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12 hours ago, Miami Cossack said:

Ok so, just for giggles: Who do you predict RUNS on the D side? Big Mike? Hillary? Hair Gel? Someone else? My money is on Big Mike. Hillary has some swamp juice backing her, so it could be her. But I say Big Mike checks too many boxes

#1: hitlery

#2: newscum

#3: big mike

#4:  crazy bernie

#5: the white cat

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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and as far as bernie,,,,,he needs speech classes then point him to a barbershop and a tailer,,,,,,joker shows up on global news channels TV looking like hes homeless,really jackass,,,,you are a millionaire,,,correct.... and 10-4 on the hairgel.....makes jerry brown look like a Genius   bob

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Michele Obama is going to be our president for the rest of this year, and then the Nov. Vote will be rigged as usual, and Michele will be the 2024 winner..  I want to be wrong....  

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On 6/27/2024 at 7:33 AM, Red Horse said:

Well to add to this bullshit, after declaring Mass is a sanctuary state, she then flys down to the border to plead with officials not to send any more gate crashers as we have no more room-  to the tune we are spending 75 million-yes million -for their living "expenses"..a good deal for hotel owners that leased out to the state.  She continues to say.."the federal govt. must do  more"

Plus we had a prison that had been closed -Norfolk-that she decides to reopen to house these people.   The people in that town are enraged but have no say.

Oh for chrissakes sorry to hear that bud
I know I grew up there myself and the only thing I didn’t like about the place was two many  taxes and the weather sucks You sure got a whole lot more to worry about now. I’m sure dummies that decide to be sanctuary. Didn’t think they would travel that far. Bob

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I understand New York has the same issue with too many border jumpers You probably saw that story where Texas sent a bunch of them to New York. Here you go bleeding hearts ….And I hear as far as taxes go they tell me a New Jersey is even worse than Massachusetts. I don’t know that’s what I hear. Bob

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3 hours ago, Brocky said:

The WHOLE blankety blank Northeast is way over taxed!!!!!!!

Brocky, There are no taxes here in the "Live Free or Die" state. At least none they will tell you about. lol  No sales or income tax but, l had a "view tax" until the trees grew and l lost my so called view. Had to have the town come down and take a look for themselves.    .....Hippy

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