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On 12/21/2023 at 6:56 PM, Joey Mack said:

There are WAY too many ''Feelgood '' stories about how A.I. is the solution to the issue at hand...   Bull Sh!t !!!!!!


Spitballing, but I was thinking the other day that the movie "The Matrix" may not have been that far off.  Elon Musk is over there trying to build Neuralink, which is a fascinating hopeful opportunity for people with paralysis or Cerebral Palsy. (which I am convinced my 10 month old has to some degree; we've had her in physical and occupational therapy weekly since she was 3 months old to try and remap her brain to help mitigate some of the consequences of a traumatic birth)

If Neuralink takes off, it's not gonna be long before "immortality" becomes a thing.  They're already able to grow chicken meat in a lab by putting meat cells in some sort of solution. When they fine-tune Neuralink they'll be able to hook your consciousness up to a network, dump your brain and organs into some solution like the chicken, and let you run around and live your life indefinitely in Dreamworld controlling a robot from your artificial womb bath.


Other thought I had was that AI will decide we're the problem, kill us off, which will kill off CO2 production, which will make the plants use up all the CO2 to make oxygen, then the plants will suffocate from lack of CO2 and the AI will be left alone to do God only knows what on a planet devoid of all life. Earth will be a barren wasteland. Though I haven't factored in what happens to all the animals, maybe the EATR robot that eats bio-mass to keep charged will eat all the animals. And whatever's left of plant matter as it rots down.


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Musk,,,, too bad we don’t have some of that talent running this country people like that always striving to reach another level.. instead were stuck with system, sucking trash. That does absolutely nothing but run this place further and further into the toilet, while the rest of the globe is laughing at us.. bob

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16 hours ago, JoeH said:

Though I haven't factored in what happens to all the animals, maybe the EATR robot that eats bio-mass to keep charged will eat all the animals. And whatever's left of plant matter as it rots down.


Pretty straight forward actually. When the plants disappear, the herbivores disappear. When the herbivores disappear, the carnivores disappear. The only life left on earth will be in the ocean because, without CO2, NOTHING. survives topside. 

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not counting the viet Nam conflict (it didn't meet the requirements -yes they have them ) to be called officially a war. the generation of my parents had for the most part a positive future for their children. sadly I can't say the same for my daughters children. 

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1 hour ago, h67st said:

If Paul Harvey saw the state of our country today, he'd be disgusted.

He was already disgusted 50 years ago but at least had HOPE that all could be corrected. Unfortunately all hope is LONG gone. The United States of America is in a steep dive and is way too close to the ground for ANYONE to pull out of it. It is not a question of IF the USA will crash and burn, it is simply a question of when and even that is not much in question by those that know how world finance works. FWIW, Canada is riding in the back of the plane. 


P.S. Merry Christmas

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51 minutes ago, Joey Mack said:

200,000 illegals came through our southern border, so far,  this month..   


Well at least The Biden Klan cares about Ukraine and Israeli borders..   

Yep, I saw that on the news earlier today.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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