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Thanks Bob..  I will work on it between the 2 engines I have in the shop.  I usually use Sunday for Me and My Girl..  As far as the engine,  I may just look for a 4 stroke 50+ H.P. engine..  I expect it will be around 3 G's, but with the cost of boats today,, It may be the right direction..  Hope you are having a Swinging weekend...  Jojo

5 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

I agree with a lot of the posts, Bob..  I have been picking on my boat that sank 11 years ago.  Its a small boat, but its a cool little boat.  I had to shovel out the dirt, and leaves and pecan tree sprouts out of it, the whole floor is rotted. I removed the old floor and have cleaned it  pretty good..  yes, the floor needs a lot of help, but I will get it done. I will re-enforce the hull, then put 2 sheets of pressure treated ply wood on it, one as a sub floor and then the one that will have the carpet on it..  My big challenge is, do I re-biuld the 1969 mercury gas hog that was on it  65 HP 4 cyl. 2 stroke..  




Gilligan Im sure a little Thermodyne would be the go

In board, the boat is calling for, there's a recess in the floor already lol

I'll take myself off to the naughty corner 



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My brother-in-law had a boat like that one kind of sorta I guess it was mainly just the same size but it had a six cylinder Volvo car engine in it. He said he was going to give me the boat. I never did see it. Over here I don’t know what happened, there was nothing wrong with it said he was gonna go get another one and give me that one No, he has no boat at all and neither do I. … bob

OK more sanding today Barry message me couple of days ago said he had a order ready for me. He has been working on for a couple of years pretty excited about that but don’t get the wrong idea I kept telling him take your time there’s no hurry half the stuff was back ordered Because of covert so now I have just about all the parts I need except for paint supplies, tires, and a possible steering box rebuild kit I’m sure that will be an extra three Gs or so 

Well, I’m shooting for a flatbed right now. I’m hoping I live long enough to at least finish what I got. My neighbor has a rolloff or whatever car hauler flatbed that he does absolutely nothing with. That’s what I really want but yes, I’m still going with those two colors and thanks for asking message Barry this morning. I was getting ready to pay him for the order he is not answering I don’t know why, maybe he took a couple of days off right now I’m guzzling coffee trying to wake up. My puppies kept me up late last night barking. I thought I would sleep in and I woke up at the same time as a regular workday. I am a little biffed  over that..

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I am hoping I’m not dragging my ass all day. I really did not have a lot planned anyway. Our goal was to finish the standing on the nose not the grinding fiberglass just getting all the red off old lady is in Boston visiting her grandbabies. It’s just me and the puppies if I’m too tired to do anything else I’ll just lay around all day.

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As I mentioned in my little hillbilly area, nobody likes to sell anything around here it just sits and sits i’ve been living next-door to this guy for 17 years. I’ve only seen him sell one old caterpillar. It had a Cranks start. I think it was gas. so I’m not hoping for miracles. He also has a flatbed that would fit right nice on it. Maybe he will at least let that one go ha ha convenience if nothing else he’s right next door and he has two big forklifts. I could pick it up with bob

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I guess it takes as long as it takes


Pouring coffee into me doesn't help one little bit, after a while all it does is give me a sore throat, lucky for me the medicine for a sore throat is bourbon, although it has never been said I can tell by narrowing eye stare and the grumpyness that follows, my medicine and the reasons behind it are not fully understood by the Princess


Anyway, happy sanding, if you need a painter and some leading astray I might fly Mal and I over, we need some time off for bad behavior 🤪🙂

Happy sanding 




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years back I was told to "take a shot of Jagermeister each day, will never have stomach problems". can't say I had one everyday but considering the "abuse" physically /mentally I have put this body through  it may work.  never ate/slept right . single had the worse eating habits. mechanic had definitely the worse sleeping habits. never get shots(needles) for flu/ covid or other illnesses . will probably change now that I wrote this though. and "knock on wood"(hitting my head at moment) ,don't get sick much.

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Yeah, same here. I’m very lucky for as much abuse . I’ve been through OK finally got outside. Decided to tackle the right side nose latch. Bolts are also partly frozen able to move them. A few turns then they get hard. I’m just going to take my time and keep spraying them, continue winding them in and out I am sure they will come out if I am patient without breaking OK 15 minutes of fiddling back in the house more TV ha ha

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thanks Bob..  I really should have done more sooner.  I have had a handfull  of repairs to do on my house and trucks, and its been Hot as Hell here too. When I do this work I make sure I am mentally ready to stay in my shop for 4-6 hours and get things done..  Jojo

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