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Best of Biden

Mack Technician

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I say... All Good..  Biden is dead, I mean,,, not running the country anymore, I mean,,,  O'bama has a new puppet..  I guess this thread can be called..   ''The Best of O'Bama''.

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I’m surprised we haven’t heard from that system sucking trash and his transgender side kick wasn’t running his hole every time you turn around but yes, I have heard that before. He was too busy pulling the puppet strings after thinking it over quite carefully the same shit went down when he was president. I’m surprised the nation isn’t completely out of money by now. Just think a fourth term handed down to that piece of shit just for the asking kind of scary unbelievable…. but with  trump‘s mouth that he can’t seem to keep shut. It’s just liable to go down that way.yeah bud just hand over the title to the drag queen with no political experience….wow 

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2 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

Bob, my answer to unwanted visitors, was a remote control driveway gate.  I made it myself out of Lowe's chain link fence parts from the garden center.. It is NOT pretty, but it has been drawing a line for 8 years now. I have an electric gate operator that works just fine..  If I happen to se the God Squad ( nothing against Christians),,park on my street, I watch them walk up and down my road to see how to get to my door bell..  It's funny..  I have 400 + feet of frontage all fenced in..  

I just had the wife answer the door wearing nothing but a 14" strap-on.  They've never been back!

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2 hours ago, mowerman said:

Well, here we go changing the subject again ha ha I guess that was my call

we will let it go THIS time ;; you have an excuse ' blame it on the extreme temperate change Alaska to Nevada. LOL

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The BIG Lies

"Trump owns the Afghanistan withdrawal. He cut a bad deal with the Taliban to withdraw (he takes credit for it!), forcing Biden to clean it up and making a chaotic exit practically inevitable." —Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)

"I know the importance of safety and security, especially at our border." —Kamala Harris

"We will pass a middle-class tax cut." —Kamala Harris

                                                                                         -Patriot Post-

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An unrealized gains tax?! How many times do I have to say it, how dumb could someone possibly be? There is no denying the malicious intent of that one. Make the Great Depression great again! Should be there slogan 

On that note I better start canning my garden stuffs.

Edited by BOBWhite
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