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  On 2/18/2023 at 2:27 PM, Mark T said:

You mean like a virus or something ??  One capable of destroying an economy and creating a major change in life as we know it ?    Wanna go halvsies  on a roll of aluminum foil ?


Just make sure to get the heavy duty roll.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

  On 2/18/2023 at 11:50 PM, High Binder said:

Many people don't know and most probably care but in 1966, our wonderful congress made professional sports teams tax exempt. No wonder they can pay crazy salaries to participants. No wonder it's great to be a team owner. 


That doesn’t surprise me at all along with the well education thier supposed to have thats why we wind  up with no class no respect overpaid troublemaking thugs talking mainly football of course I am a big baseball fan but we don’t have cable and we almost never get to see any games 

  On 2/18/2023 at 4:17 AM, Joey Mack said:

Why is the Ohio train wreck, unimportant to the Biden Klan?  He sends billions to Ukraine, and yet its over a week now, and FEMA is not going in to help.. What will the next major incedent will be? These Democrats are litteraly destroying our Great Country, right in front of us, and smiling the whole time. I'm at a loss..  I am not crazy.  I am simply at a loss for any explanation for this..  


when billions of $$$  are sent overseas or anywhere for that matter ; it never gets there. all the pockets filled along the way take it. why would FEMA go to a toxic chemical spill ; don't you realize they might get sick. it's high hope that miles of paperwork FEMA has to fill out first will take long enough so the danger will pass.then they can show up when the cameras are there.

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It is lost on me why this continues to happen on a regular basis. Not even a year ago in May of 2022, 17 cars of a Norfolk Southern train derailed in the Harmar Twp neighborhood of Pittsburgh spilling petroleum distillates into the Allegheny River. Before that in 2018 a Norfolk Southern train derailed in the Station Square area of Pittsburgh spilling 8 train cars full of Listerine mouthwash. I mean maybe the consequences for having a train derail are not great enough? I can almost guarantee the root cause of most of these derailments are some level of negligence. Although probably not criminal, just that the standards, regulations, and penalties are not at all high enough. How is it that airplanes basically never fall out of the sky even with a complete engine failure or other major defect arises midflight?  There is already surveillance video of this train that derailed in Ohio that shows an axle assembly completely on fire 15 miles before it derailed. How is that possible? These freight trains and rail operators seem to have skirted major scrutiny for far too long. If your going to be carrying tens of thousands of gallons of hazardous chemicals and toxins through peoples backyards and across potable drinking watersheds then you better have a much more robust set of standards and penalties in place. The minimum fine for something like this should be $50,000,000 and say $5,000,000/day until the site and affected area is completely cleaned up and remediated to pre crash status. If these rail operators had something to loose maybe they wouldn't allow their trains to derail. I think where the government really has failed its citizens is not being proactive enough and allowing this kind of disaster to happen in the first place. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, and Nixon administrations and congresses.....all the way back to the Conrail days when the federal government bailed these clowns out from Bankruptcy, made them profitable, and then turned them back into private sector hands again.

Edited by 67RModel
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I remember foil on the rabbit ears very well..  Global warming is a lie..  the earth is gonna do whatever it wants too..  Big Ego's think they can control it..  

Well, California Nevada I have had the worst winter for a lot of years so it’s certainly not warming up much  around here furthermore, I don’t know what that coward was doing and Ukraine but then I’m sure he had 4 billion bodyguards around him….  Bob

I guess that was my point  Bubba, anything that coward could do to avoid taking care of his own people and exposing the railroad to the nation that they don’t give a flying hoot about anybody but themselves and run around with thier heads in thier asses another case of washing their hands to  the entire matter… 

the 4 billion $$ is a small part of wasted money. the $$ for planning , security , and i'm sure he didn't  sleep in a tent. I don't know why idiot had to go to Poland to screw the Polacks up .  dumb as he is ; must be smart enough not to want ending up like Kenndy, he's not going to offend the railroad.

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Here is a real brain twister: what is worse? Biden going abroad and flapping his gums or Kamala going abroad and flapping her gums? Maybe is not a brain twister I. I don't know. It seems they are both pretty weak at conveying a coherent message just in different ways.

  On 2/21/2023 at 6:02 PM, mowerman said:

Frankly, they are both very embarrassing and I am sure most of us have no idea how they got to where they are 


on the contrary, i am sure all of us know exactly how those two got where they are.

when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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