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Mack Technician

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Once again shame on those around Joe.  Came across a news article he may have crapped his pants on stage in front of the French president?  Absolute shame on everyone around him parading him around when he's this far gone.  I get it most of us don't like the guy in the first place, but we at least should recognize his human dignity and call out the people puppeting him around. Retire him and surround him with his loved ones and call it a day. Give the reins over to VP Llama already.

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On 6/6/2024 at 4:41 PM, Joey Mack said:

Are there any cattle,pig, or poultry farmers seeing this?   Why is there diseases being found in cattle and deer??  farmers are killing their cattle, and I think in Texas, there is a group killing deer because of a wasting disease..  It just seems strange to me...  I have ZERO knowledge of farming livestock, but for have 50 chickens, some ducks, turkeys and a couple pigs for our food source, many years ago..  never had any issues with disease, just varmints...  This just seems odd to me that a source of food is in some sort of jeopardy..  Is it real?? 

I haven't seen anything about it but I've been out of the loop for a month now. I know the deer south of us get a "zombie disease" that turns them into walking vegetables. Saw a video of a deer with the disease walking around with its back half torn to bits. I think it is spread by ticks and such, don't know if it spreads to cows. 

By no means am I a cattle expert with my herd of 4 lol

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NEVER give stupid people the chance to prove they are dumber than you think they are.

I asked a rocket scientist to name one good thing pedo joe has done....

His reply was "kept Trump from getting a second term"   that was all he could think if.

Now that I think of it, He could have been a brain sturgeon and not a rocket scientist 

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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I'll take mean tweets over pooping on stage in front of the world...

Absolutely outrageous the image we project with this guy...

Edited by JoeH
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