relative to each of us, weather I spend 35 percent more for fuel, to fill my Isuzu, or you guys fill youre Macks..  Jojo

  • Thanks 1

looks like a 'ring' door bell.. people are stealing gas...  its funny... I just ordered 100 of those stickers from amazon 2 days ago  jojo

Edited by Joey Mack
too much info
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