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What are some of the common causes for a 1995 Mack CH to lose its fuel prime overnight? The truck has lots of hours on it (around 20,000+) and ever since the cold weather has hit, the truck will not start in the morning without priming the fuel pump.

Could it be the primer unit, injector seals, return line grommets, or return line itself?

Any common possible solutions to my problem would be greatly appreciated.


Anseeuw Brothers Ltd.

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Sometimes you can find the culprit by putting a little air pressure on the fuel tank. If it's an external line or grommet it will usually show up pretty quickly. Just don't go overboard with the pressure, 10 to 20 psi should be plenty. This new ULSD is very dry and is causing a lot of hose and seal issues, especially on older equipment.

  pudder said:
What are some of the common causes for a 1995 Mack CH to lose its fuel prime overnight? The truck has lots of hours on it (around 20,000+) and ever since the cold weather has hit, the truck will not start in the morning without priming the fuel pump.

Could it be the primer unit, injector seals, return line grommets, or return line itself?

Any common possible solutions to my problem would be greatly appreciated.


Anseeuw Brothers Ltd.

Number one cause of fuel prime loss is any filters you have with plastic bowls on them on the primary side!

Racor ect!If you have one of these on your unit by pass it and see if the problem goes away!

Aside from that start at the begining check for loose fittings if the engine is vmac it has an orfice no leak off valve ,the primer Could be the problem but start with the cheap and easy stuff first!

if it is a mechanical engine check the leak off valve, the spring may be broken.

  fjh said:
Number one cause of fuel prime loss is any filters you have with plastic bowls on them on the primary side!

Racor ect!If you have one of these on your unit by pass it and see if the problem goes away!

Aside from that start at the begining check for loose fittings if the engine is vmac it has an orfice no leak off valve ,the primer Could be the problem but start with the cheap and easy stuff first!

if it is a mechanical engine check the leak off valve, the spring may be broken.

I changed a 60S out on a IHC dump truck about 3 years ago out here at the house and the owner got a later usede engine and i put it in. Next morning afet it was do0ne i tried to start it and it had lost its prime. When i found it it was the plastic bowl on the single filter taken place of the two detriot filters leaking. I ask him what was wrong with his old engine. He said it will never start wgen i what it to. The engine cant be trusted so i got me a good one. I told him he still had the same proble and i repaired it. I said what are you going to do with that engine and he said will you haul it off for me . Sure. It was 11.1 DD but about 3 months later a girl need it for her dump truck . She was happy and i was happy. It runs 5 or 6 days a week ever since then. glenn

glenn akers

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