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Evolution of the E7 Engine


Can anybody give me somewhat of a detailed history of the E7 engine? I'm more concerned about how the fuel system on the engine changed over time. I'm aware that a full mechanical engine was made and that a ECM controlled engine was made. However I've recently found another model for sale that uses the mechanical fuel injection pump but utilizes what looks like a electronic stepping motor to run the throttle. We have a full mechanical E7 in our fleet and we're convinced that it is the best engine to ever roll off of Macks assembly line. I would just like some history on how the E7 changed over time and what models proved to be the most powerful and service free over time. 

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Thank You very much VMAC3! I have been searching for this exact information for a week and nowhere on the web can I find any literature or history on the E7 engine. I have just purchased a 1997 CH613 Gold Dog Mack with the E7-400, T2130 13-SPD, and 3.78 Mack rears. The truck has 425,000 original miles. I believe that the engine is a VMAC2 but I have not ran the VIN or engine serial number to verify that yet. It is by far one of the nicest 23 year old trucks I have ever seen. 


I should preface this with we have owned a 1996 CH613 with the Full Mechanical E7 for over 20 years now. It has been turned up quite a bit and it will run circles around our 450HP Cat 3406E's. This 1997 Mack that I just bought will be our first Mack with any electronics on it. I was somewhat familiar with the VMAC3 engines but was totally unaware that Mack actually produced an E7 with a electronically controlled In-Line Bosch Pump until recently. 

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you said you dynoed some of the VmacII E7s and they would put down 20% more than advertised. was this with the mechanical pump and injectors?


The full Mechanical E7 macks I have driven always outperformed the electronic versions. They pulled and you could feel it. the electronics were all very sleepy.  I know the later E7 may have been better on fuel but they were guttless in the hills.

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"L"    I know what you are saying about "Sleepy"  In some case's I changed the "governor" setting from Min-Max.... to" All speed" and it would perk it up some, However< you are at the mercy of the E.C.M...... I drove 427"s and 400's.. 13 spd. and 18 spd.  puling over loaded dump trailers... The 400 with 18 spd, (Didn't know the rear gears at that time). did a heck of a lot better, country road hills, mabey, drop 1 gear then split down 1 time was enough to pull the hill and not be a rolling road block. I was a young driver back then, 1999,, But that was my experience, I came out of a 79 R model, 350/ 9speed.. and nothing else... well, it had power steering...  Jojo..

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On 12/22/2020 at 6:54 PM, Joey Mack said:

"L"    I know what you are saying about "Sleepy"  In some case's I changed the "governor" setting from Min-Max.... to" All speed" and it would perk it up some, However< you are at the mercy of the E.C.M...... I drove 427"s and 400's.. 13 spd. and 18 spd.  puling over loaded dump trailers... The 400 with 18 spd, (Didn't know the rear gears at that time). did a heck of a lot better, country road hills, mabey, drop 1 gear then split down 1 time was enough to pull the hill and not be a rolling road block. I was a young driver back then, 1999,, But that was my experience, I came out of a 79 R model, 350/ 9speed.. and nothing else... well, it had power steering...  Jojo..

Hey Joey, I'm curious what tools do I need to change the governor setting from Min-Max to All Speed? What's the difference between the two settings?

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Pro link 9000.. hand held programmer...  with the V-Mac II "Card"... There was no internet connection then... I am rusty now, I would have to be there with the tool and "Wing it"... There are plenty of Guy's here that can help better than me..  Go Bulldog! Jojo

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Glenn, I dont remember if it's in there either. The MIN-MAX setting I Know is in V-Mac III..  I only posted the Pro-link because of the year of the truck. Like I said.. I am rusted when it comes to the Pro-Link, however, I would love to own one with an assortment of cards..  Jojo

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I went to the shop and found that mine and connected it up and i found the info in governor information.Mine was set at min/max and i set it to all speed not know what that means.I know what other engines means when you set it to VSG.I will know if this helps any in the response.

glenn akers

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Min-Max was related to the cruise control settings.. and fuel management for power demands with your right foot.  All Speed is supposed to act like a mechanical pump, all in the right foot...  I think i got that right...  Getting rusty sucks!!!

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I also loved the mechanical E7. My memory is fuzzy on the years, but I pulled dump trailers with a CL that had a mechanical E7 400 and it pulled every bit as good as the E7 454 and two  2000 E7 460's I ran. And it was bulletproof.

It's just too bad that when I had my 2000 CH E7 460 it was a nightmare but now we all know all the fixes for them and it could have been a great engine.

It cooked 5 air dryers and compressors from the casting sand issue, dropped a valve and had that bad mass ground issue that no dealer at the time could ever figure out.

But like I said, when it decided to run, it pulled great and got awesome MPG's.

Knowing all the fixes now, I'd love to still have that truck.

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16 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

Min-Max was related to the cruise control settings.. and fuel management for power demands with your right foot.  All Speed is supposed to act like a mechanical pump, all in the right foot...  I think i got that right...  Getting rusty sucks!!!

correct Joe ! The way I understood it at the time was for driver feel ! the min max setting Made the engine brake respond as if you were driving a cummins or mech engine  , You had to have your foot all the way off the pedal for the engine brake to engage (NO Fuel position) .The all speed setting was as if you were driving a Mack with a normal dynatard instant response as you let your foot up even a little on the throttle the brake would come on ! Just my thoughts on this ! As mentioned  above we were encouraged to set min-max for best  the throttle response!

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fuel filters, re-run the valve's, change governor setting to 'allspeed'..  if you have the big turbo, make sure the VGT actuator moves properly, replace the air filter for the VGT...  clear out all MID128 codes...  jojo

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