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I’m collecting the free digital copies of the service manuals on the Mack emedia center website.  I noticed there is no Cab and Hood book at all (17-601).

Used paper copies are available on eBay  but the latest revision I can find is ‘96. Did they make a ~2003 update for that book?

I have a 2001 CX and I am messing around upgrading the cab and working on the doors.  This stuff isn’t that hard to figure out but it’s always nice to have the book and come up with a plan before you get too far into the work.

I suppose I could use the older book.  I bet a lot of that stuff stayed the same through year 2000.  It just seems odd that I can’t find an updated book.  I am going to order the sleeper book which is 17-603.  There is another sleeper book for older able-body sleepers which is 17-602.  Did they just decide they didn’t need to update the cab book?


Edited by zeault
left out a word by accident
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