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Hey there, I got an issue with my truck that I can’t figure out. The truck will run about half a day with no issues. Then out of no where he’ll lose throttle response and truck drops from 50 mph to 30 mph and he has to coast to a complete stop. Once at a complete stop he turns the key off and cranks the truck back on and he’ll continue driving. It does this about every 10 minutes after the first time it does it. What’s interesting is it does it in the middle of the day and after only. Never does it in the morning. Might be a coincidence but this truck is making me lose sleep lol

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Don’t have answer but will tell my version.  Mp8 water in fuel light come on, (ended up being bad sensor) so changed fuel filters and added a water dispursement liquid that is made by a company that also makes our antigel for winter months.  Never used this product before and won’t again.     Drive for 2 hours and it loses power, make it home change fuel filters and goes great for 2 hours.   Shut off. No filters with me.      Restart and goes great for 2 hours.    Restart then good for 2 hours again,   I see the connection so finally when tanks are almost  completely empty we drain them out the bottom.   Fill with fresh fuel and no trouble ever again.   Is there a pickup screen in the tank plugging and it would clean itself when engine is off?  That was our thoughts and maybe yours.  

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