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An old timer told me once back in the 70s with the salaries these baseball players are getting they oughta be hitting home runs every time up at bat ha ha I agreed with him 100% even back then Ridiculous what they pay some of the sports guys but on the other hand, it’s not my problem and it doesn’t affect me at all how much they make

On 12/29/2024 at 10:24 AM, mechohaulic said:

"TV" for me is the B M T forums. NO commercials; sometimes it's a comedy, or possibly knowledgeable learning lesson. get to "chat" with the writers !! and let us NOT forget pictures posted !!!! what more can an old man ask for.

That reminds me of "Spot the Wonder Dog". It was a running joke on BMT for a long time. Different guys would "write" different parts and add to the story. It seemed hilarious at the time. I guess it could be found it you typed it in the search bar.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

On 12/29/2024 at 7:53 PM, mowerman said:

An old timer told me once back in the 70s with the salaries these baseball players are getting they oughta be hitting home runs every time up at bat ha ha I agreed with him 100% even back then Ridiculous what they pay some of the sports guys but on the other hand, it’s not my problem and it doesn’t affect me at all how much they make

BUT I do have to disagree with the part " doesn't affect me how much they make "; if the players weren't getting hundreds of millions to play a game; the spectators wouldn't have to pay "hundreds of dollars" for a ticket to see the game at the stadium. one case where TV watching the game cheaper and get to see reruns of all . I can say have been to Yankee stadium and the dodger /red socks ??? stadium .didn't cost me a dime = doing deliveries not game watching.

side note : I don't remember talking to you in the '70's(an old timer told me once back in the 70's )LOL 

  • Haha 1

Benny,,,, used to bump into him in a bar I used to go to grouchy ole Gus… been to Yankees stadium twice and about the same Fenway bought some stuff at Yankees stadium I thought thier prices were pretty fair but tickets for any pro teams are usually a fortune these days… now thier talking about a soccer field here except taxpayers to pick up the bill lol 

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Our Carolina Panthers stadium is used for pro soccer, more than NFL games.. the stadium is always full of illegals having a good time .  

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  • Haha 1

I always asked why I.C.E. doesn't setup outside the stadium for when the game lets out..  50,000 + illegals can be caught.  Of course they would have to find storage for all of them

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I just don't like making stereo type judgments on large groups of people esp when based on just one thing.

 I, like most, I would guess, wouldn't have to look too far to find immigrants in their family tree. I know I don't.

I have no love for those that commit these heinous acts, but they are evil, themselves, not other groups they may be part of.

 If he was a bowler, I wouldn't hate all who bowl.

2 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

I agree.. i dont judge all because of '1'. One thing i believe is that all Muslims are not ISIS, but all ISIS are muslims,   that is my belief based on what I see happening in our country and in Europe,. If you actually knew me personally, you would see on day one, that I love all people, I also love the U.S.A.  What happened this morning is just a new start to whats coming..  I live in a densely populated area with a lot of crime. We have many soft targets here.. I expect, of I lived in the middle of the U.S. in sparsely populated farm land I would feel much safer.. unfortunately, i have made a life for myself in a part of the U.S.A. that requires me to be concerned about who is around me and my Wife.  

For what this is worth.... My Grand Parents came from Italy, they needed permission and sponsorship to enter, had to learn english and get a job..  I have a clue.... 

Sitting here listening to Saga eating popcorn. She sings like a Beautiful Arian Angel.

I spent damn near 50 years living and working in the Phila area. It's horrible there now. Look at Kensington for Gods sake. I remember when Kensington was a White working class neighborhood full of Irish and Poles.



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